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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I think the show Epic Adventures on Travel Channel has given a hint at a coaster name change! Nighthawk was called Carolina Cyclone!....lol

Also before Fury 325, Intimidator was the longest steel coaster in North America. Someone didn't do their fact checking.

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^^ The amount of inaccuracies in the show is making my skin cringe. Personally, I love the random shot of Canada's Wonderland at the beginning when showing clips of Carowinds.


Some unique perspectives and views is about all this show is worth so far.


EDIT: "It's the tallest thing in all of Charlotte North Carolina!" Really? I can name 17 skyscrapers in Uptown Charlotte that are taller...

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Yeah there were a lot of inaccuracies and really stretched facts. If you go by duration (according to my quick "fact" checking on rcdb - so keep that in mind), Intimidator is actually the longest steel coaster in North America. But the other 99% of the time when you refer to coaster length, you're talking about track length.


Does anyone know if that's actually true about the duration? Does it have a really slow lift or something? I saw the duration listed as 3:33 and a number of other long steel coasters listed at 3:30.

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Yeah there were a lot of inaccuracies and really stretched facts. If you go by duration (according to my quick "fact" checking on rcdb - so keep that in mind), Intimidator is actually the longest steel coaster in North America. But the other 99% of the time when you refer to coaster length, you're talking about track length.


Does anyone know if that's actually true about the duration? Does it have a really slow lift or something? I saw the duration listed as 3:33 and a number of other long steel coasters listed at 3:30.

It was hyped as being 3:33 long because Dale Earnhardt's number was 3. No other reason.

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Yeah there were a lot of inaccuracies and really stretched facts. If you go by duration (according to my quick "fact" checking on rcdb - so keep that in mind), Intimidator is actually the longest steel coaster in North America. But the other 99% of the time when you refer to coaster length, you're talking about track length.


Does anyone know if that's actually true about the duration? Does it have a really slow lift or something? I saw the duration listed as 3:33 and a number of other long steel coasters listed at 3:30.


Not a slow lift, but really slow operations where you sit stacked on the brake run. That's where the 3:33 comes from

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Boomerang Bay becoming Carolina Harbor - can't wait for the details to be revealed. Carowinds has one of the most dated, run-down water parks in the chain so this is much needed, especially since often the Carolina heat during the summer is too warm to even be in the dry side of the park!

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I went to Boomerang Bay a while ago and felt that everything was just too spaced out. I understand how crowded it gets...but I feel like if they remove some of the older slides and utilize their space better they wouldn't have to get rid of Thunder Road. But I'll welcome the new additions as the slides there now are really old and everything feels out of date.

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I went to Boomerang Bay a while ago and felt that everything was just too spaced out. I understand how crowded it gets...but I feel like if they remove some of the older slides and utilize their space better they wouldn't have to get rid of Thunder Road. But I'll welcome the new additions as the slides there now are really old and everything feels out of date.

Well they didn't have to get rid of Thunder Road either way with all that space on the other side of Thunder Road that could've been accessed similarly to how Kings Dominion did it... anyways the mistake has been made so I hope the water park expansion is great for what it is. I have a feeling this will be a large expansion but I hope they also completely overhaul the existing water park. It's painfully dated and tired feeling.

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Had an awesome first trip to the park today, the park was surprisingly quiet for a Friday in August so we managed to get loads of laps in on the coasters. We got on Fury X 10, Intimidator X 8, Afterburn X 4 and the other coasters once.


Fury was superb, such a rush in the front row. The speed just doesn't let up all the way through, great ride! Not a patch on I305 for me personally though. Intimidator was a real surprise, easily my favourite B&M hyper I have ridden, with the others being Nitro, Apollos Chariot and Shambhala. Great airtime on all the hills, a really fun coaster and my favourite at the park. Afterburn was excellent aswell, the most intense coaster in the park, my third favourite coaster in the park. These three coasters are a great trio of headliners for the park. A real variety in ride types too. The rest of the coasters were all just meh, at least Hurler here was a lot better than the version at Kings Dominion.


Overall a really nice park with a great feel to it, would love to come back some day.

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To sum up the water park renovation/expansion to Carolina Harbor thanks to Carowinds Connection's find:

1.) Wave pool with sand volleyball courts nearby

2.) Slide tower (same as the new one at KD, Dorney, WOF)

3.) Water play tower/structure (replacing old wave pool)

4.) Separate entrance to water park and exit out of parking lot

5.) Splash pad (assuming it is the same as KD/CW/VF's)

6.) 2 new bathhouses

7.) 500,000 annoying Facebook comments on August 27th complaining Thunder Road was removed for nothing

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Well count me in as one of the complaining fans...since I don't care for waterparks. I'm sure it will be a big hit for those that love them. I don't think this justifies Thunder Road leaving. Will I live? Yes. Hell I live in FL now and can go to the beach anytime.

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I do think this is an awesome water park expansion. One I'd be glad to see at many parks. But I'm still in the group that thinks TR removal was unnecessary. A path under the coaster, or even around the coaster would have been fine. But, I accept that is not the route they wanted to take. I'm sure they have awesome additions coming in the future to make up for it.

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I do think this is an awesome water park expansion.


I don't find the expansion very exciting. All it is doing really is bringing Carowinds' dated, faded, tiny water park up to the Cedar Fair water park standards (see KI and KD Soak City).


With all of this 'Cedar Point of the South!' stuff you'd think they would add something to the water park to make it a 'destination' water park. They removed Thunder Road, the park's 4th best roller coaster, for generic CF water park additions.


Looking at it from a local's perspective though, the water park should be much nicer now and enhance the overall experience at Carowinds. It's just a shame that a park that lacks a good amount of good coasters (Fury, Afterburn, Intimidator, then...?) compared to other major parks in the chain removed a top-coaster in the park.


At the end of the day though... Fury > Thunder Road

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Is it any surprise that the chain is cloning OOF's slide complex once again at another water park in the chain? I think this makes the 4th (counting the original).

It's funny cause if WOF just took the mat racer CF offered them then none of the parks would have that awesome complex. You can thank WOF management for those shiny new slides.

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