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Photo TR: Sean & Allison @ West Coast Bash 2008

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First of all, a HUGE thank you to the following people for an outstanding event that exceeded everyone's expectations!


The Alveys & TPR, Rideworld, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Branden, Mike aka Mr. Six, Jahan, S&S Power for speaking at the Q&A and all the great people I was able to meet for my first ever west coast event, and my first time visiting the park since I moved here from New England this past year.


The future is looking pretty bright for Magic Mountain with all the positivity we're witnessing.


Thanks again everyone for a great time!


Just a few more months and I get my baby back...


They cycled X2 for us on the backstage tour!


Mr. Burkhart told us X2 has been redesigned for better effeciency and capacity, however there is a possibility it could give a better ride.






Pleasant floatiness as seen from the future site of Thomas Town. Oh by the way, did I mention Six Flags left ALL of their operating coasters for ERT until 10:30? No? Well they did. Awesome job guys!


Goliath is a cool beasty


For me? :)


Goldrusher's station and sign look like a million bucks now


Mr. Six shows us a surviving XLR8 coach which will be fed to Ninja over time. It was sad to see this and be reminded of the disappearing Arrow suspended coasters so a hike up Samurai Summit was in order.


Six Flags was also willing to tell us that within their current five year plan, they are hoping to get a replacement drop ride.


All that is left of Flashback is this nose cone, the rest is now coke cans.


Psyclone Cemetary: This area WILL NOT be the site of the new for 2009 coaster project, however, there are big plans for this area to watch out for!


Deja Vu is undergoing its annual refurbishment including the rebuilding of the train. During the Q&A, an attendee addressed the conern of Deja's fate to which it was replied that SFMM has the dedicated staff that "takes ownership" of its rides and is willing to maintain is complex systems. This is great to hear! Who doesn't love Deja?


Six Flags staff and Disney cast members in perfect harmony, how beautiful!


Superman is the next coaster to be painted at the park, according to Tim Burkhart, the park's GM. Superman The Escape is one of his "babies" and he thinks it should stand out with all the other big guns. Right on Mr. Burkhart, Superman is a great ride!


Our one flat-ride stop of the day was Grinder Gearworks


Batman used to be the only superhero without superpowers, but if you ask me, his ability to throw off your sense of direction is pretty impressive.


Got a few rides in on Riddler's Revenge


Viper as seen from X2's transfer track


Viper still has a good bite


Revolution, Superman, and Viper were open along with Tatsu for morning ERT


2 instant classics in their debut years


Batman's sidekick with my sidekick


Tatsu's zero-g roll


It's a very pretty monster


My favorite beemer


The beast from the not so far east


The beast from the far east


We're obviously very excited to get our ride on!

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"Six Flags was also willing to tell us that within their current five year plan, they are hoping to get a replacement drop ride."


Yea! It's great that they're going to add a new flat, and it's even better that it's going to be a drop tower. I'm glad to think that sometime within the next five years we can expect some airtime in SFMM.

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Great pictures and thanks for the update for those of us who couldn't get out to California! Magic Mountain looks like it has come so far in the past couple of years, for once the park looks like has a really bright future ahead of it.

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