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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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The coaster is looking great!! For some reason I LOVE the yellow color - just really stands out. It is going to suck going for Springtime In The Park and it not open!! I know it is not supposed to be open then but I will hate seeing it in all its glory ready to be rode but can't.

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The more I look at the coaster construction progress then more I want to it! This has to be the most aesthetically pleasing first drop in the theme park kingdom. I bet the lift before the first drop going to be unnerving for some since it’s so steep! It’s going to be tough deicing between this park and bush gardens for the summer. Although to be honest bush gardens would be a long shot for me this year.

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I'm a bit confused as to where the station and queue will be. It looks like the little overbank after the first brake run goes over comet's station, but as I look on bing maps, it doesn't look like there's much room there... Like did they take something out?

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I'm a bit confused as to where the station and queue will be. It looks like the little overbank after the first brake run goes over comet's station, but as I look on bing maps, it doesn't look like there's much room there... Like did they take something out?


Here's a really quality map I made:



Red circle is the Tilt-a-Whirl, which is being relocated I believe back in Pioneer Frontier and is being replaced by the transfer for Skyrush. Green circle is where the old restrooms were, which is now where the station/transfer track itself (on the Comet side of the station) is located. In addition, a number of the Comet Hollow games (purple) have been moved from between Comet's station and the Tilt-a-Whirl (now Skyrush's final brake run) to out in front of Great Bear's immelmann run, next to the swings.


Hopefully that helps!

Edited by coasterfreak101
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Tilt-A-Whirl is going into Founders Circle.

And that's almost a 100% layout of Skyrush, it actually goes a bit down further the creek, but, yes, the station and queue provide a basic understanding where it is(Like I said in my previous post)

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Yeah, I deff agree. It originally was in Founders Circle, way back when! But I think it works well(in theme) in the area. I'm happy.

One of the many things I love about HP, they HATE taking out rides(especially flats and coasters) Instead of scrapping Tilt for Skyrush, they made room elsewhere in the park to do it. Hey, it all works.

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Here's a small update from today. The bottom of the catwalks still need to be installed, but the lift track looks like it's done.





From what I see, here's what Skyrush looks like right now in relation to the park's layout rendering.

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