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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I like how the name/logo unofficially ties in with the local NBA team.


Any guesses on whether the team will be the first riders during media day?


Never, unless it is coaches and/or support staff. Most NBA players are taller than 6' 6''.

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Fury 325 looks great! It's going to be a huge hit for them. I'm sure it's been mentioned a bunch already, but being over 1,000 longer than Leviathan (which I'll ride for the first time next week) is impressive! All that high bank stuff looks cool, especially the real high turn around. I'm moaned about B&Ms for a long time, and finally warming up to them. It's what we have, I might as well try to enjoy it more (I still want a pre-lift section, and more trench/tunnel action!)

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I've been reading on Carowinds' Facebook page some of the reactions to Fury 325, and I'm very surprised that no one has said anything about it being similar to Intimidator.


To most people, Fury and Intimidator are very tall metal roller coasters, and it ends there. This is especially funny because a good amount of "coaster people" can't wrap their minds around having Leviathan and Behemoth or Intimidator and Fury in the same park.


Fury 325 looks excellent. It has the complete layout that Leviathan, Dominator, and even Behemoth lack.

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looks like a monster hope they don't fill the supports with sand I would love to hear that classic B&M roar

This. And right by the entrance of the park it would look even more intimidating. But that's what concerns me, due to the location they might silence it to be more "friendly".

They can fill the supports with as much sand as they want, it's not going to change the 'roar.' Now if they filled the rails with sand, that's another story.


Edited by FSUFanChris
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The layout does indeed look like an improvement on leviathan, except it doesn't have that speed hill sort of thing that Leviathan has after the first turn. The last two camel backs look alright, but the first one doesn't look like it'll do much, hopefully I'm wrong. The first half looks great, but then it goes into that really drawn out turn after the underground dive, I'm not to sure about that, and then it goes into that really big helix that looks like it won't provide much force. Overall, it looks like an amazing first half, an alright middle, and a pretty good ending. I'm definitely excited to see what it rides like, because that first half looks insane.

Edited by willthegolfer
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For the ones who say a wing coaster would be better, how many wing coasters have you heard get as many rave reviews as Leviathan? I don't understand how coaster enthusiasts think wing coasters would be a better ride than a giga? Remember guys, even though Thunderbird is a wing coaster, the only reason people are excited is because B&M is actually making a launched coaster. If it had a lift and a drop, I bet people would not find the coaster as glamorous. Not bashing Thunderbird, but lets look at what B&M has made and realize Banshee is just one coaster and not necessarily a "comeback."




I agree with you on the Winged coaster, not may enthusiasts would rate Winged coaster over a Giga but we shall see. Personally I am curious/excited about Thunderbird not because it is a launch but that it only has 5 cars vs. 8 like there other Winged coasters. I am hoping shorter trains allow them to create faster transitions and sharper turns for more force which the Winged coasters seem to lack.

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For the ones who say a wing coaster would be better, how many wing coasters have you heard get as many rave reviews as Leviathan? I don't understand how coaster enthusiasts think wing coasters would be a better ride than a giga? Remember guys, even though Thunderbird is a wing coaster, the only reason people are excited is because B&M is actually making a launched coaster. If it had a lift and a drop, I bet people would not find the coaster as glamorous. Not bashing Thunderbird, but lets look at what B&M has made and realize Banshee is just one coaster and not necessarily a "comeback."




I agree with you on the Winged coaster, not may enthusiasts would rate Winged coaster over a Giga but we shall see. Personally I am curious/excited about Thunderbird not because it is a launch but that it only has 5 cars vs. 8 like there other Winged coasters. I am hoping shorter trains allow them to create faster transitions and sharper turns for more force which the Winged coasters seem to lack.


I was relieved that it wasn't another Wing coaster.

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Looks great! Congratulations Carowinds! I know that this has given me an excuse to drive up there next year , and I am sure I will really enjoy it.


To all of the people shocked by the bitching - this is the new normal for us .


Skyrush - Intamin - FANTASTIC airtime: People piss and moan about the restraints

Maverick - Intamin - insanity: restraint complaints

Millennium Force - giga - very fast: complaints that there isn't enough airtime

B&M: complaints in general


I think it comes with the territory these days that we are going to nitpick every little detail about a ride before it has been built - and I find it entertaining. When it comes down to it - the park is getting a great new ride that will be an amazing addition for them. We (enthusiasts) will ride it as well and will most likely enjoy the hell out of it. It won't make a lot of peoples top 10 lists, but that is perfectly fine as well.

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Why? The GP likes them and the ride is better in the back.



I'm torn on wing coasters. They can be fantastic ride when done right (Raptor) or decent yet lackluster ride when done wrong (Wild Eagle). It's all about the themeing and close calls on those rides.


Anyway, as for Fury 325, solid "meh" from me. I've yet to ride a B&M hyper/giga that excites me. Apollo and Nitro are fun but they're also the first foray into the territory. Every similar B&M since has been either boring, rough, forceless, or any combination of the three.


I'll get back to Carowinds eventually but this will not make it a priority.

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