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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Can I also add that Great bear is underrated.

It was the most pleasant surprise at the park for me as I held no expectations. It really had some awesome sections. As I said in my review...I think the worst part was the name..as it was very un "bear" like. More bird like to me with the swooping sections.

A solid park and selection of coasters.

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I agree that Great Bear is underrated. It's forceful and unique, and that thing is *loud.


I think that's why the name fits for me. It's the loudest coaster in the park, definitely roars like a bear.

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Nothing will be as loud as Kumba haha. That is definitely the loudest ride I've ever been on.


Great Bear did surprise me a lot when I made a trip last year. I rode the back row at night for my first ride, and it was such an awesome experience! Definitely one of the highlights of my trip (besides a night ride on Storm Runner & SkyRush)

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It's the loudest coaster in the park, definitely roars like a bear


Good point...I didn't think of it that way. Either way it was a great ride.

Just shows...I have never thought much about what they name coasters. Someone in some department somewhere has that enviable job.."hmmm I think we will call this one Great Bear".

People are worried at the moment what they might call the next Wonderland coaster (Ziz)...when my first thought is usually "is it going to be fun to ride". Having said that "Skyrush" is good name and a good coaster.

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I'd like to think the bear name also had influence from the hockey team. Maybe just because I play


Junior Bruins, eh? Any soft spot for Hershey?


Anyways, Great Bear definitely has its place, especially at a park like Hershey that gets a lot of families. It's a great first inverted coaster, as well as a good step up from SDL.

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Great bear was the first roller coaster that I feel in love with as a child and I remember it was so imposing and intimidating roaring in the middle of the park. I wonder what happened with B&M b/c they have not been to the park since then.

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I'd like to think the bear name also had influence from the hockey team. Maybe just because I play


Junior Bruins, eh? Any soft spot for Hershey?

Yes I grew up going to Bears games all the time. Even at the old arena I saw the last home game.

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Can I also add that Great bear is underrated.

It was the most pleasant surprise at the park for me as I held no expectations. It really had some awesome sections. As I said in my review...I think the worst part was the name..as it was very un "bear" like. More bird like to me with the swooping sections.

A solid park and selection of coasters.


Im torn between thinking the ride is underrated or that it's just okay. The first half is amazing no doubt about it, the second half just fizzles out towards the end. You kind of just meander around until the brakes. I understand the circumstances with the amount of space Hershey had to work with. Just my opinion.

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Great bear was the first roller coaster that I feel in love with as a child and I remember it was so imposing and intimidating roaring in the middle of the park. I wonder what happened with B&M b/c they have not been to the park since then.


I don't know if I would read into that too much... When you look their line up, they added wooden coasters and ride styles from Intamin that B&M couldn't supply. Also they had great success with their Intamin rides (most likely because they didn't ouch the envelope as much as Cedar Fairs did) and so they worked well for the park..


I'm sure we could see my B&M rides at Hershey in the future if they wanted them...

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So I know this is not really likely since they just added Laff Trakk but has anyone pointed out or noticed that


2004 - Stormrunner

2008 - Fahrenheit

2012 - Skyrush

2016 - New Intamin ???


It's probably not likely but how great would that be. Yank out Wildcat and put in a Balder clone

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So I know this is not really likely since they just added Laff Trakk but has anyone pointed out or noticed that


2004 - Stormrunner

2008 - Fahrenheit

2012 - Skyrush

2016 - New Intamin ???


It's probably not likely but how great would that be. Yank out Wildcat and put in a Balder clone


I was hoping giga

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I was hoping giga

I wouldn't count on it, doesn't Hersheypark have some sort of height limit to which the Kissing Tower is the only exception?


Anywhere in the US that would construct an Intamin coaster along the lines of Balder will have my money immediately. With the addition of Laff Track, Hersheypark shows that they are continuing to invest in the Midway America area, even as The Boardwalk starts to encroach on its space, so anything could happen.


Also, if it was a major addition along the lines of their Intamins for 2016, we likely would have had some sort of crazy stealth marketing campaign by now...

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I'd like to think the bear name also had influence from the hockey team. Maybe just because I play


Junior Bruins, eh? Any soft spot for Hershey?


Anyways, Great Bear definitely has its place, especially at a park like Hershey that gets a lot of families. It's a great first inverted coaster, as well as a good step up from SDL.


Totally agree, Great Bear was my daughter's first invert and she absolutely loved it. It's one of the smoothest B&M inverts and it really is a great ride (albeit a little short). I love how it interacts with SDL and flys over the water.

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How is Hershey's rain policy?


My last visit, it started to rain the first night of my stay. They operated the coasters well until it started to thunder and lightning; and then it started to POUR. It was one of the hardest rain storms I have ever seen. But right after the rain stopped, they started testing the rides and reopened. So I think that they do a better job than most parks.

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