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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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97 mph would be a jip!

I think it'd be fitting for B&M to make the first traditional coaster to hit 100 mph


Edit: Not very reliable...I have had some joke edits make it weeks before the wiki police found it.

I imagine we enthusiasts would have dug up something more definitive from the depths of the rumor/info mill

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Or this....

Really, I haven't heard anything...where is this stuff coming from? This is a sick layout though, even if someone made it up I like it!




Hmmm there are talks of "fury 325" on some websites, maybe tis legit.

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Thank you for reporting a paranormal disturbance in our construction area. We have recorded your call and will log it in our incident records. Please stay informed about other disturbances via our website at carowinds.com. You can't stop it, you can only hope to contain it. The world will know August 21st.

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Well there ya go!

Aug 21st I shall await patiently for.


I do like how more parks are making serious attempts, (or at least any attempt) at teasing with these announcements.


We've known the August 21 date for weeks. Very exciting though!

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Hmmm . . . Fiesta Texas seems to have pioneered this "call" teaser thing. I just hope Carowinds would have done something more with the call - possibly we can expect a new one more in detail soon? Glad that they are setting up these calls, though. It makes everything more interactive and exciting.

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Hmmm . . . Fiesta Texas seems to have pioneered this "call" teaser thing. I just hope Carowinds would have done something more with the call - possibly we can expect a new one more in detail soon? Glad that they are setting up these calls, though. It makes everything more interactive and exciting.


Actually, Busch Gardens Tampa pioneered it when SheiKra got its floors removed.

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