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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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^ What will happen when Cedar Point listens to the GP and builds a coaster taller than 500'.


On a different note, three weeks after the Thunder Road announcement and it seems like the #SaveThunderRoad campaign is calming down. I'm curious what park execs thought of the outcry (even though it was to be expected).


The outcry slowed down because the Facebook group and petition where flagged and removed, but that has been resolved now so the outcry may rise again, it did put a big damper on the efforts though certainly.



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If anyone in the Charlotte area of NC heard an angelic chorus singing the hallelujah song yesterday, that was the sound of me fitting into Fury 325 and Intimidator 232 with no problem at all Seems like my hard work and dedication towards losing weight in order to ride a roller coaster really paid off, and I can only get better from here. If I continue down my road of weight loss, pretty soon, fatty walks of shame on ANY coaster will be nothing but an afterthought for me. I already knew I wouldn't have trouble fitting in at all when I found out at BGW that I was able to fit my ass all the way down the seats of Alpengeist and Griffon with no problem and buckle the belt with room to


My review of Carowinds: Overall, it's a very, very quaint park with a nice Cedar Fair feel. I definitely get this "Cedar Point of the East Coast" with the redone main entrance. The coaster collection at Carowinds is exactly how I expected it, very nice variety of coasters. I'm hopefully going on all of them today, but this is going to be based off the coasters I've been on so far.


Carolina Cyclone: This is the epitome of a standard, no frills, looping coaster. Two loops, two corkscrews, a helix and it's done. It's not a bad coaster, even though it vibrates like crazy. It's a good coaster for a small kid who wants to ride his or her first looping roller coaster because other than that, it's really nothing special. Loch Ness Monster blows this one into the water, then again, Nessie is a special case seeing as how it's an iconic coaster and it's glass smooth, something unusual for an Arrow.


Fury 325: ............AAAHHHH YEAHHHHHH!!!!!! This coaster is no joke, man! This is one of the best coaster's I've ever been on. Two words, speed and three pops of ejector air. The first drop and the drop into the tunnel under the entrance are two of the best drops on coasters I've ever been on. And those three airtime hills twoards the end.....Jesus...Honestly, at this point, I have no idea which coaster I enjoy more, Fury 325 or Intimidator 305. Did F325 just replace I305 as my favorite coaster? Compared to my second favorite, Skyrush at Hershey. The airtime is just as X-Treme as Skyrush, but it has one thing that Skyrush lacks, longevity, F325 is a pretty long ride compared to Skyrush. I'd say that right now my top 3 coasters are as follows,


1. Intimidator 305/Fury 325

2. Skyrush

3. Griffon


Hurler: Surprisingly, I found this one to be better than it's Kings Dominion counterpart. It was shaky, but not repeatedly-get-punched-in-the-kidneys like Mean Streak at Cedar Point. A good, medium sized woodie.


Intimidator 232: Another REALLY good one. This one, I find has so much more floater airtime compared to other out and back hypers I've been on, namely Apollo's Chariot, Magnum, and Steel Force. I232 is all about floater air while F325 is all about speed and ejector air. I find the airtime on I232 to be the perfect balance between mellow and still exciting to keep your stomach dropping. Much better than Steel Force, which doesn't get it's airtime until the end of the ride.


Nighthawk: For my first non Volaire flying coaster, really like this ride, especially the loop. The loop while lying down, has this awesome feel of rising up, flying for a short while until just dive-bombing the ground! The only bad thing about this ride is the loading time...Jesus Christ, it's taking FOREVER to load the train, just put train two on!


Vortex: Ehh.....Not really. I mean, I like the layout a lot actually and think it's a pretty thrilling coaster. Only problem? It's a standup coaster, which kills my legs. If this coaster and it's California's Great America counterpart recieved the Rougarou treatment next year as rumored, it would be absolutley perfect. I can finally appreciate the thrilling, short-but-sweet layout. Unfortunatley, it being a standing coaster ruins it for me.

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First of all congrats on your weight loss and all of the hard work and dedication that goes into it.


Second of all, great report. It sounds like we both have a similar opinion of Fury, it's an absolutely incredible coaster.

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If anyone in the Charlotte area of NC heard an angelic chorus singing the hallelujah song yesterday, that was the sound of me fitting into Fury 325 and Intimidator 232 with no problem at all Seems like my hard work and dedication towards losing weight in order to ride a roller coaster really paid off, and I can only get better from here. If I continue down my road of weight loss, pretty soon, fatty walks of shame on ANY coaster will be nothing but an afterthought for me. I already knew I wouldn't have trouble fitting in at all when I found out at BGW that I was able to fit my A$$ all the way down the seats of Alpengeist and Griffon with no problem and buckle the belt with room to


Way to go!!! I love hearing success stories like this

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Congrats on the weight loss! Enjoyed reading your review so far and look forward to reading the rest after you conquered the rest of the park. I thought I was the only one that liked Vortex's layout but, like you, could do without the stand-up trains.

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Here is my review of all the coasters I didn't get to in my first review


Sidewind...uhh...I meant Carolina Cobra: Ride one Vekoma Boomerang, you've rode them all. Pretty decent little coaster, nothing really special.


Carolina Goldrusher: Nice little mine train coaster, perfect as a starter coaster for little kids that are past the stage of Zierier Tivolis and Wacky Worms, but are not quite ready to conquer bigger coasters like Carolina Cyclone. After riding F325....yeah, not very fun.


Ricochet: Basically the same as the Wild Mice at Hershey and Dorney. Nice compact little coaster, nothing too new or to interesting.


Thunder Road: Okay, it's a good coaster and I am really sad that it's going and I understand that it has a place in the heart of people from the Carolinas, but after riding it for myself....I'm sorry, it's not worth the tears. It's essentially Rebel Yell, only natural color instead of white and goes across two states. What I REALLY wish would happen is that Thunder Road becomes the first Cedar Fair RMC conversion, but after BSing with an off-duty employee in the Fury 325 line, he said it's not likely at all and they really have their eye on a Boomerang Bay expansion.

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I was at the park last night and noticed they finally finished the tunnel lighting. Night rides are essential even the more. Hopefully they add a mist or fog machine to enhance it more.
OMG! It looks so good! It looks just like I was hoping it would turn out!!
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We had a great time at the park the last two days. It's currently pouring down and I am at my hotel waiting to return for some night rides. Friday was awesome with walk on lines for Fury almost all day! I rode 5 times and finally got the front by manipulating my place in line, LOL. I understand assigned seating reasoning, but there should always be some room for front row riders to wait while assigning the other rows. Fury is smooth and fast. It's not as intense as I305, which is why it ranks lower on my scale, but still great nevertheless. Carowinds is very similar to my home park, Canada's Wonderland.

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We are heading there for 2 days next week(mon-tue).


Since we are going to be there for 2 days, should we pass on the fast pass? As long as we can get on all the coasters at least once (or 2x on some), and a handfull of rides on fury should we be ok without it?


We are also thinking of getting the all day dinning plan. I was looking at the food prices at the park, and they seem a little pricy. Is the dinning pass worth it?


Also, does the park offer the parent swap program like they do at cedarpoint and kings island? I can't seem to find any info on this. We are traveling with 2 kids that are too short for the coasters.


Last but not least, what is the best game plan to attacc the park with?


Thank's for any help.

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Just got back from a whirlwind trip to the park. Left Orlando on Saturday at 6am, arrived at park at 3pm (damn traffic) stayed til about 9:30pm, slept, then drove back to Orlando today and made much better time!


Even on a busy Saturday, I was able to get 5 rides on Fury 325, and the longest wait was about 20 minutes. They really work hard getting guests on and off the trains. I do wish they had a single rider line since many times I would see an empty seat or two. I even saw one train with about 10 empty seats.


Fun coaster, smooth, fast, but I still prefer Millenium Force. Also I wish they could have made the queue line somewhere else. Part of it butts right up against the lift hill and motor, and it's LOUD. I can't think of any other coaster queues that are that close to the machinery.


I doubt you would need Quick Queue especially on a weekday. If you do want to ride Fury tons, then I would suggest getting Quick Queue Plus since very few people had it, and those I saw with it rode the coaster over and over with no waits.


Thunder Road was rough, but it is still sad to see a coaster go. My friend who works at the park told me it is being removed (not renovated) for more waterpark. I am sure there is a way to build slides around it (just like King's Dominion), but perhaps they just wanted it gone.


As far as the all day meal plan, if you plan on eating a LOT then go for it. I think it's $29.99 for the whole day which gives you a meal every 90 minutes. Seeing as how I spent $15 on lunch, this sounds like a no brainer.


Have fun!














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We are heading there for 2 days next week(mon-tue).


Since we are going to be there for 2 days, should we pass on the fast pass? As long as we can get on all the coasters at least once (or 2x on some), and a handfull of rides on fury should we be ok without it?


We are also thinking of getting the all day dinning plan. I was looking at the food prices at the park, and they seem a little pricy. Is the dinning pass worth it?


Also, does the park offer the parent swap program like they do at cedarpoint and kings island? I can't seem to find any info on this. We are traveling with 2 kids that are too short for the coasters.


Last but not least, what is the best game plan to attacc the park with?


Thank's for any help.

You are not gonna need the fast pass system. The park will not be near busy. I was there this friday and fury 325 had virtually no line. just down to the stairs. Same with most of the other rides. The water park is a different story. I would do nighthawk (its not that bad) first since the loading is slow then work my way counter clockwise. I think the dining plan is the best option. you can eat every 90 mins so I would get two because the portions are sizable for an adult and kid to eat off one plate and be full.

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May take a trip to the park from Ohio this Tuesday. Since it says it will be 100 degrees that day, will everything be open in that kind of weather? Esp Fury? Lol . How would the lines be? I do want to ride Fury at least like 10 times. Should I get that fast lane plus?

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May take a trip to the park from Ohio this Tuesday. Since it says it will be 100 degrees that day, will everything be open in that kind of weather? Esp Fury? Lol . How would the lines be? I do want to ride Fury at least like 10 times. Should I get that fast lane plus?

All rides will (should) be running and you won't need Fast Lane.

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Fun coaster, smooth, fast, but I still prefer Millenium Force. Also I wish they could have made the queue line somewhere else. Part of it butts right up against the lift hill and motor, and it's LOUD. I can't think of any other coaster queues that are that close to the machinery.


I doubt you would need Quick Queue especially on a weekday. If you do want to ride Fury tons, then I would suggest getting Quick Queue Plus since very few people had it, and those I saw with it rode the coaster over and over with no waits.


Thunder Road was rough, but it is still sad to see a coaster go. My friend who works at the park told me it is being removed (not renovated) for more waterpark. I am sure there is a way to build slides around it (just like Kings Dominion), but perhaps they just wanted it gone.

Nice! I hated that motor as well, but I found Fury to be a tad bit rough and Thunder Road to be pretty smooth. Which side of Thunder Road did you ride on? Just curious...

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Fun coaster, smooth, fast, but I still prefer Millenium Force. Also I wish they could have made the queue line somewhere else. Part of it butts right up against the lift hill and motor, and it's LOUD. I can't think of any other coaster queues that are that close to the machinery.


I doubt you would need Quick Queue especially on a weekday. If you do want to ride Fury tons, then I would suggest getting Quick Queue Plus since very few people had it, and those I saw with it rode the coaster over and over with no waits.


Thunder Road was rough, but it is still sad to see a coaster go. My friend who works at the park told me it is being removed (not renovated) for more waterpark. I am sure there is a way to build slides around it (just like Kings Dominion), but perhaps they just wanted it gone.

Nice! I hated that motor as well, but I found Fury to be a tad bit rough and Thunder Road to be pretty smooth. Which side of Thunder Road did you ride on? Just curious...


I rode on the right side looking at the station head on. So when I entered, I took a right.


And yes, it was brutally hot. That's why I came home a day early. Plus I was able to ride everything with little wait.


Intimidator was another story. The line should have been 15-20 minutes but was more like 45. The crew consistently stacked the trains and seemed to be in no hurry with their dispatches. After I rode it, they even forgot to unlock the bins which left about 15 rides waiting in the already crowded station to retrieve their items. It seems like they felt Fury was the new kid on the block so there was no need to be in any hurry. Hopefully just hit it on an off day.

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The Intimidator operations sucked last year as well. in a 15 minute long line it was easily doubled by them leaving several seats open on each train. We would watch trains roll out with only half of the seats filled. It was pretty ridiculous.

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