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PTR: Six Flags St. Louis Opening Day 2008

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Ok so today was SFSTL's opening day. All of my friends who have passes couldn't make it so I ended up going to the park with just my mom (who doesn't ride any of the big rides). Even though I just rode the rides by myself, I had a good time.



I didn't get to ride many rides because we could only stay about three hours and an hour of that was getting our passes processed but here is my rides for the day (in order)







The employees that I encountered were very friendly and nice. They actually had a person in Batman's que making sure that no one was line jumping and did have employees letting guests know about the locker policy at the entrance to the rides that have them.


Also, the retracking on Eagle during the off season really did the trick. The last section of the ride is much more enjoyable now.


On to the photos (please don't post until I get part two up)


For those of you who were wondering what the new lockers look like.


Apparently these people didn't know that it's only 55 degrres out.


While the ride isn't as bone cruching, it still threw me around a lot and wasn't enjoyable.


So after seeing how much retracking improved Eagle I wanted to see what it could do to the Boss.


Just as awesome as ever.


Luckily it opened up five minutes later.


Right as I'm about to get in line they put this sign up.


I decided to skip the vortex of pain and sufferi...I mean Ninja.


New for 2008.


One last look at Batman.


Coming out of the corksrew.


Batman over the trees.


Mom was was messing around with my camera while I was on the ride and got this cool pic.


I rode the Eagle first but I didn't have my camera with me at the time. I rode Batman second.


Tony Hawk.


So we decided to get our season pass processed first. It ended up being an hour wait.


Colossus towering over the park.


Random flowers in the enterance plaza.




Batman about to come off the lift.


Fountain at the entrance to the park.


Another view of EK as your heading towards the entrance but enough of EK for right now, lets go see the rest of the park.


You can get a really good view of the lift hill as your leaving the parking booth.


Its Evel Knievel!


I think we'll take them up on their offer. Wait, whats that over there?


Welcome to opening day!

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Part two.


Thanks for reading!


Random pic of me in front of the park. (I just realized how badly my hair got messed up)


One last look at EK.



Looks like EK will have lockers.



This came from the fiargrounds/old LTT (where EK currently stands) and is just past EK by the Log Flume.



They were working on the ride while I was there.


More EK...


They're still working on the lift hill.


Time for some EK construction photos.

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I think I saw you there. I agree about the Boss. It didn't feel quite as rough, but it does still cause some pain. The double down is as smooth as it's ever been, but that second drop up into the midcourse brakes is still a mess. They really should have let GCII do some work on it as I heard was offered. I little banking would go a long way! I guess the money wasn't in the budget.


Overall, it was a pretty good trip for me as well. There was the typical ride breakdowns and slow food service. But that's to be expected on opening weekend.


Great report and pictures.


Maybe I'll see you there soon!

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I didn't see you there, but I was there. I agree about boss also, it is better, but is rideable. And EK will be a no loose items ride, so the lockers are for it. BTW, I found out the opening date at this time is June 20th. I just got home so I will have a trip report up soon.

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Sadly it looks as if they won't finish EK in time for graduation, so I'll have to come back to STL sometime later in life to ride it. I never found Screamin' Eagle to be that bad actually, but the Boss is absolutely horrible. Hopefully the work on the off season makes it a little more tolerable. Thanks for the PTR!

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I was there yesterday, too. Definitely a great day! The weather was perfect, lines were minimal, and the employees had that early-season friendliness that evaporates over the summer.


The Boss is amazing again imo. The drop before the mcbr is still rough, but other than that, it's golden. I noticed there were a lot less people complaining about being in pain as they were getting off the ride.

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I was there yesterday, too! Overall I had a very good time and the weather was fantastic. The park looks fairly good and most of the employees were enthusiastic and friendly. Our ride on the Rush Street Flyer was disappointing. The ride op ran it on the short cycle. When I asked why she said because there were people waiting. Oh yes, a family of 5 walked up while 10 of us were riding... geesh! That ride could use some TLC as well. It has not been painted in years. We ate at Villain's Cafe. The food was ok but not hot. They did have an employee who knew how to work the register, though. I also learned they did away with season pass discounts on food. When I asked about that I was told they have more coupons for that this year in the coupon book. Hmmm... waited in line about 30 minutes for that, too, and not that many food coupons either. Oh well, still an enjoyable day at the park. Hope it's okay to add a few more pics of EK... I suffered through a ride on Colossus just for the pics, so send me some love!







From Colossus.


Another view.


Close up.


Queue for Moon Cars still up.

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I also learned they did away with season pass discounts on food. When I asked about that I was told they have more coupons for that this year in the coupon book. Hmmm... waited in line about 30 minutes for that, too, and not that many food coupons either.




You got rooked on the season pass discount. I whipped out my pass at Calico Sal's and got my discount. They did do away with the platinum season passes because of lack of interest. That's what I was told. I had no problem paying the extra 20 or so bucks because I knew I always got that back with the special discounts, free t-shirt, and 25% off food and merchandise.


Anyway, make sure you push the issue next time and get your discount.

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  • 5 weeks later...

i am so hapopy i finally got to see some pics from my park lol i am so excited to go there this summer. we are planning on going this summer. i cant wait to see the building of evil knievel. I wonder if the moon cars are gonna really go under the evil knievel coaster??? well nice post and im looking forward to putting pics from my trip on here.

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^ I see that you are a new member so thanks for posting, but I should mention that you probably should re-read the posting rules:




When it comes to making a post, please be sure to use proper capitalization and grammar.


Again we know that you are a new member so it does take a little bit of time to learn the ropes around here, so thanks for joining up.


~ Matt

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