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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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You've been able to do that for a while now, I think. Every time I've been there recently there has only ever been a cycle or two of waiting for any row but the front.

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^The media event is October 4th. It did show for a short time on the website yesterday that the grand opening was October 4th. It was removed by the time I tried to look directly around noon yesterday. Here's the screen shot I saw:


Remember...this was taken down soon after so it currently does not show this.

With the media announcement that morning, it could very well open after they are through that day.

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I feel like this project has kind of become old news before it even opened. Also there is usually a reason they don’t open new rides in October. I’m sure it will be popular though and I sure hope it helps this park but I’m not going to count on it.

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From the article:

"SeaWorld spokesman Travis Claytor confirmed Tuesday the images are real and pulled from a company presentation, although he stressed nothing has been made final or approved yet."


Maybe I just have bad memory but I have never heard of a park confirming a leak. I'm surprised by them confirming the SWO leak but even more astonished that they basically confirmed ALL the rides from that presentation slide deck.

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Young people love social media and that is the in thing now. They most likely did it on purpose. Look at the exposure the parks are receiving from it


And yet every other park doesn't leak and instead has a plan/games/teasers/etc.


I stand by accidental leak and now covering it up saying what a social media genius they are!

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And I wouldn't put too much stake in the image as it seems as they just gave a concept vs actual. But here's hopes for a "big brother" version of Cheetah Hunt.


As someone who loves Cheetah Hunt, I would really like for this to happen. However, I hope that they keep the height requirement at 48 inches. We loved our visit to SWO last summer, but my youngest felt a little left out because she couldn't ride Kraken, Manta, or Mako, which all have 54 inch height requirements. SWO really needs a thrilling coaster that younger guests can ride. Cheetah was her favorite ride at BGT, so it makes a lot of sense for SWO to build something similar that fits that demographic.

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Kraken, Manta, or Mako, which all have 54 inch height requirements. SWO really needs a thrilling coaster that younger guests can ride. Cheetah was her favorite ride at BGT, so it makes a lot of sense for SWO to build something similar that fits that demographic.

I agree 100%. It never made sense to me why a park like SeaWorld, which is really geared towards children and families ended up with three coasters that are 54" which Busch Gardens got rides like Cheetah Hunt and Cobra's Curse which have more "SeaWorld Demographic-Friendly" height restrictions.

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Kraken, Manta, or Mako, which all have 54 inch height requirements. SWO really needs a thrilling coaster that younger guests can ride. Cheetah was her favorite ride at BGT, so it makes a lot of sense for SWO to build something similar that fits that demographic.

I agree 100%. It never made sense to me why a park like SeaWorld, which is really geared towards children and families ended up with three coasters that are 54" which Busch Gardens got rides like Cheetah Hunt and Cobra's Curse which have more "SeaWorld Demographic-Friendly" height restrictions.

IMHO, the only thing missing from SeaWorld's coaster lineup is a Wave Breaker-style launched coaster

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Kraken, Manta, or Mako, which all have 54 inch height requirements. SWO really needs a thrilling coaster that younger guests can ride. Cheetah was her favorite ride at BGT, so it makes a lot of sense for SWO to build something similar that fits that demographic.

I agree 100%. It never made sense to me why a park like SeaWorld, which is really geared towards children and families ended up with three coasters that are 54" which Busch Gardens got rides like Cheetah Hunt and Cobra's Curse which have more "SeaWorld Demographic-Friendly" height restrictions.

IMHO, the only thing missing from SeaWorld's coaster lineup is a Wave Breaker-style launched coaster

Wait... what? That doesn't even make any sense. So you're saying that if they had a "Wave Breaker-style" coaster, they'd be done. They don't need any more roller coasters?



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Kraken, Manta, or Mako, which all have 54 inch height requirements. SWO really needs a thrilling coaster that younger guests can ride. Cheetah was her favorite ride at BGT, so it makes a lot of sense for SWO to build something similar that fits that demographic.

I agree 100%. It never made sense to me why a park like SeaWorld, which is really geared towards children and families ended up with three coasters that are 54" which Busch Gardens got rides like Cheetah Hunt and Cobra's Curse which have more "SeaWorld Demographic-Friendly" height restrictions.

IMHO, the only thing missing from SeaWorld's coaster lineup is a Wave Breaker-style launched coaster

Wait... what? That doesn't even make any sense. So you're saying that if they had a "Wave Breaker-style" coaster, they'd be done. They don't need any more roller coasters?




I was trying to say that a Wave Breaker-style launched coaster should be their next coaster as SeaWorld doesn't have a launched coaster (one of very few major parks without a launched coaster)

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