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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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^&^^ I'm not sure I do get it. I don't think changing all of their shows into educational program type shows is working for reversing their attendance losses. The people that are stupid enough to boycott the park aren't going to magically come back because they changed the dolphin show or the orca show. I feel like Sea World is really in a precarious position right now and they're not quite sure what to do to fix it.

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I think this is a budget cut that they're passing off as a part of their shift from theatrical shows to try to milk a little positive PR out of it. Now they don't have to pay the divers (though I believe they've already cut them) and acrobats and can just use the trainers that they already have on staff. To be fair though, I think it's a smart move and I'm completely okay with it. I sort of prefer the educational format of these shows anyway (though not with Clyde & Seamore... if they f*ck with Clyde & Seamore I'll lose my mind ).

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^&^^ I'm not sure I do get it. I don't think changing all of their shows into educational program type shows is working for reversing their attendance losses. The people that are stupid enough to boycott the park aren't going to magically come back because they changed the dolphin show or the orca show. I feel like Sea World is really in a precarious position right now and they're not quite sure what to do to fix it.


Yeah I meant I get it from the standpoint of it either being a budget cut or as part of their image shift, but I'm with you in that I'm not sure it will do anything to reverse their attendance issues. I'm sure it was frustrating that they opened Mako in a year when Orlando park attendance in general was considered to be somewhat stagnant.

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^&^^ I'm not sure I do get it. I don't think changing all of their shows into educational program type shows is working for reversing their attendance losses. The people that are stupid enough to boycott the park aren't going to magically come back because they changed the dolphin show or the orca show. I feel like Sea World is really in a precarious position right now and they're not quite sure what to do to fix it.


I don't mind the changes but you're right about the people who are already boycotting. I've had some discussions with people who refuse to go to SeaWorld after the blackfish stuff and having the conversation is pointless because their minds are made up already.


Ringling brothers is not the perfect comparison because they had even more legal issues with states banning them but people complained about the elephants so much but once they were gone attendance reflected that the majority of people were going because of the elephants.

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I've had some discussions with people who refuse to go to SeaWorld after the blackfish stuff and having the conversation is pointless because their minds are made up already.


Yea, this is why I avoid discussing the subject matter with my sister altogether. She and her boyfriend are hardcore marine life activists and are some of the most Anti-Sea World folks I know. Heck, her boyfriend's cousin is Eli Despres, the co-writer and editor of Blackfish. Imagine having THAT in the family while being a big theme park geek. There's no point in having any conversation with them on the subject matter because it's just gonna drive rifts into the family, so we've learned to never bring it up again.

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I've had some discussions with people who refuse to go to SeaWorld after the blackfish stuff and having the conversation is pointless because their minds are made up already.


Yea, this is why I avoid discussing the subject matter with my sister altogether. She and her boyfriend are hardcore marine life activists and are some of the most Anti-Sea World folks I know. Heck, her boyfriend's cousin is Eli Despres, the co-writer and editor of Blackfish. Imagine having THAT in the family while being a big theme park geek. There's no point in having any conversation with them on the subject matter because it's just gonna drive rifts into the family, so we've learned to never bring it up again.


I imagine that would be awkward at family events...especially while digging into that big, juicy Thanksgiving turkey.


I'll give you $5 if you'd say, "Ya know what would go good with this here turkey? Some good ole' dolphin! Maybe next year, we could have turdolphawhale for Thanksgiving!"

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Its sad how groups like PETA are trying to ruin places like Seaworld or circuses. They are just like the college campus SJWs who try to ruin movies,holidays,video games etc. Whats with these lame activists groups trying to ruin all things fun and great?? Not to mention these people are loosing peoples lively hood when they no longer have a job thanks to people like them!

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This country has lost the ability to discuss issues. They are unwilling to listen to opposing views and engage in a productive discussion. They resort to yelling and name calling and in some cases destruction of property.


As for what to do about attendance? Maybe $28.00 for two hot dogs, two bags of chips and two sodas is a bit much?

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I've done Discovery Cove twice, Sea World Orlando four times across my life, caught one of the last elephant Ringling shows, and have my tickets for one of the last Ringling shows this year. Having done the Ringling museum in Sarasota the idea of the circus going extinct is sad. Everyone can have their opinions about animal captivity (at the end of the day it's not good but I'm not seeing these animals, or making the memories, or connections without them) but I know there are more pressing issues with humans than with animals. I can only imagine if the resources and time of the SJWs took on hunger and homelessness there would be many more able to enjoy rollercoasters.

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Seaworld can be so so frustrating. This show was their most well-reviewed in park surveys and well-loved by many. I will never forget the finale where the female lead soars around the stage after riding on the dolphin's back. Pure magic, and it has been my favorite single thing at their park for a while. I'm really missing Believe, Allure and now Blue Horizons.

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Well, I'm sad to see these shows change, but I'm still going to buy a SeaWorld platnium pass and visit several of their parks around the country this year and give the company my support. I've always loved SeaWorld and Busch Gardens and hope they can turn things around financially. Hopefully 2017 is the year they bounce back!

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As for what to do about attendance? Maybe $28.00 for two hot dogs, two bags of chips and two sodas is a bit much?


Yeah, considering that SeaWorld's food has never been all that good.

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Just got back from our annual trip to Florida, managed to get to SeaWorld this time to try out "Mako".

I did appreciate that even Florida tried to make me feel as though I was back home in Scotland...and so rained for the day we went to the park....which minus the heat....was just like the motherland!!! The upside to this was the park was very quiet, so gave me a few different rides with no wait.


I enjoyed Mako, rode front, middle and back. I enjoyed the front the most but probably because the rain was pretty heavy at this point and it made for a different ride experience being pelted by raindrops at 60+ mph! It was an incredibly smooth ride and was getting good reports from the riders that day ( a lot of Brits over on holiday).

Manta was also walk on all day, I love flyers.....so Manta is always fun.....no different this time.


Regarding the food, we did the "all day dining" which was nothing more than "OK"...but my gripe was the children's options that they give with this. We went to the Fajita restaurant for supper and yet Fajitas weren't included as a kids option...just "mac and cheese" or "chicken nuggets"!!! I would have thought that some kids "might" want a bit more choice than that...especially in a place that is offering something that is hardly what you would call "exotic". I was not overly impressed...and doubt we will do it again.


Loved our trip as always (did Disney and a Disney cruise). We will be back next February as always...when usually we should be shivering away in the frozen north. They broke all sort of temperature records this year though while we were away (heat wise)! The folks from Pennsylvania we bumped into were joking that FLorida was colder than Philadelphia!!!

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I'm bring guests to SeaWorld Orlando and want to know which dolphin show is better: Blue Horizons or Dolphin Days? Blue Horizon ends on March 31 and Dolphin Days begins April 1. Which show is more entertaining? I can being then anytime time from late March or early April, thanks!

I am hoping some here have seen both shows.

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Dolphin Days is a new show so it is extremely unlikely that anyone can tell if they prefer it to Blue Horizons.


I don't know your guests, nor do I know more about Dolphins Days than has been released by SeaWorld. You have to decide if your guests prefers a more entertainment driven show (Blue Horizons) or the new show that is more edu-tainment (Dolphin Days).


Dolphins Days announcement

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My guess is the theatrical just has to be reset. Every once in a while it would freak out and do exactly that. Operations department doesn't handle that so sometimes it takes some time to get it to sync back up. Just a guess though. I haven't been to SeaWorld in years. // Source: former JTA host

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^&^^ I'm not sure I do get it. I don't think changing all of their shows into educational program type shows is working for reversing their attendance losses. The people that are stupid enough to boycott the park aren't going to magically come back because they changed the dolphin show or the orca show. I feel like Sea World is really in a precarious position right now and they're not quite sure what to do to fix it.


Yeah I meant I get it from the standpoint of it either being a budget cut or as part of their image shift, but I'm with you in that I'm not sure it will do anything to reverse their attendance issues. I'm sure it was frustrating that they opened Mako in a year when Orlando park attendance in general was considered to be somewhat stagnant.



Edited by AUWent
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I honestly don't get the internet's opinion. The ride has had a broken narrative now for probably a decade with the screens in the queue having been shut off in the early to mid 2000s. They eliminated it and got rid of the story entirely, which, by the way, is something that most of the all time great, classic attractions never had, like Pirates or Haunted Mansion. They're going primarily with just a basic environment and music. And people are...mad? You guys actually liked the seahorse more just because it was something to laugh at?

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I honestly don't get the internet's opinion. The ride has had a broken narrative now for probably a decade with the screens in the queue having been shut off in the early to mid 2000s. They eliminated it and got rid of the story entirely, which, by the way, is something that most of the all time great, classic attractions never had, like Pirates or Haunted Mansion. They're going primarily with just a basic environment and music. And people are...mad? You guys actually liked the seahorse more just because it was something to laugh at?


I don't disagree with you, but I still think there's a big difference between functioning effects and animations and stationary ones. I came across a POV of it last night and while it still seems like a great ride, you definitely notice the changes in a big way. You're right about the nonsensical storyline but that doesn't really bother me with dark rides, there are plenty of rides in Orlando alone with nonsensical storylines and nobody seems to mind.

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