Big Mike Posted September 8, 2008 Author Share Posted September 8, 2008 That is very true Scott! I was in super gear up mode for Fantasy Football, so I kind of breezed over the lock city bets. I have got a few thank you PM's for some super fun that The Big Mike Readers who understood the bet got last night! The worst part is that I know I am Larry's only hope of getting any sexual favors, and he was on the couch again last night Stick with the Big Man and we will all be rich and sexually satisfied! Peace, Big Mike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
larrygator Posted September 8, 2008 Share Posted September 8, 2008 ^You bring new meaning to the term Sad and Pathetic. I would also like to thank all the peeps who thanked me via PM for calling Big Mike out on bending his words and stretching the truth. I think the word fraud was mentioned a couple of times. Your defintiion of "LOCK" should have been clearly caveated if it was only a lock if one teased the bet. I have never seen an expert proclaim a lock bet with a teaser proposition to the general population. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Mike Posted September 8, 2008 Author Share Posted September 8, 2008 The Big Mike Road Show 2008 would like to apologize to all the valuable Big Mike Readers for having to read through all this haterism being inflicted on our awesome thread by a certain individual that we will remain nameless. The Big Mike Road Show 2008 has been all about Friends, Family, and great people having wonderful times together while at the parks! Throw in a few contests to keep the valuable Big Mike Readers entertained and happy and the results speak for themselves... The #1 thread of 2008!!! Big Mike would like to thank everyone who has made this possible, all the great friends I have met along the way and all the great peeps that continually contribute positive vibes to this thread!! Theme Park Review and The Big Mike Road Show 2008 should all be about FUN like the banner says, so please check all your negativity and haterism at the door when you enter this thread! Once again, don't let one or two haters ruin the FUN for the thousands of us here at The Big Mike Road Show 2008!! ANOTHER brand new exclusive park not in the Theme Park Review directory will go up AGAIN tonight!! Yours truly, everyones good friend, Big Mike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coastinmiller Posted September 8, 2008 Share Posted September 8, 2008 ^Nice. i see you 2 are at it again Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
printersdevil78 Posted September 9, 2008 Share Posted September 9, 2008 The Big Mike Road Show 2008 would like to apologize to all the valuable Big Mike Readers for having to read through all this haterism being inflicted on our awesome thread by a certain individual that we will remain nameless. I would like to take this opportunity to formally apologize for any "haterism" I may have intentionally or unintentionally inflicted upon the Big Mike thread For the record, all "haterism" should have been directed toward broccoli, the silent green killer, and not anyone involved or affiliated with the Big Mike Road Show or Big Mike Productions, Inc. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Be warned, broccoli; your day is coming! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Mike Posted September 9, 2008 Author Share Posted September 9, 2008 That is the spirit, a little comedy is welcomed Mike, when I sense that The Big Mike Road Show 2008 thread is losing a little steam, a good Big Mike/Little Larry fued is always great for the ratings!!! Works every time Peace, Big Mike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Mike Posted September 9, 2008 Author Share Posted September 9, 2008 Hello Friends!!!!! The Big Mike Road Show 2008 Heart of America Tour continued its trek, this time arriving in Oklahoma and a little kiddie park named Kiddie Park actually. The place was closed but I thought The Big Mike Readers deserved to see any amusement park, no matter how big or how small! One day maybe a dad or family living near there will want to go or just found out from me that the park existed and will have a fun day there! So whenever anyone needs to check out a tiny park that is not in the main TPR gallery, you know to come to The Big Mike Road Show thread, because there is no doubt Big Mike will have visited it sooner or later A funny story about this park was that I knew it was going to be closed, but I just wanted to check it out and see what it looked like. I pulled up and as I strolled around, I came upon a lady sleeping in her car by the roller coaster. I tried to be quiet as I was taking pictures and not startle her, but she woke up anyway. We talked for like 20 minutes and she was pretty darn hot! She comes to this spot by the roller coaster under a tree and takes a nap everyday she says. She told me all about the park and all the memories she has growing up there visiting the park since she was a kid. It was a nice chat and brightened my day, especially when she asked about my Official Big Mike Road Show 2008 Tour Shirt! Well her lunch hour ended and she left without a good bye kiss, but if you ever see her sleeping under the tree, tell her Big Mike says hello!! Hope you enjoy! Peace, Big Mike Remember the river nearby? Just like Knoebels, they like to mark the flood level. I had thoughts about hopping into this train too like the last trip report, but passed on it. The Santa Fe railroad too. This could be the first TPR trip report with a gushing derrick in it! Right outside the park they are debuting this addition. Notice the big river flowing nearby. Here are some other rides at this amusement park. You then traverse a big forest of trees. Turn the corner and another dip to keep you awake. The lift. You come out of the station and dip deep down into the Earth! This is an overview of its course. ... but it is actually called the Little Fire Ball and this is its train. They have this sign set up calling the coaster the Little Dipper... There is no prices listed because it is very easy to remember, ALL rides are just a quarter! You thought the last park I visited had limited hours, this one is barely ever open. Kiddie Park in Bartlesville Oklahoma! I got a PM saying that my face is in too many of the pictures, so JUST THIS ONCE, I will satisfy that person (you can probablt figure out easily who said it) and this will be the only picture of Big Mike in this report! Big Mike even takes care of his haters too! That is just the kind of guy Big Mike is Remember, the last train ride of the night is ALWAYS FREE!!! I hope you enjoyed! Peace, Big Mike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Mike Posted September 11, 2008 Author Share Posted September 11, 2008 Hi there great Friends!!! The next stop on The Big Mike Road Show 2008's Heart of America Tour was All Star Adventures in Witchita Kansas!! I had called ahead and was told one of the two coasters were just for kids, but that has never stopped Big Mike from trying before. Hope you enjoy! Peace, Big Mike Playing sports my whole life, every once in a while you feel like you stole a game from another team. That is how I felt leaving All Star Adventures, stealing an extra credit for the victory!!! Hope you enjoyed! Peace, Big Mike They even have a golf range attached to the park. Some other rides at the park: Credit #695 for Big Mike. The end of the ride. Big Mike racking up the credits. The drop. The spiral lift. Thank goodness this dude was not on the Safari Coaster and it was a hot babe instead! A car. The train. Overview. Dragon Coaster! 2 tickets! Coaster #694 for Big Mike! You can even ring the train bell while riding! Thank goodness I was blessed with the great looks that hot babes swoon for. I don't know if it was my reasoning, The Official Big Mike Road Show T-Shirt, or my charisma with the hot babes, but the Big Mike Magic has worked again!!! I stated my case to her that if FOUR tigers can ride in one car, then ONE Big Mike should be able to also! 1 ticket. Time to work some Big Mike Magic on the female ride operator! The train. The Safari Coaster! (The kids only ride) The new extra value packages! The prices. One of the few little parks I have ever visited that charged a general admission price plus individual tickets. All Star Adventures! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coaster Palooza Posted September 11, 2008 Share Posted September 11, 2008 Enough is enough Mike...BRING ON THE DUCKIES!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Mike Posted September 11, 2008 Author Share Posted September 11, 2008 Hey Rick!! I am trying to coordinate that the third round ducky game gets posted while you are vacationing at The Big Mike Hotel!!! Honestly, I can only do the ducky game at the big parks, and this trip had a lot of small parks. ATTENTION to the 20 players left in the game and the thousands still playing along, the Official Round 3 Ducky Game will take place in the Worlds of Fun trip report, which is only NINE trip reports away!!!! LOL Love to all the Big Mike Readers! Peace, Big Mike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aslinterpreter Posted September 11, 2008 Share Posted September 11, 2008 Mike,was anybody else in that park at all????? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Mike Posted September 12, 2008 Author Share Posted September 12, 2008 Oh Yes!!! Can't wait to show everybody how awesome you treated me Everyone is going to be soooo jealous! Peace, Big Mike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shavethewhales Posted September 12, 2008 Share Posted September 12, 2008 Holy crap! Big Mike actually came to my home town? I didn't think you'd actually hit up Kiddie Park, I don't even think they allow people on the Little Dipper without kids. (It's officially called the Little Dipper in my book - the Little Fire Ball branding was added by CMS collision, who built the new trains.) Meh, at least Bartlesville has some awesome architecture. Did you see Price Tower? Not bad for a little OK town. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aslinterpreter Posted September 12, 2008 Share Posted September 12, 2008 Everyone will be jealous you got to see my hot babe wife in a bikini! But i have a story YOU might be jealous of. Tonight my parents had their class reunion, and my mom called me from there and told me I had to get there right away, she said their was someone that she wanted me to meet. When I got there she introduced my to David Busch, who I remember as a kid was a friend of my parents and always at worlds of fun when we went. Well she told me tonight that we was the big boss at WOF right under Lamar Hunt! Now David owns several water parks all over the world! From China to Texas! Anyway he invited us to come visit him at some of his Texas parks and will show us around! I will let you know when we get the hook up!!!! Jeffrey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Mike Posted September 12, 2008 Author Share Posted September 12, 2008 How cool is that being that we were just talking about Texas the other day lol. Oklahoma was very nice Well I suppose some of you know Lucky Dog. He is my dog that checked off oneof the states on The Official Big Mike Road Show T-Shirt. Well Lucky Dog got cut open tonight somehow while out for a run and had to go to the Animal Hospital. He had to get some stitches. This is the 2nd time in 6 months. So, he is all doped up and I have to give him pills and eye cream for 7 days. Thus, this weekends trip to Michigan has been cancelled. Back to back weekend trips, this one to Michigan and last weeks Myrtle Beach trip cancelled, lost both airfares lol. Granted they were only $18 and $39. Add these to the cancelled Boston trip over Labor Day and The Big Mike Road Show 2008 is in a rut! Have no fear though, the California Trip in October will still meet the quota of 100 parks visited this year Time to go take care of Lucky Dog! Peace, Big Mike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bobafett Posted September 12, 2008 Share Posted September 12, 2008 Give Lucky Dog our best Big Mike. Our Max fell down the steps today and gave us quite a scare. He is limping a little but I think he will be ok. Did you ring the bell on the coaster? I would have been ringing that bell so much that they would have kicked me off the coaster!---Bobbi Jo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheRapidsNerd Posted September 12, 2008 Share Posted September 12, 2008 Big Mike, did you send some of your magic my way? I so lucked into a credit after getting denied, and it was like one of your stories. I send the good vibes along for the dog for a speedy recovery. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Mike Posted September 13, 2008 Author Share Posted September 13, 2008 Hello great friends!! The next stop on The Big Mike Road Show 2008 Heart of America Tour was Zonkers in Olathe Kansas! This was the last coaster I needed in Kansas, and now Kansas is 100% complete!!! Before we get to the trip report, let me give you Big Mike's Week #2 NFL LOCK CITY picks!!! Week #2 is always the tricky week, so usually I set up two bets and hope for a sweep, and settling for a split. These are two team teasers again and for people like Larry who have a hard time understanding, I will just post the actual lines after they were moved 6 points for a two team teaser! Big Mike's LOCK CITY bet #1 Rams +14 1/2 over Giants Ravens +10 1/2 over Texans Big Mike's LOCK CITY bet #2 Jets/Patriots over 31 Cardinals/Dolphins over 32 1/2 Update on Big Mike's Fantasy Football teams: Big Money League = Big Mike 1-0 Regular Money League = Big Mike 1-0 Hope you enjoy the trip report! Peace, Big Mike That is it from Zonkers! I liked the ape, who had on the same jacket with a million pockets as hot fuzz Rich has! Hope you enjoyed! Peace, Big Mike Other rides at Zonkers: Credit #696 for Big Mike! Notice that Big Mike made it up the lift, not like Lard Ass Larry* and his past attempt at a Python Pit! LOL *Can't debate that! Theming. The lift. The right side of the ride. The left side of the ride. I just happened to have 3 tickets! The Python Pit cost 3 tickets. Python Pit! Here are the prices. The park is located inside The Great Mall of the Great Plains. Zonkers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slither37 Posted September 13, 2008 Share Posted September 13, 2008 Ok, Mike, I have emptied out the 401K, Kayla's college fund and sold some plasma and I am making those bets, better hope you are not wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aslinterpreter Posted September 13, 2008 Share Posted September 13, 2008 Mike, that was the first coaster Parker ever rode!!!!!! You also had a pic of that spin and puke ride called the yak attack, we let Parker ride that about 20 times to see if he would throw up!!!!!! April ended up being the one that threw up just watching him! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
larrygator Posted September 13, 2008 Share Posted September 13, 2008 These are two team teasers again and for people like Larry who have a hard time understanding, I will just post the actual lines after they were moved 6 points for a two team teaser! Big Mike's LOCK CITY bet #1 Rams +14 1/2 over Giants Ravens +10 1/2 over Texans Big Mike's LOCK CITY bet #2 Jets/Patriots over 31 Cardinals/Dolphins over 32 1/2 Update on Big Mike's Fantasy Football teams: Big Money League = Big Mike 1-0 Regular Money League = Big Mike 1-0 So you still don't want to post your starting line-up in your Big Money league. Yes, Pyhton Pit with a bad ride op can get stuck on the lift hill after completion of the circuit, if you ride with friends and have a full train. But I guess you need to ride coasters with friends for that to occur, something you don't know much about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jojo19799 Posted September 13, 2008 Share Posted September 13, 2008 Awwww Mike I'm sorry to hear about Lucky Dog. Hailey (our black lab) did something to her leg a few days ago. She was limping around and kept biting at her leg. We managed to wrap it and the next morning she was fine. Of course trying to get her to calm down and stay off of it for another day was impossible. I started to think she was just faking it because she felt we ignored her. She is a bit needy at times. Anyway, it stinks that you couldnt make it out to Michigan. There is always next year though, and I'll be sure to meet up with you for that trip! Give Lucky Dog my love! Hope he makes a speedy recovery! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Mike Posted September 13, 2008 Author Share Posted September 13, 2008 So you still don't want to post your starting line-up in your Big Money league. Yes, Pyhton Pit with a bad ride op can get stuck on the lift hill after completion of the circuit, if you ride with friends and have a full train. But I guess you need to ride coasters with friends for that to occur, something you don't know much about. Sure, blame it on EVERYTHING else but your lard ass. The Big Mike Readers know the truth I was debating on puting my team on here, but then thought I better not. This is my TPR trip we are talking about. I like funding it from Fantasy Football. I have known Larry for about 3 years, and I don't think I have EVER seen him win at anything, nothing! He is just, as we call it on my championship teams, ahhh, I better not say it. Lets just say anything Larry is a part of comes out on the short end of the stick. So having Larry know my fantasy team would sink me quicker than his lard ass sunk the Python Pit coaster! So to all the valuable Big Mike Readers and friends out there who have ridden coasters with me all year long, don't let Larry's remarks put any doubt in your minds, you ARE my friends!!!!!!!!!! Lets see what we have next.... SkateDazed in Nebraska, where I got a personal tour around the whole complex!!! Peace, Big Mike PS - Thanks for the best wishes for Lucky Dog, he is getting better Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
larrygator Posted September 13, 2008 Share Posted September 13, 2008 ^So your true colors come out. You don't care enough about your fans to let them know your Fantasy Team. Like a lot of things in your life, your Fantasy Football Team Wins are just that, a Fantasy. If there was any truth to your statements you would be transparent with your posts. Then again it must be difficult to be transparent at your size. By the way I'm pulling for the Grim Reaper against Lucky Dog, but I'll probably lose there also. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Mike Posted September 13, 2008 Author Share Posted September 13, 2008 I guess I can show you last years team since you cant screw that up! This was the Champions League, you already had to be a champion to be in it, and I was the champion of that too!! League Champion CONGRATULATIONS 2007 League Champion! New Jersey Power Dominators Owner(s): Mike Betzler Regular Season Record: 10-3 Wow, the grim reaper was pretty low, even I wouldn't stoop down that low! Peace, Big Mike Playoff Matchups | Final Standings Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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