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Single Riders 2008

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Last year the Coaster Crew raised just under $7,000 with there charity group called Single Riders. No we are not a bunch of single guys raising money. We are filling empty seats on roller coasters to raise money. Or better known in the coaster world as Single Riders. All that money we raised went directly to Give Kids the World. A village in FL that gives kids and there family's a break from there terminal illness.



This year we are at it again, but going bigger and better. We are at more parks, and trying to raise more money to help these amazing people. We are looking for volunteers, riders, and donations. So please help in any way you can!





weather you can only afford $1 or if you can give a little more, we need every dime we can get. We have a safe and secure way to donate your money on line so that every penny goes to Give Kids the World.


$1.00 Donation


$5.00 Donation


$10.00 Donation


$25.00 Donation




We are looking for teams who can raise alot of money, and can ride roller coasters all day. Can you do that? If you think you can handle the task them please go to this link for more info


Link: http://www.coastercrew.com/singleriders.php




We are looking for people who can help the teams riding by assisting them in drinks, counting, what ever they may need. We also need other volunteers to help out at all the parks, the day of the event, and volunteers who will be working at the Give Kids the World Village the day of the event.


To volunteer: http://www.coastercrew.com/singleriders.php


Please make sure you send us a message if you donate from this site so we can make sure that we give a big thanks to you and the people at Theme Park Review for helping us out. I know its going to take a lot of work to bet $7,000, but I know we can do it!


If you have any questions feel free to post hear or email me at coasterclint@coastercrew.com

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Yes the riders take pledges and donations before the event and then ride all day to raise money.


We have a lot of people looking at Kennywood as the park they want to work and ride at. That is some great stuff, but we also need people at the other three parks as well. So please if any one can sign up for them that would help out a lot!!


We do still have spots open for Kennywood to so if thats the only place you can help out, then sign up!

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I signed up to help out at Kennywood, Clint. I would go to another park, but Kennywood, at 4 hours away, is the closest to me. Would love to help out, though, especially taking pledges in Cincinnati which I imagine a lot of your riders are not hitting up for money, yet.


-James Dillaman

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Thanks James!!


In the next week or so we will start going through every one who wants to be a rider and start selecting and making teams. We can only have 8 riders at Kennywood. You will hear back from us soon via email on how everything works.


Also a big thanks to Kristi who donated the first donation of $50.00!! You don't have to start out that big, but $50.00 sure helps us get on our way. Please help with any donation you can. Even if its a $1.00, that will help a lot.



If you really don't know what Give Kids the World is, think of it as a place that gives kids and there family a vacation from there childs terminal illness. The park provides the family with a condo for one week in the Orlando area at there village. There they have a number of activitys like Mini Golf and a Marry-go-Round. On top of there village, they will get the family free tickets to any Orlando park the kids wish to visit the week they are at the Village. The family does not spend a dime. Food at all the parks, along with the Village, there stay, tickets. Its all paid for. Your donation of $1.00 could help stock there cookie cart that makes its way around the village all day long. A cart that provides free cookies to all the kids in the village. Like an ice cream truck, it drives around and kids can run out and get cookies from it with out a worry of paying for them. You could help with that $1.00


picture taken by the Coaster Crew on there winter visit.


a lot of people don't know but the Orlando parks, Disney, Universal, Seaworld, and others not only donate large amounts to Give Kids the World. But they also send there characters there daily to meet the kids, and tuck them in at night.


So please help us out, weather its volunteering your time at the event, or donated that $1.00.


Thanks again Kristi for your donation!

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Whoa, this reminds me alot of a comic I drew on the midwest trip about a superhero named Single Rider, who, much like you, helps the world by riding rollercoasters.


Aanyhow, gotta love what you're doing, there! Riding coasters to help the world... who knew that can actually be done?







(if anyone is intereste din seeing what I'm talking about: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=444855 )

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It will be free to get in for all the volunteers.


Also just want to let every one know of one of the big auction items that we have on ebay for the Single Riders.




That is a link to the Hypersonic-XLC ground breaking shovel. All the money will go to Give Kids the World!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

We have now raised over $1,000.00!!


Teams are being picked as we speak so any last minute people who would like to ride for kids, please go to coastercrew.com and get your self signed up.


New Auction Items:


Cedar Point Anniversary Pins

This item up for bid is an anniversary pin set for Cedar Point. It is the complete set of Cedar Point anniversary pins. You get : 5th year anniversary Woodstock Express, 35th year anniversary Cedar Creek Mine ride, 40th year anniversary Blue Streak, 25th year anniversary Gemini, 15th year anniversary Magnum xl 200, 10TH year anniversary Raptor, and Media Day Top Thrill Dragster.


Auction at:





Coaster Crew Lifetime Membership

This is a must have for any coaster enthusiast. The Coaster Crew has up for bid a lifetime membership to the Coaster Crew. We are a recognized Roller Coaster Enthusiast Club. The only way you can get a lifetime membership to the club is to win this auction. With this membership you will be able to participate in all club activities and never again have to pay a membership fee.


Auction at:



Dippin Dots Party Package

The item up for bid is an ice cream party package from Dippin Dots. It is a package that consists of 25 prepackaged servings of dippin dots. The package also includes: 25 plastic spoons, 25 Dippin' Dots pencils, 25 bookmarkers, 5 Dippin' Dots balloons, and Reusable foam cooler. This is a great addition to any party or event


Auction at:



Gravity Group Gear

The item up for bid is 2 hats and a t-shirt from Gravity Group. These items are being shipped directly from Gravity Group and will be autographed by the Gravity Group Staff.


Auction at:



Six Flags Great Adventure VIP Tour

This item up for bid is a VIP unguided tour for Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey. This certificate is valid for 2 people. The certificate includes 2 entry ticekts for the park and 2 VIP Gold wristbands. The wristbands will give you IMMEDIATE ride access to all the rides in the park. If you were to purchase this at the park the price would be $300.00 per person.


Auction at:


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I'll be sure do donate what I can. I'm VERY interested in the Great Adventure VIP tour, and I'll ask my mom if we can bid when she gets home. Sorry I can't go to the parks to ride they're just to far away. I hope all goes well!

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I checked out the auctions and it looks like someone is going to get the VIP treatment for two at Six Flags in New Jersey for 200.00,I'd bid on that but I have a restraining order that keeps me out of Jersey, Oh wait. That's just my personal preference.


I'm going after the gravity group stuff!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've been collecting pledges for 2 weeks, now, and my Dad offered to drive up with me (saving me miles on my car and the cost of gas). Is there going to be a table where we register at? My dad and I are planning on enjoying the park on Saturday, May 31st, and then he'll drop me off for the event Sunday. I haven't heard from Clint since getting the pledge forms.


-James Dillaman

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