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California Great America (CGA) Discussion Thread

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We visit PGA often and are trying to figure out where they are going to put Survivor.


From the few construction photos available, it looks to me like PGA is going to plop it where Centrifuge is. (They'd have to remove it.) In one photo you can see a cone-shaped buliding: Kid's Stuff, and the gondola ride: (Delta Flyer). It's one of the few places with a clump of trees that will fit in with the jungle theme. And it's near the water park.


On a larger note, I wish Great America would add more "real" coasters. In the past few years they have been concentrating on Boomerang Bay, their water park. Sadly, their thrill rides have suffered. (Top Gun and Invertigo are awesome, though!)


On a positive note, PGA has been making a strong effort to make the park more "Family Friendly". Going to PGA is always a much more enjoyable experience than any Six Flags park provides: i.e. Marine World.


So I guess we are mixed up. We like the family atmosphere goal of PGA, but want more thrill rides. Which park is best at achieving that balance?



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The team wants to build the football stadium on city land that Great America uses for parking, and Cedar Fair, the company that owns the amusement park, indicated it would go along with a plan only in exchange for major financial concessions.



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Interesting article.


If they go with Cedar Fair's high demands (stadium built in overflow lot, cedar fair getting all revenue from parking lot sales on stadium days, and reimbursement for lost ticket sales when the park is forced closed) it could work to Cedar Fair's advantage, and with a stadium right next to CGA they will probably never get any noise complaints ever again.


But if they do end up building the stadium and parking garage in the normal parking lot, I wonder where the park goers will park during the construction?


Is the overflow lot large enough to handle a full Saturday's worth of attendance in the summer all by itself?

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Well, there goes room for possible expansion of GA, if they ever wanted to build out into the overflow lot. Now, how are the 49ers going to have the parking set up? Are they sharing CGA's lot? And is Cedar Fair/CGA responsible for cleaning up their lot after football fans if they were to use CGA's lot? Atleast the park's not going anywhere (I hope it doesn't go anywhere)...

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This is really terrible! The loser-niners need to go away somewhere else and not come down here to ruin a perfectly good park. Take your crappy football team and ruin some other community. At least there is still the VERY GOOD CHANCE the residents will vote it down. I appeal to all the Santa Clara residents, this is a very bad thing please vote against it. Not only is it bad for the park, which not to long ago YOU voted to save, but YOU will be paying for the stadium, yes YOU in the form of a tax. Is that what you really want? I know I would much rather take my family to a fun, safe theme park instead of a dangerous, crappy football game. I think if anything, it's the demands of Cedar Fair that could, fortunately, ruin this deal for the niner-losers.

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^Did you read the article? It's a hotel tax, which means the money is coming out of tourists pockets.


Also, if Cedar Fair gets what they are asking for...it's easy money for them. How is that bad for the park?

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This is really terrible! The loser-niners need to go away somewhere else and not come down here to ruin a perfectly good park. Take your crappy football team and ruin some other community. At least there is still the VERY GOOD CHANCE the residents will vote it down. I appeal to all the Santa Clara residents, this is a very bad thing please vote against it. Not only is it bad for the park, which not to long ago YOU voted to save, but YOU will be paying for the stadium, yes YOU in the form of a tax. Is that what you really want? I know I would much rather take my family to a fun, safe theme park instead of a dangerous, crappy football game. I think if anything, it's the demands of Cedar Fair that could, fortunately, ruin this deal for the niner-losers.


Why don't you tell me how you really feel.


Stadium taxes are a scam. They raised our sales tax here by 0.5% to pay for the new stadium for the Bengals. Why I'm forced to fund a football team when I have zero interest in the sport is beyond me.


^Did you read the article? It's a hotel tax, which means the money is coming out of tourists pockets.


The hotel tax is only a fraction of Santa Clara's proposed contribution.


A feasibility report on the project, drawn up by city staffers, says Santa Clara can come up with $136 million from money on hand and by taxing future development.


An additional $35 million would be raised through a hotel tax, for a total of $171 million - or $51 million less than what the team is asking.


That's "the absolute limit" the city can contribute, Sparacino said.


I imagine the lion's share of that $136 million came from local taxpayers.

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^Well, generally a cities redevelopment agency is in place for things like this. So the money is already there being used for the purpose it was designated for. That's not a new tax. Best use of the money? That's up for debate.


But it sounds like the new taxes would tax developers and tourists. Hardly taxing the residents of Santa Clara.


Plus, if the stadium is able to host a Super Bowl or two...it will have practically paid for itself just from that weekend.

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49ers NEED to come up with a E.I.R Before ANYTHING can be done. The E.I.R CAN DESTROY THE WHOLE PROJECT FOR THE 49ers.


"Enviromental Impact Report" is what killed walmart in my city. The E.I.R can take up to a year+ to write, then god knows how long for approval.


This is the first step in MANY before the worthless park takes up space. I'm not worried, the E.I.R may toss the whole thing out the window.


Stupid 49ers should move to Vegas, stick them on the outskirts somewhere...

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Great. Just great. Now theres no chance Cedar Fair will attempt to add bigger, better coasters if those 49ers will take over the parking lot. There goes coaster space. Hopefully the city will stop the 49ers invasion since it will cause problems with everything parking, traffic, space, ect. They just want to cause trouble for Great America.

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So I have been opposed to the plans to put the stadium in Great America's parking lot, however I could see it possibly having an upside. I assume that part of the plans would include a parking garage that would be able to handle the number of cars for normal operation of either the stadium or the park (due to Great America closing on game days). If the garage is made large enough to fit the required number of cars, theoretically, Great America would be able to expand into any remaining parking lot. It might not be a complete new land, but they could run a couple coasters out over any roads, walkways, or other public areas. If they were really ambitious, why not run part of a coaster through part of the stadium (have a hyper turn around somewhere in the structure, or use it to support the Top Hat on an Intamin Rocket, etc.)


This is probably just wishful thinking, but hopefully, if the stadium is going to happen, all parties are willing to work together to make the arrangement work for both parties.


On the other hand, maybe Cedar Fair could save on paving costs by relocating Great America to the parking lots out at Candlestick Point.

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Not enough room to move to candlestick, bad area anyway. Ever been there? The park is in a better place where it is now. I like the idea, if the stadium has to be built, of running coasters around or over it. I think that would be unique in that I dont believe its been done before. Also, if CF really wanted to, they could expand into the main lot. If they want it bad enough they would find a way to do it. They could always add their own parking structure.

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^ Like you said, if you can regularily see the park from TV shots during the games, then it's amazing exposure for Great America. Not to mention guaranteed revenue regardless of how many people would've shown up on any given sunday. (Cheap football reference there)


I really don't see how a parking garage could possibly work for an NFL stadium though. My only experience at NFL games has been in Buffalo, where tailgating is half the attraction to going to a game. Everyone sets up their BBQ's behind their cars and drinks like mad before the game starts. This leaves the parking lots (also fields/front yards that residents charge people to park on) a mess after the games. Everyone throws their garbage on the ground, and I've also seen open bon fires set up right on the asphalt. I assumed this was pretty much the norm for most teams, can anyone give me some more insight on that?

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