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I tried and tried to come up with a different number but I'm going to have to go with 10 duckies also. Please lock me in. Also Big Mike, I really like the top 20 things type of format. Keep it up. It's neat since your top twenty differs from what would be my top twenty.

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This week I didn't expect to go out of town, but when I saw that Big Mike had posted the hiding places of all the NorCal duckies, I knew I MUST get a trip in this week. Only problem? I live 3 hours drive away from the closest duckie.


In a few short days, I worked things out so I could take off for a duckie/credit whore trip! Here's the result!



After 3 hours of driving, I finally get to Funderland in Sacramento!! So excited to get a new credit and find a duckie!


NEW CREDIT!! It was actually a pretty fun kiddie coaster! After riding, I whip out my duckie cheat sheet and go a-searching.... but to no avail! The duckie is no where to be found! I even asked a few perplexed employees if they had found any rubber duckies hiding about, but they hadn't. My only conclusion was that some sneaky TPR member had already snatched it up, and hadn't posted yet! I was slightly disappointed, but glad to have gotten credit #87 for me!


Fun Town at Micke Grove Zoo? But I already got this credit when I was 5! There must be another reason for my being here...


I FOUND IT! I FOUND IT!!!! I got the duckie!!!


This is my "I'm such a coaster whore, only reason I'm riding this is because I'm here and it's here" -face.


Next up: SFDK. I really was not expecting to find this duckie, I figured someone who lived a little closer would have gotten it right away, I made it to the park around 3:30 and went straight for the Elephant area. Holding my breath, I looked in the planter... leaves, trash... DUCKIE!!!! Duckie #2 for me!! And my home park too!!! Ka-ching!!! So proud of this!


Day 2: drove to San Jose and met up with Rolercstrluvr, then drove to Gilroy. I explained to the employee in the parking lot that we weren't going to be going into the park, just needed to get into the parking lot for 5 minutes to find something for a scavenger hunt. She actually let us through without paying the ! Thank you awesome lady! We drove to the light post marked A10 and with baited breath lift the metal thing... nothing!! Then we realize that all of the posts in the row are marked A10, so there's still a chance the duckie is there!


GOT IT!!! This is Rolercstrluvr's #2 duckie, I'm just posting the pic because I have it!


DUCKIE POWOW!! Ironically, Rolercstrluvr's duckies are both male ducks, and my duckies are both female ducks! They all went on a double-date on my dashboard.

After securing Gilroy duckie, we headed to the Boardwalk so I could secure credit #88, 89 and 90! I'm exhausted, but it was totally worth the 15+ hours of driving over the last three days! Thank you Big Mike for inspiring an awesome spontaneous trip!

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Any idea when the next round of the still-somewhat-epic contest will be posted? I will be on a remote island next week with Arosania, and with no real amusement parks nearby, we'd hate to miss it.

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Thank you very much Janae!!!


Much appreciated



Promise to get those prize packs out by the end of the week, been crazy busy!



1000 posts is awesome, and so are you!



Peace, Big Mike

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Funny thing happened to me last week when I was at Knoebels doing a little pretrip before Leviathon. I had spent the day at this great park when I was in line for a final ride on the new Black Diamond before heading South to Hershey. I was checking out FB when I see that Big Mike had posted a trip report the day before on Knoebels and had hidden a duckie here. A quick read of the trip report on my phone and it was off in search of the prise before the park closed!


I remembered seeing this earlier in the day


Looks a little familiar!


Whith the brick out of the way, what is that I see?


SCORE! My first duckie!



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I know double post, shoot me!


A couple odf days later I was checking out Hersheypark and Chocolate World.


Another familiar sight.


Another score! Duckie number two for the trip!



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