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What's wrong with Mean Streak?

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I have read all over these forums that Mean Streak is a garbage or terrible ride. Now my experience was really good on this ride (A little rough in the back I will admit), but I also admit I have fairly low standards and it has been awhile since I rode it as well (2006).


So my question is to the people here who have ridden MANY MANY more coasters then I have...What is wrong with this ride that makes people hate it? What have I forgotten about it that makes it this way? Trim brakes? Boring?


Thanks you guys I really want to be enlightened about this coaster as well as what I should look for in my future of coaster riding.


P.S. I have looked at the trip reports for cedar point and couldn't find my answer. I also don't own CE volume 1 so I can't say from that either.


Thanks guys!

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Make up your own mind about Mean Streak. A few freaks actually like it.


I mean you've been on Phoenix, and to many, many people, myself included, that's about as good as a woodie gets. Smooth and tons of awesome air. But really it's up to you to decide what you like.

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The trim on the first drop is whats wrong. It takes all the speed right out of the ride. It just slowly winds through its lame course, with a major lack of airtime.

Take off the trim and put some new wood down, then I might look at it slightlu different....but that trim is there to stay.

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Make up your own mind about Mean Streak. A few freaks actually like it.


I mean you've been on Phoenix, and to many, many people, myself included, that's about as good as a woodie gets. Smooth and tons of awesome air. But really it's up to you to decide what you like.


No need to call me a freak thank you.


On your second point, I did rate Pheonix a 10 and Mean Streak a 7 so I do know that it is better. I never said it was the best woodie just I thought it was good.


To poster above me thank you for the only useful answer so far, I forgot about that trim brake on the drop and now that I think back on it did kind of take away from the ride. I will be reducing my rating of this ride now that you reminded me of that.

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Well I've been to a lot of parks, and been on a lot of coasters, and have to say I still like Mean Streak. Cedar Point is my home park so I get to ride it a lot. Does it have its rough days? Sure. Is it a top 10 coaster? Not even close. But I still find it an enjoyable wooden coaster that, frankly, I'd take over a lot of others out there.


The coaster is a bit rough, and if that is something that you can't take then you won't like the ride at all. But on every one of my rides I still get nice speed, and air time. And there have been many occasions where my ride hasn't been rough at all, and comparable to many of the other pre-2000 wooden roller coasters. If you tried riding it at closing, with a near empty train and the trims off, you'd be surprised how smooth it is.


So is the first drop ruined by the trims? Yes. Is it a bit rough? Yes. But the ride is so long, and to me so well designed, it makes up for that.

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Okay, so you're going up the lift, sitting in the back seat. The anticipation builds as you see the cars disappear in front of you. You look around at the massive structure, and you are just SO excited! Then, you feel the pull as you crest the first drop, and you throw up your hands in excitement! You begin to scream as the angle of decent increases!!!


Then..... you stop. You're now going 20 mph, and experiencing around 1 g. The ride continues, you meander around some suck-ish curves, and down slow drops. Finally, the cars come to a complete stop. The restraints release. but you don't move.


There are two reasons for this:


1.) You are just asleep

2.) You're in a coma



Does that help?

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For me, it's just SO rough. In fact the roughest woodie I have ever been on, not that I have been on all that many. But anymore I refuse to go on on it. It feels like I just got the s**t kicked out of me for two and a half minutes. My fiance feels the same. I can't tell you why it is so rough but it seems like it has been since day 1.

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I thought the ride was just boring. I was forced to go on it twice. I really think the reason for me to ride a wooden coaster is for airtime, or a rough "butt banger" like someone on Colossus said. It didn't give me that at all. I think Blue Streak is so much better.

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I read people complaining it causes some head banging but nowhere near as much as Corkscrew. But I read there are more votes to Corkscrew for being the roughest of the two. Plus Corkscrew is known as the worst at CP along with Disaster Transport. Then Iron Dragon. & In one of my roller coaster books Mean Streak is listed #1 for the most beautiful coaster.

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I really don't know how some of you can consider it to be rough. It's a wooden coaster. It's not going to be smooth. Tough it out. Mean Streak is an okay woodie that would be awesome if it wasn't for the trim at the top of the first drop that completely sucks out any potential speed or airtime that might have occurred had it not been there. You know there is something wrong when you are feeling lateral Gs on a heavily-banked curve in the opposite direction you should because you're going so SLOW.

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^^Uh, headbanging? How do you get headbanging on a wooden coaster?


And Corkscrew is my favorite Arrow. If most of your head reaches above the OTSR, then there is absolutely NO roughness at all. Just some great airtime, and fun inversions...

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For me, Mean Streak was just reliving my awful ride on Grizzly @ CGA. Slow, Sluggish, The desperate struggle to try and stay awake. All of those were found on Mean Streak. It's practically a sleeping pill!

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I forgot about that trim brake on the drop and now that I think back on it did kind of take away from the ride. I will be reducing my rating of this ride now that you reminded me of that.


You didn't forget about it, you probably were sleeping at that point in the ride.

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Rough and boring, no air time or thrills whatsoever. The trim brake on the drop certainly takes away the potential for thrills, I have heard that it was necessary so the ride didn't shake itself apart.


A badly designed, ill conceived wood coaster like son of beast. Maybe adding some steel supports might give it enough support to take the trims off but it's probably not worth the expenditure. An impressive looking coaster though.


Biggest problem, they haven't relocated it to the bottom of Lake Erie or Michigan's Adventure.

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I think it might be due to the fact that it sucks.


Well haven't you been shining a big 'ol ray of positivity lately.


Mean Streak should be doused in gasoline, and lit by a ritual of roller coaster enthusiasts, each using their own flaming torches made of Mean Streak wood.







That's what this threads for right?

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lets see... mean suck....hmm

trim on first drop

usually when a coaster makes a drop, it goes near the ground


the line is under the ride and the track drops but still has a good 30' to go to the ground. if the ride would do that on every or even most drop, it would add to the ride


im curious as to know what 15 woodies you've been on

ride a GCI or GG ride and youll see why mean suck sux so much


even ride a good ptc


ive been on 41 and other than kiddie coasters.. oh wait, the fairly odd coasters are more fun in the back seat than mean suck IMHO, seriously


its just a dull ride that has a few mild turns and lame drops. feels more like a wooden mine train.


it does give a good view of maverick

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Mean Streak is bad, don't get me wrong, but I think that it's not as bad as people make it out to be. I still have a lot of fun on it over-exaggerating the jerkiness and roughness. For example, I'll be riding with friends and when a jerky turn comes along, we'll all scream in pain about our thighs or something, when in actuality, it didn't hurt at all, lol. It's one of those "you have to be there" moments.

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Well, let's see. The first time I rode Mean Streak, I thought it was kinda lame, and didn't really care for it. It was a long ride and I have to admit something. No matter what coaster I go on, I have a good time. SoB, Mean Streak, Hurler. I enjoy pretty much every ride I go on. I just thought it didn't belong at CP. They should have something better.


And that's really the only time I needed to ride, I'd rather spend my time waiting in line for a better ride. If I want a mediocre woodie, I can just stay home at KI

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