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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I'm disappointed because theres ALREADY a big B&M there, if it had been an Intamin, you guys at Carowinds would have TWO massive, and completely unique coasters; unique to each other that is. I feel that even though it'll be GREAT FUN, Fury325 and Intimidator will have a very similar "flavor" or character.


When I went to CW to ride Behemoth and Leviathan, I thoroughly enjoyed them both. And although I liked Leviathan more, they both still felt like siblings to one another. Ones the "little brother", smaller and more gentle. And the "big brother" of course has more height and speed, BUT, they both have easily recognizable traits, representative of their "family" or common blood.


Fury325 will be GREAT, and I'm really looking forward to riding it, but I'm not expecting to have my mind blown like I305, or Skyrush did for me.

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reads pages 91-95...brb


ok now I can finish reading


I do want to say this...was it this much uproar when cedar point installed millienium force while already having magnum?


LOL! Love it!


TPR often drives me to drinking.


In Cedar Point's defense though, at least Magnum and MF are different manufacturers and LOOK drastically different.

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That is true...I take it if this was a different manufacture things would be different for some of the folks on here. I've never been on leviathan and probably won't on the near future...so I'm goad one like is is in my backyard...

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In Cedar Point's defense though, at least Magnum and MF are different manufacturers and LOOK drastically different.

True. Nonetheless, in my view, intimidator and this are pretty different. Naturally watching a POV when both coasters' track is the same leads you to believe they're similar while, in reality, they may be just as different as magnum an MF

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At Canada's Wonderland most people prefer Behemoth to Leviathan, I'm assuming though that at Carowinds it will be the other way around as most people rate Intimidator235 or whatever random number it is as one of the more floaty, force-less hypers.

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I've never understood the purpose of the hyper trains with the split rows. Anyone have any insight there? They look cool, I suppose, but is the ride much different? I guess I could see riding isolated on either side to be pretty cool, but overall I don't really get it.

I like this feature alot

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Gosh, we enthusiasts are getting pickier and pickier. Never in a million years would I have expected somebody to say a 325 foot tall coaster looks "boring".


I'm sorry that I don't think this coaster is amazing. I just think Intamin would done way better if they done this project. Even though I highly doubt Cedar Fair will ever build a Intamin again, I still think they could have done way better. Now I think if Cedar Fair wanted to be original they would have made the first B&M "Giga Twister". Something Raging Bull, but 10x better. That just my opinion though.

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I am speaking from everyone on Carowinds Connection when I say why do you think this ride will be just like Intimidator? Also Why Does Everyone on Here think That Just because It's A B&M it will be worse than an Intamin? I Personally Like B&M Better.


is this a poem?

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At Canada's Wonderland most people prefer Behemoth to Leviathan, I'm assuming though that at Carowinds it will be the other way around as most people rate Intimidator235 or whatever random number it is as one of the more floaty, force-less hypers.


How do you figure that? Leviathan is ranked much higher than Behemoth in polls.

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Gosh, we enthusiasts are getting pickier and pickier. Never in a million years would I have expected somebody to say a 325 foot tall coaster looks "boring".


I'm sorry that I don't think this coaster is amazing. I just think Intamin would done way better if they done this project. Even though I highly doubt Cedar Fair will ever build a Intamin again, I still think they could have done way better. Now I think if Cedar Fair wanted to be original they would have made the first B&M "Giga Twister". Something Raging Bull, but 10x better. That just my opinion though.


Intamin would have done way better with a project that nobody has ridden yet and was just announced today? What if B&M had built Skyrush. I just dont see why anyone puts so much emphasis on the manufacturer. The layout and statistics are what matter.

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At Canada's Wonderland most people prefer Behemoth to Leviathan, I'm assuming though that at Carowinds it will be the other way around as most people rate Intimidator235 or whatever random number it is as one of the more floaty, force-less hypers.


How do you figure that? Leviathan is ranked much higher than Behemoth in polls.


Because she ran a tour with a lot of poeple on it that included Canada's Wonderland. And those people have an opinion and that is what they said.

Edited by ernierocker
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At Canada's Wonderland most people prefer Behemoth to Leviathan, I'm assuming though that at Carowinds it will be the other way around as most people rate Intimidator235 or whatever random number it is as one of the more floaty, force-less hypers.


How do you figure that? Leviathan is ranked much higher than Behemoth in polls.


Polls schmolls. Behemoth is the better ride.

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Gosh, we enthusiasts are getting pickier and pickier. Never in a million years would I have expected somebody to say a 325 foot tall coaster looks "boring".


I'm sorry that I don't think this coaster is amazing. I just think Intamin would done way better if they done this project. Even though I highly doubt Cedar Fair will ever build a Intamin again, I still think they could have done way better. Now I think if Cedar Fair wanted to be original they would have made the first B&M "Giga Twister". Something Raging Bull, but 10x better. That just my opinion though.

I never said "You must say this ride is amazing". All I said was that calling a 325 foot tall coaster boring is ridiculous.


But I don't want to get into a battle over this, so moving on...


I absolutely love the color scheme. That shade of blue is amazing and the green and white compliment it so well. I do like the color choices Cedar Fair are choosing for their new rides.

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Gosh, we enthusiasts are getting pickier and pickier. Never in a million years would I have expected somebody to say a 325 foot tall coaster looks "boring".


I'm sorry that I don't think this coaster is amazing. I just think Intamin would done way better if they done this project. Even though I highly doubt Cedar Fair will ever build a Intamin again, I still think they could have done way better. Now I think if Cedar Fair wanted to be original they would have made the first B&M "Giga Twister". Something Raging Bull, but 10x better. That just my opinion though.

I never said "You must say this ride is amazing". All I said was that calling a 325 foot tall coaster boring is ridiculous.


But I don't want to get into a battle over this, so moving on...


I absolutely love the color scheme. That shade of blue is amazing and the green and white compliment it so well. I do like the color choices Cedar Fair are choosing for their new rides.


When I saw the track at the plant I thought it was gonna look extremely ugly, but the animation definitely changed my mind. That track looks beautiful.

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^^^The first picture of the track I saw didn't look great. I started liking it when I saw the photo of a piece already at Carowinds. I also do like the colours CF has bee using lately (especially banshee's)

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Fury 325 looks pretty good. That could be one of the best first drops ever, it looks HUGE! But only 3 smallish airtime hills? ehh. I'm sure it'll be fast as hell and pretty long (at least more complete than Leviathan), I'm also sure I'd love the coaster if it was near me. I guess it doesn't really wow me too much right now. I do prefer this to Thunderbird or any other Wing Coaster by a lot!


I guess will fly out to the Midwest to ride all the RMCs before going back out to my least favorite Cedar Fair park.


B&M just doesn't seem to get me excited like those RMCs do! I can't wait for next weeks when we see Colossus and Cyclone!!

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Going to throw in my 2 cents. Great addition for the park, it will spike attendance and bring in plenty of GP. As for as it goes for me as an enthusiast Yawn another nonchalant B&M effort. Would I ride it? Hell yes. Do I think its going to be a top 10 coaster? Hell no.

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