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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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"I think its really cool that theyre gonna have the ride go through an aquarium, I wonder what the fish are going to think about that" (BkkMan13)


Maybe they'll think it's some sort of "flying fish!"


I have not been to SeaWorld Orlando, but my guess is that the steep lift is to minimize the amount of space it takes to climb to the top. With Tatsu, it's mainly because of the location of the ride, but it also makes for a very scenic climb.


So far, I've been to Orlando twice without visiting this park, but maybe the third time's a charm.



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I would have to second that the layout is similar to SUF, SO FAR Since the bulk of the ride at this point is the curving drop and the pretzel, it's going to draw similarities. I just don't see why that's a bad think. Though I have yet to ride a superman clone myself, most of the reviews I hear are that they're boring COMPARED to Tatsu or Air.


Well how many inverted coasters out there start out with a curving drop and then a vertical loop? Just about all of them.

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I don't know about you guys, but I'm kinda getting tired of the Tatsu/Superman comparisons. This coaster is in NO way like Tatsu and thus I don't get how, even the lift hill, could be compared.

I think we all know how the Busch Parks run by now, and they're not always in it to make the craziest and most intense design, they're about the unique factor. Manta is just that... UNIQUE. It is NOT Tatsu and never will be Tatsu. And that's why I love it so very much.


Neil "Stick it to the FLAGS" Curiel

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Well how many inverted coasters out there start out with a curving drop and then a vertical loop? Just about all of them.


Finally somebody said it. I was tired of hearing all of the Superman: UF comparison about it having the same drop and first inversion and I kept thinking that there are so many coasters that do the same drop and first inversion but never mention it. Thank you for bringing that up.


I don't know about you guys, but I'm kinda getting tired of the Tatsu/Superman comparisons. This coaster is in NO way like Tatsu and thus I don't get how, even the lift hill, could be compared.

I think we all know how the Busch Parks run by now, and they're not always in it to make the craziest and most intense design, they're about the unique factor. Manta is just that... UNIQUE. It is NOT Tatsu and never will be Tatsu. And that's why I love it so very much.


I agree 100%. I used the same argument a while back on this board about how Manta is designed to be UNIQUE, it was never meant to be the next Tatsu or any other flyer. It an all new custom design created by B&M and Busch and hopefully, just like all their other designs, they come out as top notch fun rides.

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^, ^^I think it's funny how you talk about how it does the same thing as so many other coasters but then go on to talk about how Manta was built to be unique. (And have you been on Tatsu!? It's amazing.)


Hmm...Well thought out.


Anyways, Manta is going to be compared to the boring Superman clones because so far it does the same dang thing the Superman clones do.


With that said, it does follow a unique layout after the pretzel and I like how it turns into itself rather than going around the loop. It definitely looks like it will be more exciting than a Superman clone.

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^, ^^I think it's funny how you talk about how it does the same thing as so many other coasters but then go on to talk about how Manta was built to be unique. (And have you been on Tatsu!? It's amazing.)


I think you answered my point in the same post. Just because it has the same beginning, it can be unique as well. The reason we use the first drop and inversion comparison was because people were comparing it to S:UF just by seeing that it did the same thing at the beginning. You answered my point by saying:


With that said, it does follow a unique layout after the pretzel and I like how it turns into itself rather than going around the loop. It definitely looks like it will be more exciting than a Superman clone.


Manta will be unique by that fact (different layout) as well as with the theme and water splash effect which follows a whole storyline of being a Manta ray.


When I go to a theme park, I want rides based off a theme and it looks like Manta can possibly delivered that in a roller coaster. Oh and I hope one day to go on Tatsu, that ride looks like quite a amazing experience.

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Man, I hope it travels through that fast enough so you're pushed against the restraints the whole time instead of falling on your back, like on Superman's heartline.




This is seriously making me impatient. I am getting the same feeling I got when SheiKra was being built

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I wonder why It's going up so fast! I mean I'm not complaining or anything. Just curious


I don't think it's going up abnormally fast for a coaster being built in Florida/a non-seasonal park. ShieKra went up pretty fast too. I think a lot of the fast construction has to do with the weather down here. We don't have to worry about half the elements the north does. Or maybe it's just Busch and how they build rides. I mean, they are working on Manta 24 hours a day. I'm not too surprised.

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