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Golden River Amusement Park

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It, is time! Update!


Wow, I am slightly disappointed at the GCI, but the other additions are pretty cool. The only reason I'm disappointed with the GCI is at the very end it just slows down to a crawl, but the main part is still awesome. On to the pics!


And finally an overview. Thanks for watching, see you next time!


Awesome twisted wood.


View of first drop and lift.


Now what the rest of you have been looking for, Thunder Struck!


Another view of JTTM as well as Alienator.


Here's a good look at the building. I like the patio for the mcbr.


Now the coaster you've all been waiting for, Journey to the Moon!


Here's the new partially enclosed enterprise, Thunder Wheel. I like how it pops up through the hole in the building.


Sorry this is out of place but, here is Mad House, the new indoor Huss Frisbee.

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Update! Golden River Amusement Park is now one more step closer to meeting its goal!


This one flew out of the blue. We welcome to the park, Screamin' Demon! A 130ft tall B&M Floorless. Featuring nine inversions, it has one of the highest inversion counts in the world! Well, on to the pics.


See you again soon. This park will be done before I know it.


Here's a better look at the ending and the new gift shop.


These interlocking corkscrews and helix make for a great ending.


The completely awesome batwing.


Zero g and cobra roll.


Loop and Immelman.


Lift and first drop.


There she is in all her glory! I have a new favorite coaster in the park now.

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The park has reached year twenty and the coaster count has reached 15! New this time is a new Tilt-A-Whirl, new Giant Loop, and a new Swinging Ship. The star attraction though is a relocated Schwartzkopf looper. On to the pics!


See you next time. Only three more to go!


Except for this part. It's awesome zooming past the surface of the water while getting sprayed by the fountains.


Basic view of the layout. It's pretty much your average Schwartzkopf looper.


It is! It's Inferno!


Here's the new Giant Loop, Ring of Fire. Oh, and what's that down there in the bottom right hand corner?


Here's the new Tilt-A-Whirl, Bobomb Factory, in Marioland.


Here's the new Swinging Ship, Undertow. These partially enclosed flat rides are becoming big.

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I wasn't really counting the S&S towers, because they were worked in with the indoor coaster. But 3 is still quite a lot...


EDIT: Just ignore my comment. I've had a long day, and seem to be ranting on everybody

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Now only two left to go and this park will have more coasters than CP!


Added this time was a small area at the back of thrill zone, Aztec themed. It has an Imax Theater, an eatery, and the star of this addition, an Intamin Impulse coaster!


I leave you again. The park looks very full, possible posted download, next week. ;) Seeya again!


Overview of the entire coaster.


Rear spike...


Forward spike...


Mount Of Sacrifice! Based off the ancient Aztecan tradition of offering one's life. It is surrounded by a lake of blood filled by those who have ridden in the past. Will your blood join theirs?


Here's the new eatery, Aztec Cafe.


Here's the new Imax Theater, currently showing Aztec Adventure.

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