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California Great America (CGA) Discussion Thread

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The only Park without a drop tower is MIA...


EDIT: I see on a satellite image that there is a drop tower at Canada's Wonderland... I retract what I have said above.


And I'm going to believe Robb's opinion about everything (is that at all short-sighted?)

Edited by KDcoasterMAN
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Wonderland also has a Mondial Splashover, which is more or less a top spin... It was even used in FireFall's promotional art.


As for the dip in hiring, it could be possible that it's just to save in wages for whatever is coming in 2012.

shimmer of optimism>

Or just save in wages. Period.

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Every former Paramount Park has a Drop Tower. If you don't believe that please go on Canada's Wonderland's website by all means.


I see now there is a drop tower. My bad. My guess is either MIA or CP


CP already has Power Tower. They even had 2 drop towers at one point (Demon Drop). Why would they want a second drop tower? As for all the rides that would go to other parks if CGA were to close; its just funny seeing what people think is going to happen. Theme Park Review should start a new fortune teller service.

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^I highly doubt Kinzel is sitting at his dinner table and all of a sudden thinks "I'm going to remove Invertigo from CGA." I'd be willing to bet Cedar Fair had been planning to remove Invertigo for months if not longer. There's a plan in place for CGA. Good or Bad we'll have to wait and see.

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^I highly doubt Kinzel is sitting at his dinner table and all of a sudden thinks "I'm going to remove Invertigo from CGA." I'd be willing to bet Cedar Fair had been planning to remove Invertigo for months if not longer. There's a plan in place for CGA. Good or Bad we'll have to wait and see.


This is how it started with GL,X-flight left during the 06-07 offseason & next thing you know the park was closed at the end of 07.


As for Carowinds getting two coasters under CF:they're in a different market than VF so this is why I just don't see VF getting a major coaster so soon after getting a relocated one from Dorney...much less a B&M.

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^If so, WTF is his plan for Son of Beast? My guess is they let it rot for a few years so its easier to demolish...


My guess is that Kinzel et al are closely watching how the Texas Giant turns out. If its a success then i wouldn't be surprised to see SOB get the same treatment. If its not succesful then i would expect to see SOB go away as there are really few options left to fix it that i can tell. One last option that i can see would be to try a more articulated train like the MFlyers or the Timberliners - and that would be the least expensive fix too, if it worked.

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GL's last season ran from memorial day to labor day. I'm not sure if they ever had haunt or not though. GL was doomed as a full scale amusment park the moment CF bought it. It was simply to close to Cedar Point. In my opinion CGA's problems have a ton to do with the neighbors and the fact that the park sits on leased land.

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On a different note, Costco is selling Gold passes for $63.99, which also includes a $5 coupon for any game. That's $11 cheaper than what CGA is selling them for on their website.


Seems that the $11 difference is adequately adjusted for the loss of Invertigo.

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GL's last season ran from memorial day to labor day. I'm not sure if they ever had haunt or not though. GL was doomed as a full scale amusment park the moment CF bought it. It was simply to close to Cedar Point. In my opinion CGA's problems have a ton to do with the neighbors and the fact that the park sits on leased land.



Not sure how reliable Wikipedia is as anybody can contribute to it but from what I saw during the Cedar Fair time line was that the water park in 2005 got some expension, 2006 was pulling out a couple of the rides (X-Flight and Superman Ultimate Escape, and cutting their season back to the 'summer operation.' I didn't see anything about having them having a Haunt.


On a random note, why does Dorney Park seem to be the 'dumping ground' of these outdated/oddball rides? First, they received CP's Demon Drop, and then CGA's Invertigo.

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