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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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GwaziBSRider1 wrote:Anybody have an idea of what the crowds could be like on the Saturday after Fury opens (April 4)? I'm going to visit some friends in the Raleigh/Durham area and take them to Carowinds that day (unless for some reason Fury is delayed past that date).




The Saturday after is during the 2wk spring break operation a Saturday that early in the season isn't bad at all. The only ride you'll probably be in line for over an hour is Nighthawk, everything else would be around 15-20mins or a simple walk on. Anything on and after Memorial Day is when Saturdays are stupid crazy due to the waterpark being in operation.


Awesome, thanks!

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Anybody have an idea of what the crowds could be like on the Saturday after Fury opens (April 4)? I'm going to visit some friends in the Raleigh/Durham area and take them to Carowinds that day (unless for some reason Fury is delayed past that date).


If the weather is nice it may be busier than previous years if Fury is indeed open...and I see no reason it shouldn't. Spring break for CMS starts the day before. Historically it's not too bad though. I doubt there will be lines of an hour + or anything, but most likely busier than opening weekend.

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The old style seats (like the ones on Fury) are less susceptible to the B&M rattle than the V formation seats. The B&M rattle isn't a big deal anyway but if I had to pick a preferred type I'd go with these for that reason.


And B&M seems to have stopped using pre-drops across the board. I'm not sure why that is.

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^The pre-drop isn't the section of track before the drop (Great Bear's helix, Mantis/Green Lantern turnaround, etc), it's the little five foot dip that retracts the lift chain, as seen on the inverts pre-2010ish, all standups, all floorless, sit down, etc. Great Bear's helix comes after the pre-drop, it's just an element before the drop.

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I don't think there is a definition of "pre-drop" (If people say "Great Bear's pre-drop", I know what they are talking about), but I'm pretty sure that people on this thread mean something like what's on Raging Bull at Six Flags Great America


Look at the small little section right before it goes down the first drop.


Photo from TPR.

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And B&M seems to have stopped using pre-drops across the board. I'm not sure why that is.


I think the term we are looking for isn't "pre drop", I've always called it the "B&M Dip".


I can only speak about what I know. That said, I think it has to do with the number of chain dogs that are engaged.


Random Coaster Nerd Fact:

Each train on Banshee has 1 chain dog which is right above row 2, however they have 7 anti roll backs. The weight is relieved from the chain once half the train has crested.


On most coasters you can hear the chain dogs bouncing on the chain as the train begins to speed up. I think this is the stress B&M was trying to eliminate from their earlier designs.

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