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World's longest inverted rollercoaster to run in Guangzhou

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World's longest inverted rollercoaster to run in Guangzhou

261 words

22 January 2008

Xinhua's China Economic Information Service


© 2008 Xinhua News Agency. All Rights Reserved


GUANGZHOU, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- The world's longest inverted rollercoaster will start running during China's upcoming Spring Festival in an amusement park in this capital city of south China's Guangdong Province, offering the thrilling fun of falling 80 meters, the park said Tuesday.


Xiong Xiaojie, assistant to the president of the Chimelong Paradise, told Xinhua on Tuesday that the one-km-long rollercoaster, designed by Switzerland-based Bolliger and Mabillard for the park, will be safety tested on Jan. 28, and has a planned debut in China's most important festival, the Spring Festival, which falls on Feb. 7 this year.


"The 200 million-yuan (27 million U.S. dollars) rollercoaster is one of the world's most expensive and the first of its kind introduced to China's mainland. It would offer fun-seekers an experience of a vertical drop of 80 meters, as high as a 30-story building," said Xiong.


Bolliger and Mabillard invented the world's first inverted rollercoaster in 1992. Since then, it has designed 71 rollercoasters for theme parks around the world. The rollercoaster it designed for Chimelong Paradise has three carriages capable of carrying 30 people at a time. Its highest speed is 120 km per hour.


The Chimelong Paradise opened in Guangzhou in April, 2006, and has become one of the must-go tourist attractions in the city, for its sophisticated amusements.


The privately-owned park, built for 1 billion yuan, covers 66 hectares, and can handle 50,000 tourists a day. (?)

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I did read the post right above, but I don't understand why couldn't it be an invert. Is it impossible for an invert to be 300ft and what problems has Alphengist encountered? I have ridden Alphengheist and it is my favorite invert because it is longer than 30 secs like most and it is taller than most.

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I did read the post right above, but I don't understand why couldn't it be an invert. Is it impossible for an invert to be 300ft and what problems has Alphengist encountered? I have ridden Alphengheist and it is my favorite invert because it is longer than 30 secs like most and it is taller than most.


Again, there has to be a serious mistranslation in the original article. It has to be the dive coaster.

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^ That is weird that it mentions that, yet seems to be about something completely different. Maybe there is confusion about the words inverted and inversion.


I'm with the others, it must be the dive coaster. Someone would have noticed by now if they were building a massive inverted coaster due to open in less than 3 weeks time.

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No I know its a dive coaster I was just responding to the comment made about it CAN'T be an invert and Alphengist. I was wondering is it impossible to build an invert of that magnitude and what has been happening with Alphengist I read the article before I wrote my response so I did know it was a dive coaster.

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Is it impossible for an invert to be 300ft and what problems has Alphengist encountered? I have ridden Alphengheist and it is my favorite invert because it is longer than 30 secs like most and it is taller than most.


Alpengiest is, to most people, rough and has a lot of vibration. The reason for this (So it's assumed) is the height and speed of the ride. The wheels weren't designed to handle that much speed so any row (Besides the front) will give a bad ride to most people.


I've only ridden it in front, so I won't know about the other rows.

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Alpengiest is, to most people, rough and has a lot of vibration. The reason for this (So it's assumed) is the height and speed of the ride. The wheels weren't designed to handle that much speed so any row (Besides the front) will give a bad ride to most people.


I've only ridden it in front, so I won't know about the other rows.


I'm with you on this. Alpie is the clunkiest B&M invert I've been on. It's not Vekoma hang 'n bang bad, but it's rough for a B&M. I thought it would be much better.

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Well you know what the Communists are like with information dissemination, they'd probably report a Dragon Wagon as being a glorious monument to communism that smashes every coaster record held by capitalist pigdogs.


$27 million for a Dive Machine? I think they got ripped off if you compare it with the cost of the larger US ones, (maybe it included bribes to party officials) though I guess Chimelong is pretty heavy on the theming which does look impressive on some of their other coasters.

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With that description for the coaster trains, it has to be the dive coaster that is currently being constructed. There is no way that this is an inverted coaster.





Well, I think they have soft-opened it already or something because I watched a really long video showing trains cycling with some people on it. There was like a pre-opening (or was it the official opening) ceremony.

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The layout is nearly a clone of "Griffon". I don't have a care for "Dive" coasters, I can't ride anything with a near to vertical drop.


I've only been on "Oblivion" once since it opened in 98 and that was a horrible experience. Bring back "Black Hole" and "Thunderlooper".


As Euro-fighter coasters have a 97 degree 1st drop I may have to ban these as well. I'll try TP version in 09.

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