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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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The file name is "dinosaurs alive teaser web banner".


I guess they figured the image and text they used for the teaser were enough for someone who's been to another CF park with DA to figure out.


The $1,000,000 question is where exactly it's going to go.

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Cedar Fair has some really strange naming systems for their files...not really anything I would say is real 'presentable.' One I mentioned on the CGA thread was one of Vortex where they 'shopped out the Paramount logo...and then named their file "GA Vortex Clean." The could have completely ditched the working file name and given it something a little more...finalized? Since I work on web stuff all the time, I try to keep image file names presentable, and not really pick a name that I would be using as a working file name (like Banner final v3 or something like that). Fail...

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Does anyone think they are spreading Dinosaurs Alive too thin? Why does every CF park have to have this? For an attraction that I don't see being in the parks 5-10 years from now wouldn't it have just been easy to, for example, let it run its course at Kings Island for two-three years then move it to another park for two-three years etc.?

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Dinosaurs Alive!- Coming in Spring 2013


Prepare to take a step back.....wayyy back!


Beginning next spring, guests will now have an opportunity to step back in time with the addition of Dinosaurs Alive, the largest animatronic dinosaur park in the Southeast! This multi-sensory and interactive dinosaur park that will allow guests to experience the sights and sounds of 32 roaring life-sized animated dinosaurs along a trail stretching across 5 wooded acres . Each dinosaur is made to replicate nearly every feature of the mammoth creatures that once roamed the Earth 120-million years ago. Some dinosaurs will move and roar on command, and kids will be able to explore their own dinosaur dig site giving visitors a prehistoric experience like none other!


Exhibit Highlights

  • Representation from 25 diverse species originally unearthed in 5 different continents.
  • Entertaining and educational, several dinosaurs come with a console so kids can move them themselves and each dinosaur is paired with information sharing how it lived millions of years ago.
  • Thirteen scenes spread across 1000+ yards of trails including the ferocious and ever popular Tyrannosaurus Rex as he battles it out with Triceratops.
  • The largest dinosaur will reach 40 feet high and over 60 feet long, the Ruyangosaurus from the early Cretaceous period


Edited by jedimaster1227
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I'm amazed that this turns enough money to warrant this rollout, it was a nice enough walk through when I did it but not something I would have thought would really bring in a lot of cash.


I'll be interested to see how many of these are there in 3-5 years

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Well, if they make enough money off of them to pay it off in the first year and then some, I'm sure the maintenance costs can't be terribly high. I wouldn't be surprised to see these stick around until they're falling apart.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Carowinds, Carowinds. I hear my dad talking about the park occasionally, as he lived in NC for a while many years ago - and since then, of course, it has exploded into the impressive park it is today. The family is kind of considering making next year's vacation a trip through a few amusement parks in our area; not much in Alabama of course, so we'll be revisiting SFOG and Dollywood, and perhaps Lake Winnie, but for those more well-versed in Southeastern amusement parks than I, is it worth convincing the folks to also swing a little east and head for Carowinds as well? I've never been, and no one in the family has since the late 70s or early 80s, and thus I definitely wish to experience the park if it's feasible. It would involve driving a ways east and finding rooms in the area, so it's gotta be worth our while. What's the park like on, say, a weekday in mid-September, and how does it compare to SFOG? I've gathered a bunch of information and comparisons already, but I would like the input of folks here.


If we weren't terribly poor folks currently putting out money to build a house, I would love to convince the rest of the family to also consider heading north towards Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens Williamsburg, but I kind of doubt that's gonna happen anytime soon. Bah! Must work more so that such luxuries can be afforded. Such is life.

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I will weigh in here. I think that if you can afford it that you should definitely do the drive. It is about a 4 hour drive from Atlanta so not terribly far. I think that if you hit SFOG first, then stop by Lake Winnie on the way to Dollywood and then head over to Carowinds, that would be your best route and the shortest drive between each park or you could do that backwards as well and make your return trip home shorter.


As far as Carowinds as a park, it isn't the greatest park in the world but it definitely has some great rides. Afterburn and Intimidator are their best rides. The others may be a little lack luster but it is worth the trip if you are looking for the credits. I think that our park (SFOG) is a much better park but that is just my opinion. Others may disagree.

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