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No Limits design team

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I'm looking for people to start a design team with No Limits the positions are:



terrain and scenery(3)=Vekoma Fan Boy,IwantRevenge,DBru


to become part of this design team you must submit your best design in NL. I will announce the people and positions when I get enough people and designs

The team positions will alternate if you are put in the design team then after we make a coaster you will become the supporter then the terrain/scenery etc. This will ensure everyone gets a fare shot.


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Wow, you read my mind lol I was just about to start the same thing up! That's so weird ,


Anyways since you have started one, I will go for the other designer.

Its hard to choose a coaster that's your best, because whats your best mightn't be someone Else's best?





Skedaddle (Wooden)


My 2nd option Void also a Woodie (better IMO then my 1st one)

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I think I'll join, I don't mind what I do as long as it isn't anything to do with terrain. I do know simple elementary and I'm learning about FVD's but I usually make my rides by hand anyway and there usually quite smooth.


Heres my best design at the moment. However I'm currently working on a ride which I expect to be far better.

Operation X2 Depth Charge.nlpack


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I got a few suggestions...


-The TPR NoLimits design team (generic and boring)


-Zano Gumbo's One and only CCJaredisoocool Team (A fusion of everyones name, can be extended to include those you havn't signed up yet)


-Dr.gumbo and company (My name, doesn't need extending) (j/k but if you like it...)


-Arrovekaminfari and Mackgerstsohnekopf Coasters International (all the real major manufactures rolled into one)


Thats the best I've came up with and to be honest, there all a load of utter crap! (Mind I like the Arrovekaminfari and Mackgerstsohnekopf Coasters International one)

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I'd like to join. And wow, you actually want a FINISHED coaster from me? I have like 80 tracks on my hard drive and like 3 of them are finished.


But I did manage to dig one up, it isn't completely done, (I'm taking my time on custom supports and other things...) But for the most part, it is done.

Cannonball Run.nltrack

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I'll make a logo.


And I'm thinking that maybe it shouldn't be like set things for the team, it might work better if every one helps in all areas? Just an opinion.




Then you'll get everyone doing the samething and it will clash its better if people do set things.


P.s I said im making the logo so haa.

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Okay, I'd like to go for anything other than smoother (no tools...) or supports (no skills... ).


So here are my FAVORITE NoLimits coasters I've made. Not necessarily my best, but my favorites...


INSANE LIM Launched coaster... Velocity!


Classic wooden coaster... Barbarian!


Terrain Eurofighter... Avalanche!

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da1daonly why do we have the people on the team slpit up into coaster categories like each team member picks one of them then the people can submit their design on that category so like 2 people per category like this

B&m _ &_

Vekoma _&_

Intamin _&_



And so on



Just an idea James---------------------------------------------------------------

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