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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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Anyone have a general idea of when this might soft open? Around March?


Head home on 20th May. Will be gutted if I just miss it opening.


The only thing regarding an open date released so far is "Summer 2016", which starts June 20th and ends September 21st. Some people consider Memorial Day the beginning of Summer. They left this wide open most likely to avoid bad press in case of delays as has happened with previous attractions the company built (particularly at Busch Gardens Tampa) . We know B&M coasters tend to get put up quick and rarely have delays. There are other things thematically around the whole area to be done that takes time as well.


My best estimate is that they intend on opening it Memorial Day weekend should delays not force a later date. The earliest they would do soft openings (if at all) would be early May. Could it open earlier? Absolutely, but don't get your hopes to high on that and get let down later. Just keep track of it here or other outlets for when they plan on opening.

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^ I don't know... to me a shark shouldn't roar...



Fixed it for you


Mako Sharks belong to the Chondrichthyes class.


"Chondrichthyes is a class that contains the cartilaginous fishes: they are jawed vertebrates with paired fins, paired nares, scales, a heart with its chambers in series, and skeletons made of cartilage rather than bone. The class is divided into two subclasses: Elasmobranchii (sharks, rays, skates, and sawfish) and Holocephali (chimaeras, sometimes called ghost sharks, which are sometimes separated into their own class)."


Mako Shark = Fish. Granted it is a really big, powerful fish. But still a fish none the less.

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Mako preview for annual pass holders is in June. That means we should expect a early July opening of Mako if the preview is in late June, or a mid/ late June opening if the preview is in early/mid June.



That news makes me sad. Looks like it won't be ready for my visit.

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^Just because the passholders get a "preview" of the ride in June, it doesn't mean that the ride may not operate for guests before then. Soft openings of Manta took place long before passholder previews or the grand opening, so that presents the possibility for the same to happen this time around.

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I wouldn't be surprised to see this thing taking riders by late April.


Personally I'd be really shocked if this thing was even close to take riders in late April.


At the rate which this thing is shaping up, I doubt it will open in July. I'd say late may to June is a safe bet.


I agree. I think late May to early June is a safe bet for the opening.

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^ I was wondering the same thing. Mako construction seems to be creeping along. Maybe it takes longer to poor the footers and get them set up because of the Florida watertable?? (Just guessing here) but that's about the only thing I can think of that could be a reason why construction is taking so long.

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Any ideas of why SeaWorld is taking their time with construction? With the weather down there, and when they started construction, they could have Mako almost done by now.


There are many factors that need to be taken into account when it comes to how long a ride takes to construct such as access to the ride area, parts arrival, construction team, soil conditions and thats not even covering the surface. As far as we know the ride is still on schedule and no major delays have been announced so I wouldn't worry to much. I would much rather they take their time and get the ride finished to a high standard than they rush it and it looks like a giant B&M turd!

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ORLANDO, Fla. (Jan. 12, 2016) – SeaWorld Orlando kicks off the new year with Wild Days, presented by Coca-Cola, the popular annual event that connects guests in even more ways with animals and the natural, wild world. The event is included with park admission and takes place three weekends in January (Jan. 16-17, Jan. 23-24 and Jan. 30-31). Each weekend is hosted by different animal experts, and features new educational shows – from orcas to wildlife rescue – and even more up-close animal experiences, meet-and-greet opportunities and interactive education stations.


Three Wild Days Weekends Themes:


January 16-17: “Wild Weekend with Jack Hanna”

World-renowned animal expert “Jungle Jack” Hanna hosts the first weekend. Guests can meet and learn about amazing animals from Jack, and hear about his unique travels and personal experiences.


Add-on packages:

· Breakfast with Jack Hanna at Sharks Underwater Grill -- Package includes breakfast and a personal meet-and-greet with Jack Hanna starting at $49 (available Saturday and Sunday).


· Dinner with Jack Hanna at Sharks Underwater Grill -- Package includes dinner and a personal meet-and-greet with Jack Hanna starting at $59 (only available Saturday).


January 23-24: “Penguin Lovers’ Weekend

Nationally recognized SeaWorld Animal Ambassador Julie Scardina hosts a cool weekend of wildlife surprises with a special focus on penguins. Guests can get up-close to these amazing feathered friends and hear from Julie about her lifelong love of animals and the parks’ commitment to wildlife conservation.


January 30-31: “Sea Rescue” Weekend

SeaWorld has rescued more than 27,000 animals over 50 years, and these amazing animal stories are featured weekly on the popular Saturday-morning ABC TV series “Sea Rescue.” Hear first-hand accounts of marine animal rescues, rehabilitations and returns by SeaWorld’s Animal Rescue Team, heroes and partners featured on the show.


Every Wild Days Weekend Includes:


New “Ocean Discovery” killer whale presentation – Guests can learn more about killer whales, also called orcas, and other species of whales during a special educational show. This interactive, 30-minute presentation teaches guests about the animals’ adaptations, habitats and behavior. (Note: This special presentation is in addition to the popular “One Ocean” shows scheduled throughout the day.)


New “Inspiring Stories” pre-shows – The SeaWorld Animal Training Team has some of the most fascinating jobs in the world. Guests can learn what it takes to care for animals that call SeaWorld home and how caring for them has helped with the rescue and rehabilitation of wild animals that need help. “Inspiring Stories” will take place at the beginning of three of the park’s popular shows: Blue Horizons, Pets Ahoy and Clyde & Seamore’s Sea Lion High. Check park maps for times.


Meet our Animals – Throughout the park, even more trainers, educators and animal care staff are stationed to share information and stories about the animals in our care and provide up-close meet and greets, scheduled feedings and fun surprises. Check park maps for times and locations.


Explore Zones – More than 14 fun and interactive education stations can be discovered throughout the park, featuring games and hands-on experiences that teach guests about animals and what they can do to protect the wild world in their own lives. Check event guide for exclusive in-park experiences.


Wild Days takes place every Saturday and Sunday, January 16 through January 31, and is included with park admission. All feature shows take place at Nautilus Theater at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.






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They did some serious work around the pond/lake. When looking above from the SkyTower or from Kraken, the pond is very small currently. I'm sure construction is right on schedule since apparently December is now part of the summer season in terms of weather.


They were working on the land near the fence, right where the turn is after the first drop when i was there.

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