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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Is Skyrush rough? I've been hearing that it's a rough ride. If so, where on the ride is it rough?


Skyrush isn't really rough (as in bumpy) as much as it is the most insane ride you've ever been on in terms of directional changes and out of control feeling. The curvy section, like the stengel dive and "twisty" crossover in particular were very intense.


Man, if only they had gotten through the technical difficulties I could of tried the new train yesterday! Oh well still was a great ride, next year!

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Is Skyrush rough? I've been hearing that it's a rough ride. If so, where on the ride is it rough?


The outer seats offer a unique experience in that they are "bouncy," and you can feel the chassis/frame flexing, but it is nowhere near "rough."

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So far this summer i felt the two times i went on it it was rough. Now, the reason why i say "in summer time" was because i was talking to a few coaster fanatics while in line and they gave a little info. A rides roughness can be effected by the season! Amazing as it seems one of those guys broke it down for me in pure physics. So can't wait for it to cool down a bit and hence get a bit silkier on the rush to the sky!

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So with only one train with the new noodles it's just luck whether you get them or not? If the GP gets word of this I could see people waiting it out for the better train.


I'm having a hard time imagining anyone other than coaster people doing that.

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I rode Skyrush over 15 times in 5 days. I find it really a bit rough or bumpty, especially on the outer seats. It happens after the secound airtime hill when your head gets bumpted against the headrest, its kind of shaky.

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After spending yesterday in the park, playing the game of "Where's Big Mike", I can't complain about Sky Rush. The ride was exactly as expected. Intense changes of direction and good (an unexpected on your first ride) airtime. I was on the outside left on every ride, and the ride seemed to get better with each run.


Park operations seems to be smooth, with speedy dispatches except for special circumstances.


I was especially thankful that the water park was open yesterday, so much of the crowd spend the mid-day there and left the park for the rest of us. Walk on to everything except in Comet Hollow, and by the mid afternoon / early evening, even those rides were manageable.


Hot Hot Hot was the word for the day, and dehydration was rampant. Drink lots of water, and never turn down an opportunity to drink some more!


I failed at the "Where's Big Mike" game... Not for a lack of trying... I didn't realize that ACE had an event going on yesterday... I could find him in the crown of ACE'ers... I don't know if it was their size... their age... or their general slowness (could be due to size, age or heat)... but I just couldn't find the big guy anywhere in the park.

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I found Big Mike! Big Mike, if you read this, thanks for the condolences and the hug. I rode Skyrush and it is definately a top 10 ride. It was a little uncomfortable in the thighs, but overall it was an amazing ride. Train 1 was way better then train 2.

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Just got back from an incredible weekend at Hershey, I'll post a TR late hopefully with some photos, but I want to answer some of the Skyrush questions.


Is the ride rough?


- To me? No. The outside seats, as said before do have some bounce and slight vibrations in the transitions but otherwise the ride is wonderfully smooth.


The new noodles.


- The new restraints do make a difference. They are softer (squishier) than the originals. From a distance, its hard to tell the difference but up close you can see the wear and tear on the originals while the new one look barely used. But I doubt the original noodles will be on that train for long.


Actually rode with a few ACErs on both of my rides and both identified a drastic difference. I will say these noodles still have the ability to "thigh crush" but nothing that isn't tolerable. This coaster is intense, heed the warning if you cannot handle intense coasters. This is easily one of the most intense coasters in the country I would wager.

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^Thanks for the update, sounds great that they finally fixed this. I'm happy I get to experience the ride in its improved form, but I was kinda looking forward to test out its old restraints just to see what everyone was complaining about. Oh, well. I better be happy it had an easy fix that wouldn't ruin the whole ride experience.

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I wouldn't jump to assume the restraints are fixed once and for all. They are much better, but I'm hearing there are still some complaints. It's too early to tell for sure, but I think we should all thank Intamin and Hershey for moving as fast as they did to solve for the issue.

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What kind of complaints? You're still going to get the occasional "thigh crushing" complaints but at least its padded down more, from what I hear. What other complaints are there besides the ones already stated? Just curious to know what you heard.

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It's good to hear HP is really on top of the responses they are getting... although maybe it will take a few tries with different types of restraints until they find one that suits the ride better.


All that stuff aside, I would totally still drive down to PA and ride Skyrush until I was black and blue regardless if they changed the lap bars or not, haha...

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