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Tusenfryd Discussion Thread

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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay so I was expecting some massive explosion so I am a little disappointed. Thinking about it though how many rides have had explosives used during construction? I know Nemesis was but I can't think of any others.


There was a bigger explosion today

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Okay so I was expecting some massive explosion so I am a little disappointed. Thinking about it though how many rides have had explosives used during construction? I know Nemesis was but I can't think of any others.

I am sure that the Congo River Rapids at Alton Towers did too. Plus of course Gatekeeper at Cedar Point did if you count them demolishing Space Spiral


Thanks for the construction pictures, I am a massive fan of rapids so am excited to see another one in Europe. I've not been to Tusenfryd for years so will have to try and get back soon. I love Norway

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Here's today's construction work



Here's the blast



This was on TV some weeks ago, forgot to share it with you guys, they are making waffle batter while riding Speed Monster. The clip is in Norwegian but still fun to watch.





It took them over two hours to clean the train after.

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I like both the name and the logo, it's fitting for a rapids ride based on Norse mythologi. While it's not the ride I personally wanted, I feel I'm becoming more and more positive to the ride, and I think it will fit well at Tusenfryd and the area of the park it's located in. I will definitely have fun riding it. Also looking forward to see the outcome of the theming.


For those not familiar with Norse mythologi:


In Norse mythology, Ragnarök is a series of future events, including a great battle foretold to ultimately result in the death of a number of major figures (including the gods Odin, Thor, Týr, Freyr, Heimdallr, and Loki), the occurrence of various natural disasters, and the subsequent submersion of the world in water. Afterward, the world will resurface anew and fertile, the surviving and returning gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors. Ragnarök is an important event in the Norse canon, and has been the subject of scholarly discourse and theory.





From tusenfryd.no

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  • 3 weeks later...

Winter has arrived TusenFryd and the building site of Ragnarok










Pics are from TusenFryd's Construction Page.


Here are a clip of the blast from last week


And a pic taken from the webcam just 15 min ago.


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