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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Any other questions just ask!


I'm trying to head up to HP on a Saturday sometime during the hot season (late July most likely). I don't think I'll be able to work around that because of time/work constraints. Would that attack plan work the same if I wanted to hit all the signature coasters? I should have connections to a few coasters, but I'm worried lines for the other signature rides (Intamin triplets, Great Bear) would be long.


I'd love to do a meetup with a few peeps here as well.

If you plan to go on the weekend in "hot" season that plan works out even better. Most people, well as of last year, came in rode Skyrush then went to the Boardwalk. Here is how you should roll, ride Fahrenheit, Lightning Racer, Wildcat, Wild mouse then go to Storm Runner and Sidewinder. You should easily get at least 2 rides in within 2.5 hours. By then its lunch, i recommend the little setup next to Trailblazer but there is also food by Great Bear. Then i would hit GB( that line is usually always a 20-40min wait on weekends) so its good to digest in line without wasting time. Then, finally if you can hold your temptation, hit the yellow beauty, SDL, Comet! So you pretty much work backwards..Hopefully you enjoy your trip!

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Mean while over at Chocolate World, more information has been released about the new Hershey's Great Chocolate Factory Mystery 4D Show. The show is being created by Jim Henson's Creature Shop and will be an extremely interactive show with over 100 possible outcomes to the story. A Behind-the-Scenes video has been posted showing parts of the show and how it was created:


This is awesome news. Can't wait to see more of it! I also hope that the 4D includes spraying fresh chocolate! That would be heaven.

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I was just watching a skyrush video from this year and it was quite clear (specially on 1:35) that the train slowed down on the top of the lift which clearly wasn't the case last year. Now I seriously hope that this won't last for the rest of the season as I'll be going there in August and I want it to be as awesome as possible. Well, maybe they have really chosen to make it do this from now on but I still have really high expectations. Any thoughts on why they did this?

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Being the highly analytic person that I am, I timed the ride in the 2013 video versus Coasterforce's and Stellarkart66's 2012 POV's. Measured after the lift, the ride's time has increased by about one second. So there may be a slight decrease in intensity, but I don't know how much.


That being said, if someone knows of a near perfect NL recreation somewhere, I can get much more accurate numbers, as I would be able to look at the forces at both lift speeds (I have timed the train cresting the lift and it has been slowed down by a third, to 17.3 ft/sec from the 26 ft/sec advertised on the press release video.)

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With a slowing down of the lift at the top, the rest of the ride WILL be slowed down, simple kinematics that most people will touch up on in high school physics. That being said, the slowing down may not be noticeable enough to say that the ride is neutered; the most realistic recreation I found had the ride's airtime be reduced by between 0.1 and 0.2 G's when I brought the lift speed down to what it is currently; so in other words, it might be perceptible, but I doubt it will be all that significant, and we already have confirmation from a few members that it really hasn't changed much anyway. Something like 0.5 G's definitely would be noticeable of a drop however; that's about the difference between Nitro or Behemoth and SFNE's Bizarro.


Now, I am fairly confident that they slowed it down because of the cracked axles that were reported, due to the slight decrease in speed (definitely not going to do much in reducing comfort.) If anyone wants me to go into greater detail as to why I believe so I could, but I'll be delving into concepts that I just learned this semester as a sophomore mechanical engineer (Solid Mechanics.)

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I see your reasoning now. I was just saying that riding it seems no different to me. I actually think the airtime is better in the back part of the train going over the hill because its drawn out more and you are anticipating it to happen for a bit longer instead of being thrown over the top just like that, even though i thought it was unique to the ride. I am anxious to see soon if they will have the hill slowed down forever now. Im just not convinced that it will

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I just went on it a couple weeks ago during a closed park event and there was no shortage of intensity. Granted I didn't make it on last year so I don't have anything to compare it to, but that first ride blew my mind. If you sit near the back the slowed down lift doesn't even matter.

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If anyone wants me to go into greater detail as to why I believe so I could, but I'll be delving into concepts that I just learned this semester as a sophomore mechanical engineer (Solid Mechanics.)

I don't.


Everyone is getting their panties all up in a bunch over this. The fact of the matter is simple - there's nothing we can do about it. Hersheypark controls what they want to do with their ride - whether it be conserving energy, adding different padding to the restraints or moving the station gates back a few feet.


If you really want to experience what part of the ride (if anything, really) has changed - get in a car, drive to Hershey, and ride the thing. If it really makes so much of a difference to you, I will gladly take your place in line because Skyrush is a fantastic ride regardless and I will gladly ride it multiple times in a day, regardless of its "perceived lower intensity".

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Maybe they now use a different set of wheels (harder/softer) wich increases the speed. And they therefor had to slow down the lift speed?

OK, everyone needs to just STOP BEING AN EXPERT on harder/softer wheels!!! Just because one guy talked about it in one Cedar Point video doesn't mean this is what EVERY PARK ON THE PLANET IS DOING ALL THE TIME!!!


You guys are not coaster experts. Just stop. Please. This "softer wheels" expert talk making you all look completely dumb.


--Robb "There. I've said it..." Alvey

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After a day at Hersheypark, I have created a list of Pro's and Con's in my mind on the three hour ride home.



- Great Bear is sporting a new coat of paint (only in The Hollow section of the park though?)

- There were bare minimum to almost no lines from 10am-12pm

- Skyrush is now featuring softer restrains and a "wider" station (the gates were moved back a good three feet)

- The food tasted better than I remember

- The Boardwalk has indeed added two new slides and a smaller version of East Coast Waterworks for little ones

- The path beneath Skyrush in the Sunken Gardens has been enhanced (I believe)

- The park seemed much smaller and more compact; it felt easier to walk around in

- The app for the park is very useful for finding out wait times for rides, what rides are currently broken down, and where in the park you are

- It's fun!



- There were multiple school groups, musical groups, and math groups there today (it was Math Day actually ), leading to too many middle school-aged kids running around the park

- Line jumping was evident here and there as groups were "saving spots" for other members of their party currently not with them

- Operations were a bit slow on some rides but great on others

- The back of the park was empty while the front of the park was packed jam full!

- Waits at the front of the park were around 30min-1hr while waits on Storm Runner and other attractions further into the park were less than 30min

- Yes, here's the big con: Skyrush is slower. The lift is great and even though it slows down at the top, it doesn't feel that way when you're on the ride. But, I did notice you don't feel thrown over like you did last season, but instead feel like you're falling back down to Earth. The airtime hills, although still full of floater airtime, weren't as "HOLY S**T!!!" as they were last season, and the ride even felt slower in my opinion. When I got off of Skyrush, I didn't feel the urge to jump back in line like I did last season, but instead opted to go and ride the skyride.


My brother and I did purchase season passes, so going back is definitely in the future for Season 2013. I would like to go back when the Boardwalk opens to see how wait times are then (since they seemed lengthy today), as well as test out the new waterslides. Hopefully, Skyrush will be a little bit faster when we go back; the intensity and sheer terror of the ride was muted a little bit, so maybe it will be restored again?


Looking forward to hearing whether they've got Skyrush back to two-train operation yet - if so, I'll be there on Sunday! If not, I think we'll head to Great Adventure and wait Hershey out a little longer.


Yes, they were indeed running two trains! But, as usual, people cannot figure out that you get on and off from the same side of the train, leading to slow operations (we sat on the brake run for about two minutes I bet). Hope it's better for you on Sunday.


Pictures to follow in this update when I get them loaded onto the computer!


Oh, and we also found a great little place called Ridge Road right off of one of the main streets in Hershey. There is a little walking path right next to Skyrush that we walked down and back to watch a few trains go by. Kid you not, you're so close you feel as if you can touch the ride. It's a great place to go chill out once you leave the park!

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The back of the park was empty while the front of the park was packed jam full!

That's always the case - fortunately or unfortunately depending on who you ask. I would definitely consider that a Pro - I could ride Lightning Racer over and over for at least an hour. So much fun!

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Skyrush is slower. The lift is great and even though it slows down at the top, it doesn't feel that way when you're on the ride. But, I did notice you don't feel thrown over like you did last season, but instead feel like you're falling back down to Earth. The airtime hills, although still full of floater airtime, weren't as "HOLY S**T!!!" as they were last season, and the ride even felt slower in my opinion. When I got off of Skyrush, I didn't feel the urge to jump back in line like I did last season, but instead opted to go and ride the skyride.

And this is EXACTLY what happens when a bunch of pussies complain about a ride.


Seriously, I really hope an Intamin Mega-Lite is NEVER built in America because we are not the audience for this kind of ride.


We all complained for years how we didn't have one of these awesome looking intense airtime filled Intamin creations, and then we get one with even MORE airtime, and people complain about it.


IMO, no one should be bitching about the ride being slower because it's EXACTLY what all the pansies that went to Hersheypark and bitched about the ride get.


Let this be a lesson to all of you...

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^Couldnt agree more, i laughed at people that got off and grabbed their legs! Like grow some balls and take a little pain(so they think) for 1:30 of awesomeness. Even though i think it is still a great ride im still dissapointed they slowed the lift.


If you want a nice slow baby ride then head to Midway America and ride the damn ferris wheel

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It's not even that big of a difference. I didn't even notice the lift slow down the first time I rode it this season, and I was looking for it!


It still throws you over the first drop and hauls ass through the ride as it did before. It might be a tad slower, but I couldn't really tell.


I did find that it was a little slow in the morning. But I'm pretty sure the 58 degree temperature had something to do with that... Later in the day it was flying!

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