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and to think I very nearly did say 6 duckies on the last game, and sure enough the Picture that I wasn't quite sure about Was that Elf Photo, I thought it did look like there was a duckie on his knee, but then thought Nah as it didn't look right, oh well


I assume you are being sneaky with one of the photos in this new game so I hope I'm right in saying 4 Duckies,Final Answer

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and to think I very nearly did say 6 duckies on the last game, and sure enough the Picture that I wasn't quite sure about Was that Elf Photo, I thought it did look like there was a duckie on his knee, but then thought Nah as it didn't look right, oh well


I assume you are being sneaky with one of the photos in this new game so I hope I'm right in saying 4 Duckies,Final Answer


It was great to come home only to be welcomed by another Find the Ducky win!


Lock me in for 5 duckies!


Fun report, as always - love the super-mini little Frisbee-type ride.


Okay, FOUR duckies. Lock it like it's hot.


I like the tiny frisbee ride they have! It is so cute!


I saw four duckies this time!


Awesome will you be joining us on new hotness mike? and 4 duckeys of the sand pail


Welcome back Big Mike! Lock me in for 5 duckies.


Something tells me those small rides would be way more intense than their big counterparts...


Lock me in for 4 duckies!


I counted four duckies!


Five duckies.




I'll give this a try...3 duckies!


Great report Big Mike!


You're all locked and loaded!

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Hello Fabulous Friends and Valuable Big Mike Readers!!!



Happy Valentines Day to everyone! :lover:



Today's episode comes to you from Wyoming, and it is The Devil's Tower!!!



If you are ever out that way to ride one of those remote roller coasters, try to check it out as it is the first declared National Monument in the USA!



Since it is Valentine' Day too, I figured that this would be a good time to show this episode since Big Mike was lucky enough to meet two super hotties while visiting The Devil's Tower!!!



Hope you enjoy!



Peace, Big Mike


Devil's Tower National Monument!


America's first National Monument!


Here is the view from farther away as Big Mike was stunned by this view, or......


....... by THIS view!!!!


Two super hotties on the side of the road taking pictures!!!


Big Mike introduces Misty (left) and Christy (right), Big Mike's new friends!


The view from even closer.


The Devil's Tower sign from inside the park.


Once you hit the parking lot, you realize just how big this tower is!


A view from the bottom looking up.


Good Ole Big Mike!


How the Devil's Tower was formed.


Be honest, what first caught your eye, the tower or Big Mike's big belly?


Viewing tubes to increase enjoyment.


The back side of The Devils Tower.


Big Mike decides to climb The Devil's Tower to get better views for The Valuable Big Mike Readers!


Big Mike gave up right about here, half way up.


Big Mike did get to take this landscape shot though before climbing back down.


Big Mike!


We end with a majestic picture of The Devil's Tower in front of a beautiful blue sky!


Scratch that, in typical Big Mike fashion, we end with a majestic picture of Big Mike and two beautiful girls in front of the Devil's Tower!!!!


Thanks to Misty and Christy, still both Facebook friends today! :)



Hope you enjoyed!



Peace, Big Mike

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