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CP Opening Day Discussion: Downtime On Major Rides

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Am I missing any others that broke down several times on opening day at CP? Glad I got my Maverick ride in right after 9am.


Crowds were huge, lots of school trips. Weather was perfect, absolutely perfect.


Will give kudos to CP's season pass processing, was in and out and had my pass in hand in literally less than 2 mintues (got there at 830am).


Did run into a few TPR people working at CP. Was nice getting a hello from you all.

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See? There were so many. I was actually in line for Wildcat when it came to an abrupt halt. I do not know how I forgot that one. It could have something to do with getting up at 4am and driving to CP from Columbus and back.

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Can not say for sure as I can not be everywhere in the park at once, but I saw maverick was down at around noon and the next time I was by there was 530 and it was down then too. Raptor was down a few times. I was in line for WT when it went down briefly (20 minutes).


Will say that my ride on Mean Streak was not as painful as it usually is.

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My best friend was there today, and the highlight was when I clicked on the webcam. I then called him (from Orlando) and told him where to stand.


See pic below!!


He told me the park was VERY crowded and there was even a 45 minute wait for The Blue Streak. Of course, they were only running one train on it!


My friend in the black square chatting with me 1000 miles away!

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4.5 hours for Maverick..


Didn't even ride..


but I saw maverick was down at around noon and the next time I was by there was 530 and it was down then too.


Yeah.. I waited that whole time and more.. and what was EVEN worse.. the LAST operating train before the ride broke down for that stretch.. we could have got on.


Disappointing really. There was quite a few things I didn't like today, which I haven't seen in the last few opening days..

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Hopefully these opening day bugs are worked out by next weekend.


Are you going to be there? I am, and I ditto what you said. I will be sooo disappointed if I get there and there are broken down rides everywhere. Luckily I have 4 days, two of them a Monday and Tuesday, so hopefully the lines will be super short

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Ugh. This reminds me of my visit to CP last September. Several of the major rides were closed for part or all of the day. Everything that was open had an unacceptably long queue. Blue Streak had a 90 minute wait posted at one point.


BTW, here's the forecast for tomorrow in Sandusky:


Showers in the morning, turning to a steady rain in the afternoon with a few thunderstorms possible. Windy. High 54F. Winds ESE at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Rainfall near a half an inch.


Sounds like they might not run the coasters at all tomorrow.

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My best friend was there today, and the highlight was when I clicked on the webcam. I then called him (from Orlando) and told him where to stand.


See pic below!!


Now we need a TPR sign held up and we're set.


Or just have Wes with a sign reading, "There are 88 trash cans in this photo."

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This is a real problem. I was there 2 years ago and almost every major coaster was down at some point for the 3 days I was there. Last year, I woke up and rode the Maverik at about 9:30 (I only waited 30 minutes) and about 15 munites after I rode it it broke down for the rest of the day and part of the next day.


This is also a problem at Hersheypark with the Storm Runner. It broke down and they kept saying they were going to reopen it, but they never did and I didn't get to ride it.

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See, this is why we pretty much STOPPED doing trips early in the season. It just seems that almost no parks have their act together early on anymore. Quite the disappointment indeed.


Now I feel bad about my trip next week ...


Oh well, I'm there for 4 days, Saturday-Tuesday, so hopefully I will be able to get on everything. I'm sure that nothing will be down unless something has the problem that Maxair did at the end of last season. ThePointOl says that Maxair is having the same problem as last season.


If things go wrong!!!

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