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Trip Planning, BGE KD Hershey...

Der Der Dongt

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Hi everyone!

For my "small" 2008 US tour i would need to rent a car from a place near the Baltimore airport. The problem is, me, and the friend of mine who is coming along with me, are 19 and 20 years old. So does somebody know a company which gives rental cars to people from Europe that are under the

age of 21?


Thanks in adcance

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I think most rental companies in the U.S. will only rent to people at least 21 years of age, and a fee is added per day for those aged 21-24. I think Michigan and New York are the only two states where 18 and up is allowed for car rentals with an additional fifty-somthing dollars per day fee added, but I could be wrong.

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Sometimes Enterprise will rent to 18 year olds, but I just checked for BWI and they said no.


Sorry, it's really hard to rent a car in the US. You may have to find some sleazy expensive company to help you out.


Or you could always join the TPR East Coast Trip in August!

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My friends used to rent U-Hauls. You have to be 18 to rent one, and only 16 to drive one. They used to put mattresses in the back too. One time they got pulled over, and the cops thought they were running away, which caused a little fiasco, but other than that, yeah. U-Hauls. (This is in Florida by the by.. i'd double check that for where you're going)

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Hi again! I got another question. I bought a Cedar Fair Platinum Pass online at the Kings Island website, because I thought we would be going there first.

Now, is it possible to get the pass processed at Kings Dominion or does it have to be done at Kings Island?

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You have to get the pass processed at the place where you bought it from. I believe you can still get a refund for it up to a certain date as long as it is not processed, if it turns out you don't get the pass at King's Island.

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