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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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I don't know if I am in the minority, but I am really dissapointed in Manta's layout. I mean, its the same old stuff with each and every B&M flyer in a different order. Getting sick of the overuse of barrel rolls... They are such uneventful elements...


When will a park and B&M design a flyer that utilizes the design!


I still want to ride it, but I would not go out of my way to do so.

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Vertical Loops? B&M is yet to do one. Maybe they love pretzels too much...


How about a flip at the top of the lift that puts you on your back and then into a 70*-90* straight drop. Simple, yet how fun would that be? Imagine being in that backseat being whipped over that hill and head over heals. Simple yet effective. Would be intense and great fun.


Compact Dive Loops?


Half pretzel/corkscrew dive combos. Approach like you would a pretzel loop and exit with a twist.


Flatspins? Stealth Style.


Even more AIR type flips would be more interesting, the flying to on-your-back twists into other elements.


I honestly don't know what is stopping B&M from coming up with any type of creative designs, weather it is the train articulation or what prohibiting elements. But to me, the layouts are just blah, sadly. The style has SO MUCH potential it just kills me to see these layouts coming out.


Now mind you, I am not saying it will be a bad ride by any means. I just find the layout uninspiring, that is all!

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Well i was impressed when i saw the corkscrew that intersected the pretzel loop. I thought it was impossible to have safe G-forces on flyers if they entered the corkscrew with rider's backs facing the sky, but yet again it looks like B&M has proved me wrong. I guess you could say Tatsu sort of has a corkscrew, but its much less pronounced than this one. That was probably the design that evolved into manta's corkscrew.


I do agree with you though, their needs to be way more than a few flips and a pretzel loop.

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Well everyone, I've got an extended edit of the Manta Construction Tour video that Bryan and I took last week to share with you. This video was taken on November 17th on behalf of Theme Park Review... Enjoy!



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^I'm sure it is possible, but entering in one stance while exiting in the other wouldn't make it a cobra roll (technically).


I never really found cobra rolls to be all that exciting to begin with. On a flyer, I just don't think it would be practical.

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If the train were to go fly-to-lie entering the cobra roll, the positive G-force wouldn't be that insane, but from an engineering standpoint it's risky. B&M flyers have to have their manuvers spread out because the trains have further articluation points than any other model. (Longer trains=wider elements) So in order to pull off a cobra roll it would have to be a pretty large cobra roll (at least larger than what we're used to seeing.) With that said, the trains also tend to loose speed very quickly. It's a gamble and unecessary since most flyers have pretzel loops, which are fun enough by themselves.


My .02

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Just a quick update from the park today. Out on the walls that surrounds the construction area, the wallpaper has changed. It now advertise Manta by saying "Taking Flight" and under it saying "Spring 2009."


It looks like the opening date may have been moved up as it previously read "Summer 2009." Another thing it shows now is a picture of the ride with people riding on it (one of the pictures they release with the press release).


Personally I'm glad they finally put a picture thats shows what kind of coaster it is. You wouldn't believe how many times I heard people complain at the park about how the ride doesn't look fun because of the drop. I will give you a example of what I heard from a guest at the park to his friend:


"Hey do you see that drop? What is that."


His friend responded by saying:


"Man that looks like Scorpion." (referring the coaster at BGA)


Of course these are just typical park guests, they don't usually follow the different types of coasters there are but I'm glad this picture is up because it will give guests an idea of the type of coaster this is.


EDIT: You can find a picture of the new wallpaper over at Johnnyupsidedown site.

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You wouldn't believe how many times I heard people complain at the park about how the ride doesn't look fun because of the drop. I will give you a example of what I heard from a guest at the park to his friend:


"Hey do you see that drop? What is that."


His friend responded by saying:


"Man that looks like Scorpion." (referring the coaster at BGA)


Really? How many times? All of my guest interactions usually end up with guests being *excited* about the ride....as they stand there and try to figure out just exactly what its going to do. In any event, I noticed them changing this out last night as I was headed out for the evening. Things definitely appear to be ahead of schedule, lucky us!

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Really? How many times? All of my guest interactions usually end up with guests being *excited* about the ride....as they stand there and try to figure out just exactly what its going to do. In any event, I noticed them changing this out last night as I was headed out for the evening. Things definitely appear to be ahead of schedule, lucky us!


We are lucky that the ride appears to be ahead of schedule. Now I don't mean all guests, most of the guests that I encounter are also pretty excited but there are a few that are like the one I described.


Back on topic about Manta construction, I can't wait to see the rest of the ride built. Everything from the rest of the track work to how this "ocean" will look like once completed.

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They really looked like they were ahead of schedule, something that BGA sometimes lack...Well they stay ahead, they just do not finish up completely.


This is promising. Another reason why SWO is the Flagship park of BEC


I disagree with that, I would say BGE is the flagship park.

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They really looked like they were ahead of schedule, something that BGA sometimes lack...Well they stay ahead, they just do not finish up completely.


This is promising. Another reason why SWO is the Flagship park of BEC


I disagree with that, I would say BGE is the flagship park.


Buddy...Officially, SWO is the Flagship park


SWO has been the flagship park for a while, hence one of the reasons they moved their headquarters to Orlando.




November 1, 2007 (Clayton, Mo.) – Busch Entertainment Corporation (BEC), the family entertainment subsidiary of Anheuser-Busch Cos., today announced a shift in senior management to fill vacancies created by last week’s transition of Keith M. Kasen to Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer and Jim Atchison from SeaWorld Orlando General Manager to BEC President and Chief Operating Officer.


Daniel B. Brown, 53, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Busch Gardens Africa and Adventure Island in Tampa, Fla., will assume the same position in BEC’s flagship park, SeaWorld Orlando. Brown also will oversee the operation of Discovery Cove and Aquatica, a SeaWorld water park scheduled to open next spring.


........the rest is not related to the topic. Just letting you know that SWO is the official Flahship park

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I disagree with that, I would say BGE is the flagship park.

It depends on how to define "flagship." According to attendance numbers top 20 parks in 2007, BGE is not their #1, #2, or #3 park:


1 - Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom

2 - Disneyland

3 - Tokyo Disneyland

4 - Tokyo DisneySea

5 - Disneyland Paris

6 - Epcot

7 - Disney's Hollywood Studios

8 - Disney's Animal Kingdom

9 - Universal Studios Japan

10 - Everland (South Korea)

11 - Universal Studios Florida

12 - SeaWorld Orlando

13 - Disney's California Adventure

14 - Blackpool Pleasure Beach

15 - Universal's Islands of Adventure

16 - Ocean Park (Hong Kong)

17 - Hakkeijima Sea Paradise (Japan)

18 - Universal Studios Hollywood

19 - Busch Gardens Africa

20 - SeaWorld San Diego

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