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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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It will be interesting to see how operation go after the parks open. I could realistically see every other row getting loaded ever other cycle, then having the previously occupied row being sprayed and wiped down in between cycles while the empty row (which was cleaned on the previous cycle) is being loaded.


I would also imagine that families will be able to sit in rows together but we'll see.

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I would certainly hope they're not breaking up groups, especially families. I haven't seen it specifically addressed anywhere yet, but for me and my crew, if we're not sitting together, we're probably not going. The whole point of going together is being together, so hopefully parks aren't intending to split families up.

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I would certainly hope they're not breaking up groups, especially families. I haven't seen it specifically addressed anywhere yet, but for me and my crew, if we're not sitting together, we're probably not going. The whole point of going together is being together, so hopefully parks aren't intending to split families up.

I could see them breaking up any group that's four people or more. Three people, fine, sit together; Four people, go two and two.

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Yeah, I think the park operators understand that they can't reasonably force a child or family member to ride alone that isn't comfortable doing so.

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Feels like most of the "rides" at SeaWorld are fairly well set up for allowing families or groups to ride together. One group per boat on Atlantis and the rapids, full rows for groups of 4 or less on the B&Ms, one group per vehicle on Antarctica. Most of the rides in the Sesame Street area can be accommodated fairly easily.


I'm interested to see if there are any attractions that stay closed after parks everywhere re-open. I could see Wild Arctic staying closed for a variety of reasons.

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I forgot about Ice breaker, but again there seems like one group of 4 or less per 6 person vehicle is pretty reasonable.


Also speaking of Ice Breaker has anyone heard if that's going to be ready to open with the park? I'm pretty sure track was completed before the shut down but I don't recall any testing or SeaWorld showing it off on social media through the closure like Iron Gwazi.

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Have fun in that Florida heat and humidity with a mask on all day.

Thanks, I'm looking forward to getting on Manta, Mako, and Kraken again.

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I checked the operating calendar page on the park’s website and it looks like they will be closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the foreseeable future. Wonder why that is?


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I checked the operating calendar page on the park’s website and it looks like they will be closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the foreseeable future. Wonder why that is?

If the guidelines for restricted capacity in our area are based on average attendance, they may want to "free up" some capacity for the weekends to keep their average in check.


But that begs the question... Why stay open Wednesday? Forgive me, but with a lack of vacationers, and local workplaces beginning to open back up on a Monday through Friday basis, who's even going to be at the park on a Wednesday?

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It looks like they picked an 8-hour x 5-day work week to be open. For some reason, they went with split days off instead of consecutive. Perhaps they didn't want to be closed 2 days in a row if people were in town for a short vacation.

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Just looking at the Aquatica calendar, excluding the first week of operation, it appears that the days that SeaWorld is closed, Aquatica will be open. Monday and Wednesdays, SeaWorld is open, Tuesdays and Thursdays, it's Aquatica's time to shine. So any day in Orlando, passholders will have at least one property to visit.


Meanwhile, looking at the Tampa calendars, it's surprising to see that Adventure Island is only open Thursdays through Sundays... so no matter what, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in Tampa, you'll be plum outta luck.

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With the announcement of SeaWorld Orlando Reopening on Thursday, June 11, 2020. The park has announced today that advanced reservations will be required to visit the park.


To manage capacity, guests with tickets, Fun Cards, or Annual Passes must make a reservation prior to visiting the park. Guests must bring their reservation eticket and their original ticket, Fun Card, or Annual Pass to the front gate for entry into the park.


Reservations will be accepted starting Monday, June 8, 2020 at 10:00AM EST.




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Reservation requests started this morning, was super easy to complete. Just need to have your barcode numbers handy for your Passholder ID Number, Fun Card Number or Ticket Barcodes ready for validation though their system. Excited to get down to Orlando later this month.

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So far, so not so good for some passholders... They're wrongly showing my pass as expired, and apparently I'm not the only one. I'm sure it'll work out eventually but I'm pretty disappointed.

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Does anyone know what we do if we are planning on utilizing a free season pass guest ticket and therefore don’t have an extra ticket number to input? I have one season pass and want to bring a friend free. Therefore, I only have one number but need two reservations.

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