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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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^ I am not current on my Hershey knowledge. What is being done with the old factory area? I know the candy is mostly made out of state now and I was wondering what they were going to do with the old factory. I would love to the park expand more. I know they are pretty much at their limits on most sides of the park.


Someone brought up Power Plant in Baltimore. Its nice down there. Not into the club scene (I hang out in Mount Vernon) there but I have heard Rams Head Live is a good concert venue.


Last I heard they'd modernized the plant and layed off a lot of workers, and sent a lot of manufacturing over seas, but they still produce a lot of candy in Hershey itself. Is this no longer the case? Anyway to answer part of your question, they purchased part of the neighboring golf course and are moving the highway in order to expand.


EDIT: I looked it up and as far as I can tell a lot of Hershey's manufacturing still takes place in Hershey PA. I guess most of the old building isn't used anymore though?

As of right now, the cocoa bean silos, smokestacks, bushes out front, and original portion of the factory is being kept. The building is currently being renovated into office space and it looks like they kept some of the old machinery inside the building. The factory moved its operations down the road to a larger location and still produces products. As for moving much of their manufacturing to Mexico, I really don't find that completely true as they do have quite a few production plants in eastern Pa (I know they have a factory in Hazleton).


If you are talking about the golf course in front of the factory, that is not true as it is still operating and there would be no place for a four-lane highway to go that way (plus it would cut through the front yard of Milton Hershey's High Point mansion near the creek). I think you are talking about the golf course near the park, which is owned by Hershey Entertainment.


As of right now, the park is not involved in this project and I really don't expect them to expand this way. They would be better off going over to the golf course by Chocolate World and deal with that road instead of Rt. 743.



We produce some Hershey products at the chocolate factory I work at here in Wyomissing PA.


I didn't make up the thing about the golf course, it's already been officially announced. I read about it here.

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I wish they allowed people to visit the real factory, like Jelly Belly does in CA. Of course, I'd probably try to break through the barriers and jump in a vat of chocolate!


They used to until I think sometime in the 70s. The dark ride factory tour is fun but it would be nice to see the real thing too.

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Actually-Hershey operates a massive plant in West Hershey. The old plant that they are tearing down used to be a "bean to bar" factory-raw cocoa beans came in, were processed into chocolate liquor-and then that was processed into candy. Eventually, a new plant in West Hershey was built and gradually, more and more moved there. Over the years, Hershey then outsourced most of the chocolate making process, and (I just found this out last year) no longer roasts and grinds their own chocolate-they outsource the chocolate liquor from other companies and then process it into chocolate and candy bars.


They just completed the process of moving all production to the new plant last year: www.foodnavigator-usa.com/Manufacturers/Hershey-opens-doors-at-the-world-s-most-technologically-advanced-choc-factory.


I talked to a relative who actually DID tour the real factory-the one being torn down now, in the days pre-"Chocolate World", and they did have real tours up until the 1970's:




There USED to be a video online inside of the West Hershey plant, the modern one they use now, but the video was apparently pulled from being online. I did find this one, of the classic factory, though:




And as recently as 2008 when they started closing plants, you could actually tour the real factories in Oakdale, CA and in Smith's Falls, Ontario...the one in Ontario looked very interesting:



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Hershey really needed that small family coaster. Hopefully, they'll let us credit whores on it!


If this ends up the same model/type as SFA then we are screwed. They have a max of 54" unless you are with child......but we know how credit whores roll. Do I see some bribery in the near future!!

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^ I had no trouble with SFA. I waited 30 minutes for it (it was literally the ONLY ride in the park with a line) without a child and walked right on it. Unless they changed it since last August.


I was going by their website.....it is Six Flags after all.

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Great Adventure and Dorney have the same model as well and allow adults to ride without a kid, I'm expecting Hershey to say over 60" and you need a kid to ride since all their kiddie rides don't allow adults without kids. The picture looks like it is from Great Adventure.

Edited by YoshiFan
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I guess that's why. It would be nice if parks that had those rules would allow people to ride without kids if there is no line, especially if its a unique ride. I really wanted to try Pteradon Flyers at IoA and the posted wait was 5 minutes but they refused us and others trying to ride without a kid.

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^ I had the same issue, but I've known other enthusiasts who have ridden it without a kid. Sometimes, it just depends on who is running it. I was at Lakemont back in 2010, and the ride op let me on Little Leaper without a care in the world. I didn't even ask, I just walked on it. I went back to the park last year with a friend and they wouldn't let him on it. Inconsistencies in policies like this irritate me.

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I'm not. It's honestly not a huge development. Rides come down, more rides go in.


It's not like Six Flags where they have to advertise every single new attraction. Hersheypark knows that families will continue to flock to the park, regardless of if they market the family coaster as "the next big thing to hit Hersheypark" or not. It's just that great of a destination to go to in the area.


Now, I would have expected more advertising if these attractions were to have been built in Dutch Wonderland, as it's much smaller.

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