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Scary South Africa Amusement Park Accident!

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I couldn't find this posted (Sorry if it was) and didn't think it really needed to take up the main forums space.


So enjoy, not sure if this was the S Africa accident from a few days ago or not.




Not sure why, but am I the only one who in a odd way finds this kind of funny? Only thing missing is an end of ride spiel.

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I couldn't find this posted (Sorry if it was) and didn't think it really needed to take up the main forums space.


So enjoy, not sure if this was the S Africa accident from a few days ago or not.




Not sure why, but am I the only one who in a odd way finds this kind of funny? Only thing missing is an end of ride spiel.

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I saw a bunch of empty seats just after the thing fell and thought, "Did people fall out?" But I'm guessing that the ride wasn't full to begin with.




That's what I thought, too. It doesn't make sense that people would fall out from that type of accident, but the group on the right doesn't seem quite the same after. I can't figure out why.

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Oh, my god.


that is pretty sad from ride accident?


Sartori Crazy Wave collapsed in South Africa that sound shocked for me on video.


My friend Ken and Gordon Johnston owner of Johnston Amusements have the Crazy Surf.


I know that one at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk have a Crazy Surf on the riverwalk as you know where one was under the Log Flume and close to Serpent roller coaster.


Here picture of the crazy surf for traveling carnival with Johnston Amusements on June 2008.


Thanks, Larry


Crazy Surf operated at Eureka Fair.

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HOLY MOLY!!! I'm glad I wasn't on that type of ride (in fact, I'm glad I wasn't anywhere outside of my home state of Virginia). To quote a statement from thrillrideseeker:


OMG. That scared me to death.


I'm glad there weren't any fatalities, but an accident such as this could cause those riders to never board another thrill ride again.


At Adventureworld in 1993 (later to become Six Flags America), I was riding the Falling Star. The ride malfunctioned and it just went up, around, and down slowly until they managed to shut off the ride, causing us to drift to a complete stop and enabling us to exit the ride until maintenance could inspect the ride and reopen it as soon as possible. The cause of the malfuntion was just a bug in the computer, so the computer was rebooted and the ride was reopened 15 minutes later.

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Well, nothing harmful apparently happened to the riders themselves, besides probably a (temporary or otherwise) strong aversion to carnival rides.


The way I look at it, you're probably at more of a risk for an accident when you're driving to the carnival than when you're on the rides themselves. I prefer not to worry about it.

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Hi, I already showed to my good friend Gordon Johnston owner the traveling carnival with Johnston Amusements about the video of the Crazy Wave accident in South Africa.


Gordon told me about the Crazy Surf is now safety but don't worry about that.


Oh, I feel sorry for the ride collapsed on the trailer mounted. I don't know about the ride is already set-up and probably forget to inspected in around the seats, rotate sweep and or weight sweep in background? I seen on video about ride is collapsed that one sweep is broken weld or a loose the bolt. We reminder to daily inspector for the crazy surf to make sure it will be safety with under the seats, rotate sweep crank and other one was good condition. Keep the bolt very tight with the wrench.


Which one is the rotate sweep on front of the wall or on back of the wall?


Q. What is the double rotate sweep with weight on background of the wall?


A. Crazy Surf, Crazy Wave, Miami and Gee-Wizz.


Q. What is the double rotate sweep with weight on front of the wall?


A. Moby Dick, Avalanche, Crazy Bus, Crazy Submarine, Fire Chief, Crazy Plane and more.


Q. What is the single rotate sweep with weight on front of the wall?


A. Rainbow, Ali Baba, 1001 Nachts, Ocean Trip and more.


What do you think about single or double rotate sweep with weight?


I already start with edit and fixed with correct spell, I'm sorry that you don't understand about I post a bad spell.


Thanks, Larry

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^ HUH? That made no sense at all.


EDIT: I'm kind of getting sick of the whole "Carnivals aren't safe" thing that everyone keeps saying. How often does this sort of thing happen? Hardly ever. Plus carnival's and fairs are regularly checked by safety inspectors. I would also like to not that it wasn't at a Carnival anyway, as one of the .posts below says. But no-one really would say that they would no longer visit small parks because of this incident.


Stop stereotyping carnivals.

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The ride was almost certainly a traveling carnival ride. Neither of the theme parks in S.Africa have one of those, and the background noise almost sounds like the ride is indoors. There is a "Jeepers" type of indoor kiddie park in Johannesburg, but I haven't been there.


[edited to add]

According to rideaccidents.com, the ride was at the indoor park called Emperor's Palace. Seven people were on the ride, none seriously injured.


Interesting to note, looking through the reports on that site...


The words that appear in almost all of the reports are : fair, carnival, or [insert non-western country here]. The reports that involve major US, Canadian, or European theme parks are usually very minor (i.e. no deaths, no serious injury) and involve people being stranded when the safety systems kick in during the ride and stop it, or complaints of "ow my neck" when the brakes stop the car too fast.


I think there is a lesson to be learned here!

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