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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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OK, the name Poop Shoot for a coffin ride is funny as hell . . . . and I'd ride it for sure!


And for real; a queue line to enter the wave pool?!


Yep, theres a fence across the front of the pool.

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^ The Boardwalk has queue lines to enter every attraction, not just the wave pool. Even the kiddie splash areas. And when we visited at the end of June, they were being heavily enforced on a Friday afternoon.


Also, granted this is an outlier and I'm not taking it as representative of everyone's experience or the park as a whole, the kiddie splash zone at Hersheypark is the only place at a theme park I've ever been threatened to have my ass kicked. By another damn grownup. Not because of anything I did, but because of my kids. Because they were on the splash structure. Splashing other kids. With the built in hoses and buckets. Like every other kid on that same splash structure was doing while waiting in line for the slides at the top. JFC...

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ Yes, last year they were loading four. It was apparently changed sometime prior to the start of the 2019 summer season, my wife and kids were planning on all riding together in one raft this year but we had to split into two separate rafts. I had heard an explanation as to why it changed from asking one of the ride operators, but I won't repeat it as I can't remember the exact wording and don't want to put any false or misleading information out there.

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Good lord I never realized the HP even has the wave pool fenced off? Yikes imagine I would just go in there to ride the mat racer, water coaster, and maybe some of the slides on the big tower and that would be it.

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^ Yes, last year they were loading four. It was apparently changed sometime prior to the start of the 2019 summer season, my wife and kids were planning on all riding together in one raft this year but we had to split into two separate rafts. I had heard an explanation as to why it changed from asking one of the ride operators, but I won't repeat it as I can't remember the exact wording and don't want to put any false or misleading information out there.


Thanks! I remember a story last year of one or two people sliding off the raft and into the slide area. I know these master blasters can have stronger air with more weight so I was curious if it was related to that.

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This might be a strange question, but for people who have been to Hershey this year, the seatbelt lengths on the coasters are the same as last year, right? I'm asking because I'm going to be going to Hershey about 20lbs lighter than I was last year

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No seatbelts have changed. sooperdooperLooper did change the lap bar requirements towards the end of last season. There is now a sticker where the bottom of the lap bar is and it has to be low enough to be in the green part of the sticker for someone to ride the coaster.

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No seatbelts have changed. sooperdooperLooper did change the lap bar requirements towards the end of last season. There is now a sticker where the bottom of the lap bar is and it has to be low enough to be in the green part of the sticker for someone to ride the coaster.


Good to know, I never had a problem riding sooperdooperlooper last year when I was 20lbs heavier (I think I went at the end of August maybe early September of 2018)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just got back from Hersheypark. I’m only going to put a few short thoughts here since I suck a phone texting.


I’m glad this forum encouraged me to take advantage of preview nights. From what I can tell, today was super crowded and I don’t think I would have gotten much done if I hadn’t kicked out some of the low capacity attractions yesterday night.


There is obviously a great, forceful ride somewhere in Skyrush, but the restraints were too painful on my thighs after the first drop to enjoy the ride.


I think that a B+M hyper will be a great addition to the park. Many of the existing coasters have middling to poor capacities for various reasons, so having a people-eater at Hersheypark will probably be a good thing.


I have weird tastes, so my favorite rides would be the Hershey Chocolate Tour if that counts, and Super Dooper Looper if it doesn’t.

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Just got back from Hersheypark. I’m only going to put a few short thoughts here since I suck a phone texting.


I’m glad this forum encouraged me to take advantage of preview nights. From what I can tell, today was super crowded and I don’t think I would have gotten much done if I hadn’t kicked out some of the low capacity attractions yesterday night.


There is obviously a great, forceful ride somewhere in Skyrush, but the restraints were too painful on my thighs after the first drop to enjoy the ride.


I think that a B+M hyper will be a great addition to the park. Many of the existing coasters have middling to poor capacities for various reasons, so having a people-eater at Hersheypark will probably be a good thing.


I have weird tastes, so my favorite rides would be the Hershey Chocolate Tour if that counts, and Super Dooper Looper if it doesn’t.



glad you had a good time!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was considering going to the park today, looking at the app, I'm glad I stayed away. 3 hour wait for Cupfusion, 2 hour 15 minute waits for Lightning Racer and Comet, 2 hour waits for Laff Trakk and Fahrenheit.


Supposedly only 1 side of Lightning Racer is running. I remember reading somewhere years ago that the coaster was programmed to only operate with both sides but I guess that is not true.

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I actually love the mix of Orange and Yellow.. . too bad they aren't gonna leave it that way.


the orange looks great, but the "fire" effect you get from both colors is really pretty

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Do we know they are only painting the track one color? I assumed they were going for a two-tone yellow/red thing.


the yellow looked like the "old" paint.


It'd be fantastic looking if they end up keeping it two color!

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The old paint is orange (the entire top of the first photo), looks like the red and yellow are new. Maybe I'm wrong, this is the first I heard it was getting painted at all, but a mix of yellow/red is what it looks like from the photos.

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