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Six Flags Magic Mountain's X2 Media Day

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Batman = 50 mph

Ninja = 55mph

Revolution = 55 mph

Colossus = 62 mph

Tatsu = 62 mph

Scream = 63 mph

Deja Vu = 65 mph

Riddler's = 65 mph

Viper = 70 mph

X1 and X2 = 76 mph

Goliath = 85 mph

Superman the Escape = 100 mph


At least X2 is one of the fastest coaster in the park !

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^^I think the ride in front does usually get a long line because it is the ride that people first see when they enter the park. This is unless it's a really old ride.


You say there was always a long line for it. When you have one train going, and people are saying that the time it takes to load one train, and unload the other is just nuts, that's why you have the really long line for it.


I think Six Flags is undervaluing the entire chain with these really cheap prices. One day admission is you can come back all year is just a stupid idea. What the heck are they thinking? That's why they can't get enough money to fix the place after all this time. They are putting money in the park, but a lot of it is about saving costs by removing rides.


I think X is a great ride though.

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^The "Buy one day, get the rest of the year free" thing really isn't a bad idea. The general public spends most of their money while they are inside the park, not while buying the tickets to enter the park. This way the park will make more money off of the guests because they will, more than likely, come to the park more than once.

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I'm looking forward to riding X2 more than ever. I had never ridden old X because it was either down, or had a 3 hour line during any of my previous visits to SFMM. I really hope the FlashPass option is made available. Is there any sort of time frame in place for when they'll decide if they'll be offering FlashPass access to X2? I'll wait out the line if I have to, but FlashPass would be awesome.

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I told Jay Thomas that the park could raise the price of the Xtreme Pass to $200 and I'd still buy one. Why? Because even at $200 it's still a bargain if you go to the park often enough (I've been about seven times already, and the year isn't even half over!). With 25% off of most food and souvenirs, plus the coupon book, plus free parking, it's quite the deal.



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  • 6 years later...

Playing music on a ride is the freaking CHEESIEST thing you could ever do! It does nothing to enhance the ride, it makes other people, like myself, hate the experience. Its embarrassing! LEAVE MUSIC OUT OF IT! When you're on a hyper-coaster of any sort, you want to hear the sound of the ride itself, the chain lift, the sound of metal scraping on metal. You want to feel the thing vibrate. You want to hear the roar of the ride. You don't want some lame song or piece of rap crap playing. A crap piece of music will ruin it! That tie-wearing marketing director for the ride company who thought it would enhance something like an epic coaster ride by pumping in music is a sad limp-d**ked moron who thought "Hey-this would be hip for the kids!" Please. You will lose a major demographic - it is not only kids who come to theme parks. Stop with the music (sic). You will lose more riders because of it. Bad idea.

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Batman = 50 mph

Ninja = 55mph

Revolution = 55 mph

Colossus = 62 mph

Tatsu = 62 mph

Scream = 63 mph

Deja Vu = 65 mph

Riddler's = 65 mph

Viper = 70 mph

X1 and X2 = 76 mph

Goliath = 85 mph

Superman the Escape = 100 mph


At least X2 is one of the fastest coaster in the park !

Just goes to show that speed isn't everything, Batman is half the speed of Superman but twice the intensity

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Playing music on a ride is the freaking CHEESIEST thing you could ever do! It does nothing to enhance the ride, it makes other people, like myself, hate the experience. Its embarrassing! LEAVE MUSIC OUT OF IT! When you're on a hyper-coaster of any sort, you want to hear the sound of the ride itself, the chain lift, the sound of metal scraping on metal. You want to feel the thing vibrate. You want to hear the roar of the ride. You don't want some lame song or piece of rap crap playing. A crap piece of music will ruin it! That tie-wearing marketing director for the ride company who thought it would enhance something like an epic coaster ride by pumping in music is a sad limp-d**ked moron who thought "Hey-this would be hip for the kids!" Please. You will lose a major demographic - it is not only kids who come to theme parks. Stop with the music (sic). You will lose more riders because of it. Bad idea.


You sound like you need a hug.

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Playing music on a ride is the freaking CHEESIEST thing you could ever do! It does nothing to enhance the ride, it makes other people, like myself, hate the experience. Its embarrassing! LEAVE MUSIC OUT OF IT!

If it makes you feel better, the music doesn't play 90% of the time, so you got your wish.

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