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Hersheypark Trip tips?

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Me and my family are driving down to Hershey tomorrow and then going to HP Monday and Tuesday. However, this leaves Sunday evening open. Is there anything to do in Hershey besides HP, like mini-golf, bowling, historic sites, etc.?

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You can go to the chocolate factory right next to HersheyPark. There is always ZooAmerica, but you get in free with a ticket to the Park. Then theres also Hershey Gardens. I'm sure there a lot of other things to do in that wonderful town so pick up a brochure.

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for anyone else, NEVER pass up these rides here,


Storm Runner front Seat. The two seconds cresting that hill makes the extra wait worth it . You can't see to much from the rest of the train, and you can't appreciate the rides beauty as much as you can up front.


Green train of Lightning Racer, back seat, FULL TRAIN (it makes a difference big time)


Front seat Lightning Racer, I like the red train better from the front.


Back seat of Wildcat (if you can take some pain )


Back seat of Comet, full train


SooperDooperLooper (no wait ever, and it's a classic. Nice helix toward the end that I always like.)




Hershey rarely has special lines for the back seat, and you usually never have to wait more then one or two trains for the very back seat, because no one really knows the power that seat harnesses

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You can go to the chocolate factory right next to HersheyPark. There is always ZooAmerica, but you get in free with a ticket to the Park. Then theres also Hershey Gardens. I'm sure there a lot of other things to do in that wonderful town so pick up a brochure.




The website is always a good reference. There's an antique auto museum nearby, but I don't know if they'll be open Sunday evening. There's the Hollywood Casino and Penn National Racetrack, but that's probably more for your parents than you.


You know, I like the sound of Chocolate World, I think that's what I'll do. Thanks you for your suggestions, Jayjay719 and rgb60.

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what is Memorial Day?


From Wiki:


Memorial Day is a United States Federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May (in 2008 on May 26). Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. men and women who perished while in military service to their country. First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War, it was expanded after World War I to include American casualties of any war or military action.


Canada also has a late-May holiday called Victoria Day [nicknamed the "May Two-Four (24)" weekend]. It is observed on the last Monday before, or on, the 24th of May, and celebrates Queen Victoria's birthday, and Canada's sovereignty.

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You can go to the chocolate factory right next to HersheyPark. There is always ZooAmerica, but you get in free with a ticket to the Park. Then theres also Hershey Gardens. I'm sure there a lot of other things to do in that wonderful town so pick up a brochure.




The website is always a good reference. There's an antique auto museum nearby, but I don't know if they'll be open Sunday evening. There's the Hollywood Casino and Penn National Racetrack, but that's probably more for your parents than you.


You know, I like the sound of Chocolate World, I think that's what I'll do. Thanks you for your suggestions, Jayjay719 and rgb60.


No problem. I love Hershey and I try to visit as often as I can. Afterall, it is the sweetest place on earth!

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Generally, what are the best seats on all the coasters? Is it worth the wait for those seats?


Storm Runner- Front row right side. This is best for the launch and the ejector airtime at the crest of the top hat.


Great Bear- Back row left side. The back has some nice floater airtime on the drop and the left side has a wider roll on the zero-g roll.


Lightning Racer- Back or front. I don't prefer one over the other. Both provide awesome rides.


Wildcat- Front row. The views are great and i get more air on the hills. Also, the front provides a smoother ride.


Sooperdooperlooper- Back row. There is some floater airtime on the drop.


Comet- Back row. The floater airtime on all the hills is great.


Trailblazer- Front row.


Sidewinder- First row of the last car. This gives a pretty smooth ride.


Wild Mouse- Doesn't matter.


Roller Soaker- I enjoyed the reverse seat.


Fahrenheit- I have not been on the ride yet. I will later this summer, but I would assume the back row is the best. The back has to have great airtime on that first drop!


I would say Storm Runner, Great Bear, Lightning Racer, Wildcat, and Fahrenheit are all worth the wait.

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^Thank you SO much!


One more thing--- on "LiLDaReDeViL's Guide to the Midways", it says:


SHORTCUT! WHOOO! ****Not sure if it will work with the new boardwalk expansion****

Exit Storm Runner and walk back up the midway, but instead of walking the long, twisted midway that has rides cutting into it that you have to walk around, you will see the rodeo attraction. Walk by the exit of that ride and go AROUND Canyon River Rapids, past a small performer's stage and woah! You're in front of the ROLLERSOAKER. But wait!


Does this shortcut still apply (after the addition of the Boardwalk)???



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DBru, you're so full of questions! LOL.


Find out for yourself whether you like Lightning or Thunder better. You'll be able to ride both sides without much of a wait for either train.


If you want a shortcut from Storm Runner to Roller Soaker, try this. When you exit SR, go straight ahead as if you're going under the lift of Sidewinder (not along the launch for SR). You'll cross the train tracks and come to a T. If you go to the right, that will take you behind the Rapids ride and bring you right out to Roller Soaker.


If you go left at the T, that isn't a bad way either. You'll pass part of the Rapids and come out right in front of Fahrenheit. Make a right onto the main part of the midway and soon you'll come to the entrance of the Boardwalk. Walk through the Boardwalk and soon you'll come to the Soaker.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think you can get in at 930 or 9, i dont know for sure about that. Ask the people there, it's called the "Sweet beginnings"


The only rides you can get on for sure is the ferris wheel and swings. Comet is usually running early, and sometimes if you're lucky you can get on Great Bear. I'd only use the early pass to get up toward the Claw and get in line to run to Fahrenheit. That part of the park is still closed and gated off before then.



I'd use it to get to the gates at 945 (it takes a good 15-20 mins from parking to the gate usually) and just head up the path past Reeses Xtreme Cup and up toward Claw and just wait there until thats open up and then make you're way to Fahrenheit. My experiences this year, that's the only non-water ride that had more then a 15 min wait.


Dont miss Canyon River now since it's going by the end of the month.



I've never done it, so don't trust me. But I know for sure you won't get to ride all the rides or anything. Staff isn't to the rides until 9:55 on everything but Comet Hollow.

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One thing I learned from Hershey is to check the weather before going! I was in line for Fahrenheit a few weeks ago and a freak storm came out of no where!!! We were next to get on the ride and glad we didn't get on because we would have been soaked from the down pour. The storm closed the park down an hour early and we had to come back the next day.



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