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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I got tovthe park. At 3 yesterday for a little fun...



The taste of carolinas starts well, now today...



But taste started yesterday thanks to the season meal plan! Awesome chickie & petes are included!



This is the longest fury 325's line got all evening...



One of the food booths...



The areas are in their respective stated. Pretty cool touch.



Here's the event map...



Poor timmy...long forgotten...



Let the snapping commence!



Its true...thunder road has been shut down pending demolition...



The food selection is just great now...as well as the cocktail selection!



You guys in the park today have fun!!!

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Its true...thunder road has been shut down pending demolition...


It's not actually though, right? I've heard nothing of the sort.

I'll be going to the park for the first time in June, and even if it's not great of a ride I'd hate to miss out on two credits.

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Its true...thunder road has been shut down pending demolition...


It's not actually though, right? I've heard nothing of the sort.

I'll be going to the park for the first time in June, and even if it's not great of a ride I'd hate to miss out on two credits.


Same thing here. Thunder Road is actually one of the more anticipated rides for me on my big multi-park road trip this summer. I really really love old style out and back wooden coasters. I will be VERY unhappy if it's closed in June.

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I am making my first trip to Carowinds in a couple weeks. I am going to go to Kings Dominion for the morning Friday then drive down to Carowinds. I was curious, if i only go to Kings Dominion for a couple hours in the morning and make it down to Carowinds before closing could I use my Platinum pass at both parks in one day? Carowinds is open until 10 and I would love to get some night rides in on Fury before going there in the morning the next day. Thanks.

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Went to Carowinds on Friday.... got there around 12pm and dropped my jaw !!! The new lot was full and the bus lot was loaded with buses !!! What the heck ??? !!!!


Went in the park (FREE due to Coke Rewards... thanks Coke! :clap: :clap: ) with wife and 2 friends. Kids were everywhere - but in groups with T-Shirts identifying their band, orchestra or choral group!!! Must've been some competition there yesterday!

Also, there was science exhibits near the entrance after the old bridge, so must've been a science day also!


So I expected a line a mile long for Fury, but SURPISE !! It is a walk-on.... ALL DAY !!! All these kids have chaperones and have to stay in groups.... I saw them parading around the park with instruments... heading to competition ( I guess in the Carowinds Theatre ). Also, with Chaperones, they could not wander around to ride. So, ALL the rides were walk-ons!!!


Now to Fury! I am on old geezer, and Fury is a very smooth and QUICK ride... over before you know it !!! It is a BLUR to watch in the 1st half of the run. I rode it half of my time with my arms up, feet out, and it is very comfortable, but out of control that way! The other half, I hung on to the lap restraint, which causes an abrupt ejector air when you hit the transition changes, and especially the hills in the last third of the ride! I mean, it jerks you forward and OUT of the seat. I like it much better that way.... so HANG on to get your rear tossed out of the seat!!!


Is it the best steel in the world??? Don't know... .haven't ridden them all !! But out of the steel I've ridden that is Giga, it is THE BEST, no doubt !!!

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There is no accurate measure of cycle time. It varies with conditions, whether it includes lift, brakes, stacking, etc. they created that figure to be "coincidental" with the name--325.

Honestly there's far better things to complain about. Parks pull advertising stunts like these all the time. Great Adventue is dead set on calling Kingda Ka the "Tallest and fastest coaster at 456 feet." True, yes, but a sly use of grammar to advertise it in a way to make it seem something more. Not a huge deal, in the grand scheme.

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I almost cried when leaving the park today. But it was time to head back to Comfort Inn Carowinds to get some rest for this 8hr drive back to Alabama tomorrow. My day at the park was GREAT! BEYOND GREAT! The park is nice and I really enjoyed the atmosphere there. Currently, I'm working on the draft for my trip report. I can't wait to post it!

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I almost cried when leaving the park today. But it was time to head back to Comfort Inn Carowinds to get some rest for this 8hr drive back to Alabama tomorrow. My day at the park was GREAT! BEYOND GREAT! The park is nice and I really enjoyed the atmosphere there. Currently, I'm working on the draft for my trip report. I can't wait to post it!


I'm so glad you had a great time! I know how you were looking forward to today!

I look forward to reading your trip report, and all about Fury 325!

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I almost cried when leaving the park today. But it was time to head back to Comfort Inn Carowinds to get some rest for this 8hr drive back to Alabama tomorrow. My day at the park was GREAT! BEYOND GREAT! The park is nice and I really enjoyed the atmosphere there. Currently, I'm working on the draft for my trip report. I can't wait to post it!

Did you taste of the carolinas? You HAD to!

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Ride time generally includes load and unload time. It's basically the amount of time from when that particular train dispatches, to when that exact same train dispatches again at proper interval.
Manic Monte is correct about Cycle Time, which is Dispatch to Brakes. This is how the PLC counts the cycle time.
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But it was time to head back to Comfort Inn Carowinds to get some rest for this 8hr drive back to Alabama tomorrow. My day at the park was GREAT! BEYOND GREAT!


Drive home safely! Can't believe your trip came and gone so quickly! Looking forward to the report from a virgin-Carowind'er

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Question: Is Thunder Road STILL shut down? At the end of the day on Easter, when I went, both cars got stuck on the lift at around 5-6ish. North Carolina got fixed, but South Carolina had to get maintenance in to push the ride down the hill. After that, they closed the ride for the rest of the night. Did it reopen, and shut down again? Or has it been like this since Easter?

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