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California Great America (CGA) Discussion Thread

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I vote for the name "Inverted Coaster 1."

Shouldn't it technically be "Inverted Coaster 2"?


It should be "Remaining Inverted Coaster".

I was referring to the fact that Flight Deck was the second B&M invert ever built..


True and I am referring to the fact that it is the only remaining inverted coaster at this park.


Both of them are funny though, could you imagine if they really renamed it one of those? OMG that would be hilarious!

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In all seriousness I would love if a park named their coaster "Inverted Coaster 01" or whatever would be appropriate for the type. My kind of humor. I wouldn't even really be opposed to it on Flight Deck, I just don't think the park would want the cost and hassle of changing all the theming.

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This sorta has to do with CGA, but it hasn't been announced yet. I saw this on the Cedar Fair FB page:


"Keep on forgetting to tell you fans but some Cedar Fair parks will extend their operating season through November 2nd of this year. The only one I can recall doing this is Cedar Point but I would imagine Kings Island, Worlds of Fun, Dorney, Kings Dominion, Carowinds and California's Great America will also do the same."

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This sorta has to do with CGA, but it hasn't been announced yet. I saw this on the Cedar Fair FB page:


"Keep on forgetting to tell you fans but some Cedar Fair parks will extend their operating season through November 2nd of this year. The only one I can recall doing this is Cedar Point but I would imagine Kings Island, Worlds of Fun, Dorney, Kings Dominion, Carowinds and California's Great America will also do the same."


I would love it if they extended their operations, but Nov 2nd isn't really a stretch when you take they're haunt hours into consideration. I'd love to see them do year round ops.

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This sorta has to do with CGA, but it hasn't been announced yet. I saw this on the Cedar Fair FB page:


"Keep on forgetting to tell you fans but some Cedar Fair parks will extend their operating season through November 2nd of this year. The only one I can recall doing this is Cedar Point but I would imagine Kings Island, Worlds of Fun, Dorney, Kings Dominion, Carowinds and California's Great America will also do the same."


I would love it if they extended their operations, but Nov 2nd isn't really a stretch when you take they're haunt hours into consideration. I'd love to see them do year round ops.


Probably the next biggest rumor was to extend the season till the end of November. But now that SFDK has gone for a year round park, why not CGA as well.

Edited by rolercstrluvr
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There really is no reason why CGA can't do year round ops, and honestly they can't use weather as an excuse to limit ops to the summer months as even though Vallejo isn't that much further north, the weather is often much wetter and cooler in Vallejo than Santa Clara. Only obstacle I could see to year round operation is the businesses next door might complaint because of the "noise" generated 12 months a year instead of just a few.

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There really is no reason why CGA can't do year round ops, and honestly they can't use weather as an excuse to limit ops to the summer months as even though Vallejo isn't that much further north, the weather is often much wetter and cooler in Vallejo than Santa Clara. Only obstacle I could see to year round operation is the businesses next door might complaint because of the "noise" generated 12 months a year instead of just a few.
I wouldn't guess that should be too much of a problem since the off months would likely be weekend/holiday only.
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So if your a Cedar Fair park with a coaster named Flight Deck, You will most likely get repainted. Canada's Wonderlands' turn


Canada's Wonderland's improvement for their Flight Deck is the scrapyard.


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