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PHOTO TR: Simpsons Video Shoot and Grand Opening Ceremony

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This morning I participated in several live television broadcast from Universal Studios for the grand opening of the new Simpsons Ride. The Today Show of NBC broadcasting was doing live shoots for there morning television show. The weatherman Al Roker did several live broadcasts from the park. There were around 75 people that volunteered for the days activities. We were used as back drops and fillins during the shoots. Part of our time between shoots the Simpsons caricatures where on hand for some entertainment. During one of our down times some of us were picked to be fillins for a couple of FOX news live shoots. Overall it was a fun morning being a fill in for the live television broadcasts.


Today was the day for the Grand Opening of the new Simpsons ride at Universal Studios. Around 10 am everybody gathered for the opening ceremony. First the park handed out Marge Simpson wigs for everybody to wear. Then the CEO of Universal was on hand for a short introduction and ribbon cutting. Krusty the clown was on hand to lead the orchestra as the ribbon was cut. With a small fireworks display and lots of confetti in the air it was time for a ride on the new Simpsons thrill ride. The ride is a simulator ride in which you are in a large room with a giant doomed screen. The cars are on a hydraulic platform which moves in sink with the movie being played. The ride its self is a cartoon of an out of control roller coaster car that careens throughout Springfield the imaginary city of the Simpsons. The ride is a lot of fun and will be enjoyed by all.


Below are 15 of some 55 of my photos that are on my website. To see lots more photos go to these two links.....





Me on the left with wig on.




Lots of people






Its open


CEO of the park


Media and more Wigs






A kid and some Simpsons


Fox News Reporter


AL Roker of the Today Show


during a live shoot



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