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Looping Starships

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Hi everyone!


I think that i´m the only one in here that loves Intamin Looping Starships. I´m concidering to build a model of one so i would like to get pictures of all Looping Starships that you know of, like Power Dive, Z-force, Phoenix and so on. I would also love to hear your storys about Looping Starships.


All in all, I want to know EVERYTHING. I´m especially interested in Power Dive, Jet Scream and Z-force, so if you know anything about these, please respond!




Greetings from Sweden!

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Hello Robb!!!


Awesome!!! That´s exactly the same model as we had here in Sweden! I´ve only seen Z-Force and the one here in Sweden in this colour theme and with the two wings at the rear!


Do you know what happened to it afterwards? Was it a popular attraction? Did it have some kind of theme?




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Thanks for the great response in only 10 minutes! I hope i will get more!


Now, do you know why the call a pirate boat, Looping Starship??That must be really bad fantasy? Dreamboat would hve been better or something like Lost Pirateship....



Uhhm, what is a groin area? I understand intact and area but not groin? *embarassed*

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All of your dreams can come true if you work seasonally at Valleyfair this summer!


At the employee summer olympics, an event is called the Looping Starship and you have to bring a cup of water on the ride and see how much you can save. It's pretty much impossible, but a lot of fun.


And hey, there's housing so you wouldn't have to make the commute from Sweden everyday:wink:


Also, I agree with VFFreak...I'm a chick and the restraints are the most uncomfortable thing ever (and shudder just thinking about it).

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You guys are just to funny haha!


Vffreak, oh well yeah i do!! Actually, they sadly rebuilt the LSS here in Sweden in 2002, that´s 6 years ago, so i don´t really remember it. They do have the ride left, but without the counterweight and airplane shell and it´s only rocking like a pirate ship, but with higher swings though...They still have the restraint system though and it´s really not that bad (no, i didn´t say that i have the smallest.....in the world). Yeah, ofcourse they tighten really hard before they release a little bit. So they really reminds you of what you have and don´t have down there...but yeah, i do believe that when you´re upside down you feel them yet more! I don´t think that the lap bars are the whorst. I think its the OTSR´s. because they are so short (i don´t know why) and they end up right in your solarplexus.


I do still love these rides...They´re so great! The one here in Sweden was awesome themed!






Haha, that sounds funny!!! Is Valleyfair in USA? I really would love to work at a Looping Starship! Has anyone in here done that? I would love to know how you control them!! it almost sounds like you´ve been an emplooyee as a ride op on a LSS?



Why must it be so far to USA or Canada where they are located?=(



BTW; What about Great Adventures Space Shuttle? I can´t find it on their webpage..has they removed it for the 2008 season?

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Steel: It´s because of the massive look of the attraction...It was so nice to ride it when it was full, in the night with all the lights on!


And the feeling of being upside down, so high above the ground, for so long...I´ve never seen a LSS going the same program as the one here in Sweden! 4 revolutions in total with extreme hangtime on the last one! The one we had was also so weel themed...i don´t know..i can´t tell you more, i just love them and i don´t think they´re that uncomfortable at all! We had an Vekom Invertigo and that one was NOT comfortable, let me tell you that...


But okay, if i get to ride a LSS again, maybe i´ll change my opinion, but i doubt it!

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I don't have any pictures myself, but here's a link to great pictures of HMB Endeavor at CGA. It's great because it's one of the pirate ships and its over water.




And here's also a video on youtube.




Off topic: I'm surprised that Cedar Fair won't rename this as "Poop Deck."


Back on topic: These hurt if you let it hurt...especially the upper restraints. My trick is to not let it constrict you to death, but leave yourself secured at the same time. I had some crazy hangtime last time I rode the Revolution/Endeavor. I still had the upper restraint digging into the chest though. (ow)

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Angry Gumball: You are so right!!!I remember that the trick was, don´t push down the otsr to much...I usually let it go a little. But if you push it down too hard, then it tightened more and more all the time.



I think that HMB Endeavor, Phoenix and Looping Starship@Valleyfair looks...kinda strange in the pirate ship theme....They look soo much better in the Space Shuttle theme!


I wonder if they ran these on programs, because you usually got extreme hangtime the last revolution, so you almost blacked out when you came to the lower position caused of the g´s.


I was only 18 when i rode it last time, but am i mistaking when i say that it´s quite high above the ground when you´re inverted?




Nobody in here that has a ton of photos of Jet Scream at Canadas Wonderland??? It looks to be in such a great shape!



More pictures&facts please

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I love looping starships too! My avatar to the left is the one at King's Dominion (Berserker). Bereserker opened in 1984. I'm glad you made this topic. I always look for pictures of these and never find them! I'm glad to see what Great America's looks like.


Berserker is great. I've ridden it twice. I've only seen it have a long line one time. I never have to wait more than one cycle. I love how when you're floating in the air it feels like you'll fall out even with all the restraints! And then being upside down confuses you! Berserker is awesome!

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Wow, of all the times I have been to Canada's Wonderland and ridden Jet Scream, I can't believe i don't have any photos of it. I'm sure I have some in a box at my parents house somewhere...


Anyway, there is some info on Jet Scream here:



Personally, I love Jet Scream. It is really thrilling to me to "hang" upside down with "nothing" (visually) preventing you from falling out.

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I do miss SFMM's Looping Starship, Z-Force, along with its Enterprise, Reactor (but known as just Enterprise before that). These are the kind of things Shane was talking about when he said Magic Mountain has lost its magic. True, a Batman:The Ride clone is a welcome addition to any park, but it shouldn't be at the expense of other rides, if possible.

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Wow, of all the times I have been to Canada's Wonderland and ridden Jet Scream, I can't believe i don't have any photos of it. I'm sure I have some in a box at my parents house somewhere...


Yeah, same here. I don't know if I have any pics of it, and if I do it's probably just in the background of Vortex/Skyrider pics.


I haven't been on the ride in years.


Edit: As I figured, these are the only two pics I have of Jet Scream.


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