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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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From Screamscape:


2012 - Attraction 2012 / Project X - (3/24/11) Screamscape was contacted by another source to say that the 1.5 mile track length rumor is bogus. They did confirm however that the new 2012 coaster would be the longest one in Hersheypark however, which means it will have to top Lightning Racer’s 3393 foot length at the very least. Unless you count both tracks… then it would be 6786 ft.
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^ I think it depends on whether kids are in school or not, but given how my school doesn't have off that day, it shouldn't be a problem.


I went by the park this evening and Trailblazer's trains are in the transfer track and storage area before the lift hill. As for Storm Runner, I did see one of the trains inside the station and the winter covers are off of the Music Express cars. As for the Ferris Wheel rehab, nothing looks different.

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The first weekend (April 16 and 17) shouldn't be bad as far as crowds go. April 16 will have more people obviously since it's a Saturday but overall it shouldn't be too bad. The next weekend will be an entirely different story though unless the weather is bad those three days. People will have extended weekends off and most children will be on spring break and will most likely have an extended weekend as well. Good Friday last year was a nightmare. I know it was reported that it took around 45 min just to get into the park (crowds backed up to the bridge and tram drop off) and that the Comet's line exceeded over an hour and was backed up the hill to the Lemon Drop Shop. I'd say if you're shooting for the second weekend, go on Easter Sunday if you don't have plans on that day. It will be far less crowded than Good Friday or the Saturday before Easter. I'm planning on being there April 17 so crowds shouldn't be an issue for me.

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It looks like we might be at Hershey Saturday, June 4th. Yeah, I know it's a major park on a Saturday, but we have to pick one.


I am aware of the Sweet Access Pass, but there is no info on the price anywhere. This is going to be a turbo coaster trip for me and my son, so FOL and free food is going to be quite valuable. However, it also looks like you have to stay at a ridiculously overpriced Hershey hotel.


So, just wondering if anyone has used this pass, and if it was worth it. For a Saturday, I could see this pass changing us from getting 4 rides in 5 hours to 20 rides in 5 hours.


I haven't been to Hershey in over 30 years. I think it is pretty much the only park that I went to as a kid, and never returned, so I'm really looking forward to it.



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You ought to consider going on Sunday instead if you can fit it into your schedule. The place is a lot less busier. That's also the weekend I usually take my annual summer trip with my one friend (and even though I plan on being there several other times this year because of my Season Pass, we still plan on going that weekend this year because it's just a great time to visit) and we usually try to go on Sunday because the lower crowds.


Also check out this link: http://keystonethrills.megabb.com/t248-sidewinder-recieves-suprise-for-2011#3529 Looks like the new Vekoma trains are finally making it to Sidewinder this year. I've heard great reviews about Carolina Cobra's trains so this sounds like it will be really great. I may finally be able to get my Sidewinder credit this year because of this.

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I'm well aware of parks on Saturdays, but on a vacation where you are visting a big park every day, one must be on a Saturday.


The question still stands about the Sweet Access Pass. I'd love to hear an opinion of its worth, and what exactly it costs.



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Well, looks like the Sweet Access Pass isn't an option until June 6th, whcih seems odd. At $199 a person, I don't know if I'd do it or not. Since it includes park admission, that doesn't seem too bad.


however, you have to stay on site, which is a $300 minimum room night.

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New trains for Sidewinder is a welcome improvement and is much-needed. The park had been trying to make it better for the last season and it's good to see that they made the change. As for it's opening day, it's name is not on the Springtime ride list, but given how it sometimes isn't accurate, I guess we'll find out in a week.

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I am soo soo soo so thankful for this! Last time I rode sidewinder I had a headache that lasted me all day and this was the second ride of the day! I don't understand why they dont put these on every Vekoma/Arrow creation! Screw costs I WANT SEXY TRAINS!!!!!

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I've never ridden it yet because my father rode it back in 1996 and had neck problems soonafter. I also heard from too many people about the neck and head banging problem, so hopefully this will resolve that. Thanks to these new trains, it will almost be like receiving a new coaster in 2011!

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Rastus, if there's anything you can do to avoid Hershey on a Saturday I would.


Can you go to a park on Saturday that has either a fast pass option or is less giant?


Seriously, Hershey on a Saturday in June may make you want to kill yourself.

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Rastus, if Morey's Pier is one of the parks you're visiting, that's actually a pretty good one to hit on a Saturday. Even Dorney would probably be better, if you get there at opening.


I've actually had good success more than once on Sundays at Hershey in June. ...Even better than Mondays.

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Rastus, if there's anything you can do to avoid Hershey on a Saturday I would.


Can you go to a park on Saturday that has either a fast pass option or is less giant?


Seriously, Hershey on a Saturday in June may make you want to kill yourself.


I agree 100% with this. I've been to both a summer operating day and HP in the Dark on Saturdays and they were both disasters. What happens is everyone wants to arrive an hour early and go to Chocolate World first, thus creating a bottleneck at the ride. On both of these times, the entire ride queue was filled, as well as the overflow. In the summer, the line even stretched out into the lobby and you're looking at almost ten in the morning. One time in October, I never even had to chance to ride Storm Runner or Great Bear because both the queues were filled, mainly with teenagers. I remember Comet being approximately a 45 minute wait with an almost filled queue. The Boardwalk during the summer on a Saturday can be so mobbed you can't even see the ground. Sundays are much, much better.


I'd prefer a park like Dorney on a Saturday because most of the people will be in the waterpark and the rides will be minimal waits to near walk-ons. The last time I was at Dorney was on a sunny Saturday in August 2006 and rode all the coasters I wanted without a problem. Talon was the longest wait because we never got around to it until later in the day. Usually the waterpark crowds don't start taking over the rest of the park until around 5:00ish so you have a good most of the day to cover the park without the large crowds.

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We now know what the new restaurant in Tudor Grill's building is going to be called:


In addition, I have another Attraction 2012 Update:


They have divided the lake in half and are pumping the water out of the side closer to the road.

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