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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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Cue PETA and Blackfish supporters looking at this like some kind of victory...


A victory? They are literally just closing it for maintenance. Big deal. It just means the whales will be held in the holding pools for more periods of time. I'm sure all of the so-called PETA people and Blackfish supporters aren't considering this a victory at all.

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All those extremists haven't even made me consider dumping my SeaWorld stock. In fact, none of this has appeared to have any direct impact on their stocks. If any of this has a major impact on their quarterly earnings and revenue numbers, then that will impact their stocks. As I previously mentioned, the GP will forget about all this soon and SeaWorld will continue to move forward.

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^ Oh?


Perhaps you should read the articles online and read some of the comments...never underestimate the power of stupidity that is the GP.


That is a small sampling. You can't take a small sample of idiots seriously. Just like there are idiots on here.

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All those extremists haven't even made me consider dumping my SeaWorld stock. In fact, none of this has appeared to have any direct impact on their stocks. If any of this has a major impact on their quarterly earnings and revenue numbers, then that will impact their stocks. As I previously mentioned, the GP will forget about all this soon and SeaWorld will continue to move forward.


Why are they extremists? I have been an animal advocate for over a decade and I certainly don't consider myself an extremist. Is it extreme to have a different view than you?

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I'd love to see SeaWorld create a documentary about how they help their animals. But then the public would accuse them of lying and say that the movie was just a show to make it look like what they're doing is right. I freaking love SeaWorld and will continue to support them until there is significant, real evidence that what they're doing is wrong, and I don't see any of that evidence yet, just biased documentaries and news articles.


Plus, why are they getting all the blame for stuff like this? There are plenty of marine parks and zoos that make money off of animals, yet SeaWorld is the only one wrongly accused of mistreating animals?

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All those extremists haven't even made me consider dumping my SeaWorld stock. In fact, none of this has appeared to have any direct impact on their stocks. If any of this has a major impact on their quarterly earnings and revenue numbers, then that will impact their stocks. As I previously mentioned, the GP will forget about all this soon and SeaWorld will continue to move forward.


Why are they extremists? I have been an animal advocate for over a decade and I certainly don't consider myself an extremist. Is it extreme to have a different view than you?


I was using the term lightly, and didn't mean to offend you. My apologies. I should have said 'activists' and not 'extermists'

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All those extremists haven't even made me consider dumping my SeaWorld stock. In fact, none of this has appeared to have any direct impact on their stocks. If any of this has a major impact on their quarterly earnings and revenue numbers, then that will impact their stocks. As I previously mentioned, the GP will forget about all this soon and SeaWorld will continue to move forward.


Why are they extremists? I have been an animal advocate for over a decade and I certainly don't consider myself an extremist. Is it extreme to have a different view than you?


I was using the term lightly, and didn't mean to offend you. My apologies. I should have said 'activists' and not 'extermists'


It's completely fine. I'm not offended. I was just curious to see how you meant to use the term. All is good my man.

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It amazes me how stupid society has become. The director of Blackfish didn't make the movie to support animal rights or any of those nutjob activists. She made the film to purposely create controversy which drew attention to the movie so she can collect a bigger paycheck on her next film. Congrats. Job well done. And CNN bought into it and they get all that publicity as they are slowly going down the road of Fox News.


Remember all that crap McDonalds got for about a year when Super Size Me came out? I don't see that stopping anyone from shoving Big Macs in their face now.


People are dumb. This movie proves it. It's really sad that it has come to this.


--Robb "I seriously hope there isn't ANYONE on TPR that buys into this crap." Alvey

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I am tempted to ask the people who are protesting Sea World...have they ever visited the park or they going by what they see and hear from others? I will bet that the majority of protesters have never been to Sea World.


Well, I haven't seen any protesters holding signs down the Central Florida Parkway or try to disrupt traffic into the park. BTW, when the circus came to town, I did see 3-4 people holding signs on the other side of the street. I couldn't read the signs since the text was too small.

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Honestly, I doubt this will fade for a long while. I feel as though there will be incidents that continuously remind everyone on Blackfish. It doesn't help that it was broadcasted nationally throughout the United States. Yes, sometimes the GP decides that they don't need to do research. Regardless of what they think, they still influence people not go to the parks. Incidents like this won't let this Blackfish issue die.


We'll see if it's effecting the parks in the long run. However, I don't think the buzz will die anytime soon.

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All the bands are pulling out for publicity.

Exactly. Nobody, the filmmakers, the news network, the bands, etc, none of them are doing it because "of the animals." They are doing it for their own personal agenda.


I personally think they are doing worse harm than SeaWorld could ever do.

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Every time one of these stupid movies come around, it becomes a "hip" thing to protest whatever some no name filmmaker decided is "wrong." I definitely agree all the bands are just doing it for the publicity- just like why the film was made in the first place.


Fortunately most people are morons, and they'll soon become distracted by some other meaningless "news" story, it iust sucks that Sea World has to weather this.


Seriously though- have these people ever WATCHED the trainers work!?!? If you can honestly say they don't love their animals, you're either blind, deaf, or completely stupid.

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This is starting to become ridiculous.


SeaWorld concert: Heart drops out after Barenaked Ladies, Willie Nelson ditch Orlando festival


SeaWorld concert: Heart drops out after Barenaked Ladies, Willie Nelson ditch Orlando festival

By Kevin P. Connolly, Orlando Sentinel

5:04 pm, December 7, 2013


Sorry, classic rockers. Nancy Wilson and sister Ann will not be going crazy in Orlando.


At least, not at the 2014 edition of SeaWorld Orlando's Bands, Brew & BBQ Festival set to begin Feb. 1.


Heart on Saturday became the third act to bow out of the festival amid online pressure prompted by the documentary "Blackfish," which is critical of the park's treatment of killer whales.


Country singer Willie Nelson canceled Thursday.


Barenaked Ladies announced last week that it had scrubbed its appearance because of the "Blackfish" controversy.


"While we're disappointed a small group of misinformed individuals was able to deny fans what would have been a great concert by Heart at SeaWorld, we respect the band's decision," Nick Gollattscheck, SeaWorld Orlando's director of public relations said in a statement.


"The band and artists have a standing invitation to visit any of our parks to see for firsthand or to speak to any of our animal experts to learn for themselves how we care for animals and how little truth there is to the allegations made by animal extremist groups opposed to the zoological display of marine mammals," he added.


Other acts scheduled to come to SeaWorld include Cheap Trick, REO Speedwagon, Justin Moore, Scotty McCreery, Martina McBride and 38 Special.


Heart wasn't on the original list of performers. But the band's departure was significant enough for Change.org to release a statement Saturday,


One of the band's signature songs is "Crazy on You," which became Heart's first commercial hit in 1976


Change.org's statement said: "Heart guitarist Nancy Wilson confirmed that the band had canceled their SeaWorld performance on Twitter earlier today."


The tweet didn't specifically mention the "Blackfish" controversy.


"The Sea World show was planned long ago as an Orlando show,'' the tweet said. "Had we known, we'd have said no then. We said no today. Love you all."


The petition was launched by Heart fan Shani Roushar of Pembroke Pines in South Florida.


"Roushar was inspired by recent Change.org petitions that successfully pressured both the Barenaked Ladies and Willie Nelson to drop their February performances at SeaWorld Orlando,'' Change.org said.


Shani is quoted as saying she appreciated Heart's "compassionate decision to say no to SeaWorld animal cruelty."


Change.org said Nelson in an interview on CNN on Friday corrected SeaWorld's claim that his show had been cancelled "due to scheduling conflicts."


"I understand there are petitions going around with thousands of people's names on it, so I had to cancel. Also, I don't agree with the way they treat their animals. It wasn't that hard a deal for me," Nelson is quoted as saying.

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I'm not too worried, it will all pass. American's attention span is quite short. Remember the movie Supersize Me? Yeah, McDonalds is still here and doing just fine! It just shows how ignorant a lot of people are. Anyone who honestly thinks SeaWorld is a bad company abusing animals is pathetic. They do so much good for ugly sea creatures that no one cares about and treat their nice animals really well.

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I myself fear that it will be hard for Sea World to recover. Mainly because those acts (especially Willie Nelson) drew a huge crowd to the park. I also feel that this issue will stay on people's mind forever because Sea World is not like McDonalds, they do not have a park everywhere. When people see a Sea World they will stay away from it because they will remember black fish, a movie that was emotionally controversial and thus they must heed to the "cause". I love seeing what the animals do at Sea World, it is such an amazing thing how we humans can "domesticate" animals to do what we ask them to do. I for one do not see anything wrong with that. Instead of going after Sea World they should be going after circuses. I just hope that it only hurts them in the short run and that two years from now Sea World will be bringing in more guests to their parks. I do not think this would be such a big deal if they were still owned by Busch.

Whatever happens, they will always have my support.

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It amazes me the people who are saying that they are going to dislike a page because said page likes Sea World. (Happened on my business page.)


Then you go look through said person's photos, and they have cats, dogs, birds, fish, etc. Hypocrites!


I noticed TPR turned off the commenting option on Facebook, and I had more to say to those hypocrites...LOL

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