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California Great America (CGA) Discussion Thread

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Expect the entire ride to be enclosed by mid July.


That may very well be the case! If there's one thing I'm looking forward to this weekend though, it's Boomerang Bay and its slides of hot death. Crazy airtime on Down Under Thunder and something I haven't tried out yet: 5-person (that's five fully grown adults) ride on Didgeridoo Falls, which I've been told is terrifying.

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That may very well be the case! If there' one thing I'm looking forward to this weekend though, it's Boomerang Bay and its slides of hot death. Crazy airtime on Down Under Thunder and something I haven't tried out yet: 5-person (that's five fully grown adults) ride on Didgeridoo Falls, which I've been told is terrifying.


Five adults on Didgeridoo Falls is the craziest thing I have ever done at the park, there is no way to even prepare the epicness/ terrifying ride that it is.

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Crazy airtime on Down Under Thunder and something I haven't tried out yet: 5-person (that's five fully grown adults) ride on Didgeridoo Falls, which I've been told is terrifying.


Five adults on Didgeridoo Falls is the craziest thing I have ever done at the park, there is no way to even prepare the epicness/ terrifying ride that it is.


So very true!

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Oh god...this is going to be insane! I can't wait! At the same time, I'm a bit nervous (already). Last time we did this with 4 people, Rob and I were riding the lip of the slide into the splash pool where the raft just flopped into the splash pool...and our heads smacked into eachother.


5 grown adults...better hang on for dear life, unless you want to land on somebody's lap like I almost did


As long as our combined weight is less than 1000lbs we're good...that would be max 200lbs per rider.


That's too bad if it's not open, that really would have been a great time to do it, but it will open when it's ready.


Btw, anybody know or see any pics and video yet from the promo shoot?


Nope, hoping to see something soon...would be neat if the park posted some shots on their Facebook...also I anxiously wait to see if any footage makes it on Youtube.

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Oh I hate that raft ride! The last time I went on it they sent me down by myself & it was SO SCARY my raft ALMOST flipped over during the ride. I do not ride that one anymore. Do you guys pay the rip off price of $15 for a locker? I'd like to do Boomerang Bay but not when it costs $15 to store your stuff. At least you can do 2 slides without a locker Down Hill Thunder & the enclosed one. That sucks about no Gold Striker opening. Hope it's open in time for my birthday. So it's all going to be covered in tunnel?

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Oh I hate that raft ride! The last time I went on it they sent me down by myself & it was SO SCARY my raft ALMOST flipped over during the ride. I do not ride that one anymore. Do you guys pay the rip off price of $15 for a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo? I'd like to do Boomerang Bay but not when it costs $15 to store your stuff. At least you can do 2 slides without a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo Down Hill Thunder & the enclosed one. That sucks about no Gold Striker opening. Hope it's open in time for my birthday. So it's all going to be covered in tunnel?




Gold Striker isn't going to be "Disaster Transport'd" or turned into one of those classic Caterpillar rides (flat ride with cover that folds over mid-ride)... meaning it won't be covered entirely )


A lot of the time when I go, I use my drypak (phone can be submerged) and stuff my valuables in that...that way I leave my bag at the base of the slides and slide away. But now we have a group, we can split the cost of a fluffy bunny (which is very likely given the crowds).


A bit behind here, some more Vine nonsense was made

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^ The park most likely won't be open on 2016's Super Bowl (or should I say, YOLObowl) Sunday considering it's during the off-season...unless it opens specifically for the YOLObowl. If it does, there will be seriously a LOT of cleaning up to do (and that's an understatement, the scale of the "destruction" will be beyond our worst nightmares), whether it would be graffiti, physical property damage (including rides), and the list goes on.


I'll be in UC Santa Cruz that year, maybe the bay area TPRers can join me for a day or two at the 'walk (YOLObowl Sundays at SCBB are pretty dead, meaning a marathon on Giant Dipper)? I wonder if that'll be far enough from the insanity...

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^Uhm...I'm pretty sure hosting a Super Bowl doesn't lead to mass destruction of a city, considering most of the events of Super Bowl week are corporate parties. And tickets are ridiculously expensive to the game itself. It's definitely not a Raiders game.


I would imagine that the park will be hosting one of those corporate parties, or opening up in a limited capacity to host the NFL fan fest that accompanies the Super Bowl. Right now I'm sure everything is just in the "blue sky" phase, where there's lots of ideas but no concrete plans.

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^Uhm...I'm pretty sure hosting a Super Bowl doesn't lead to mass destruction of a city, considering most of the events of Super Bowl week are corporate parties. And tickets are ridiculously expensive to the game itself. It's definitely not a Raiders game.


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Very exciting news and would definitely be a great opportunity for the park to showcase itself. I actually had a conversation with one of the park managers while visiting the park today who mentioned the NFL has visited the park and that there are plans on the table for the park to participate, though much of the activities would be happening in the actual city in SF.


2016 definitely is a milestone year with not only the 50th Super Bowl now officially happening in Levi's Stadium, but CGA also celebrating it's 40th Anniversary. Can't wait to see what will happen!

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An interesting read...not sure how reliable the source is but here goes:

"California’s Great America’s Gold Striker is being promoted as “the tallest and fastest wooden roller coaster in Northern California”. Riders will ascend to the dizzying height of 108 feet before plunging down through a series of dramatically twisting and turning vertical descents at speeds of nearly 54 mph. The steepest drop is reported to be a stomach-dropping 50 degrees. Sound too thrilling to wait for? You’re in luck. The coaster opened for preview rides this weekend, and should be open daily for the public when the park opens for the season on May 25."




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I know it' late, but I'm posting my photos from the Promo Event on Gold Striker and my review.


The ride is a winner for Great America! Once you drop, it is on. The bank turns and smooth laterals are awesome, not to mention the airtime. I won't go into a lot of detail because many people have already done that. I would just like to say that the ride is terrific!


Waiting for it to open!


Us! Rick and Gyendolynne


The queue line tunnel









At the top of the line!





Final photo, sorry it is blurry...

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I think it's great that CGA has decided to put so much more money into theming! I'm excited for the Niners stadium to get the superbowl, but too bad it'll be priced out of my range!

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This is the line that makes me doubt the article's validity:

The coaster opened for preview rides this weekend, and should be open daily for the public when the park opens for the season on May 25."

Does she mean the promo shoot? In that case, this article was probably written a few weeks ago and wasn't posted until Monday. Her information is probably outdated. I think if it were opening this weekend, we would have heard something.


No worries guys, the park's just making this ride perfect. Seems like there's still some wall construction or what-not going on. It'll open soon enough.

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