Sir Clinksalot Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 ^ Dude, isn't it like 5am where you are??? Long drive this morning??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted June 18, 2005 Author Share Posted June 18, 2005 Maverick! I finally got to see your pics! Some amazingly un-flattering pics of all of us!!! Great stuff! I think I like this one the best: This one is pretty damn funny too: Thanks for hanging out with us! --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scorpion Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 I'm glad you enjoyed the Belgian parks. The TR is so funny. I'ts weird to read that even an American Coasterfan gets so exited about bumpercars (WB) and a totaly wrong dark ride.(Bobbe-yawn-land) Anyway, hope you enjoy the rest of your trip. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
arrow Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 Hi guys, great TR! Good that you enjoyed your day at Bobbejaanland or whatever you wanna call it It's the first time I realize how funny or political incorrect () "El Paso" is, for us it was something normal to shoot those mexicans and indians I look forward to read your TR of Walibi World! Grtz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterke Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 Haha, great TR! This proves that European parks are different from American ones. Bobbejaan is great to relax and have a fun day out. PS: for Elisa, as a Belgian I must say u sound like a jamaican, but it's a nice try Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lilly Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 We did another lap around the park taking in some of the flat rides like the Giant Frisbee (why is it that these rides at Cedar Point and PKI seem to have hour long lines, but all the international ones we’ve seen you walk right on them???) My theory: You can ride the flat rides at any fair and they're usually better (bigger or better operated) than their park equivalents. I remember riding the Topspin and the Frisbee in Movie Park Germany and they were both a lot less exciting than the fair ones. I wished more parks had better flat rides like Cyberspace! :love: Thanks for the great trip report, Bobbejaanland brought back cheerful childhood memories *sigh*. Have a good trip to Denmark and see you soon! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jerbroni Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 Looks like a blast. Thanks for the TR and all the pics. Hope you continue to have a fun & safe trip!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
X Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 Man, you must be having a blast! I wish I could be there, but I'm stuck in Southern California. Hope you're trip gets even better. Kevin"The mexican readers are probably pissed off at El Paso"Bujold Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homey G. Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 PS: for Elisa, as a Belgian I must say u sound like a jamaican, but it's a nice try And she makes fun of the way I TALK! Glad to see someone else that realizes SHE'S the one with the crazy accent. 8) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nicolas -TRZ- Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 I'm back from Walibi World where i'v seen Robb and Elissa That was a great day (and i think they are coming to remember who is Greg in our group ) Again, thanks for this day and have a nice trip Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
multimueller Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 Hi everyone, just got back from Walibi World. Goliath was fantastic as usual. The Vekoma Rides were brutal as usual and the fun was ... priceless! What a great day at Walibi World! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eftelflags Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 Woow! This is so cool! I Come from Holland and I must say, WTF? How do you get an great day in Bobbejaanland? But is shows how different are the parks at Europa! Cool! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hattuchili Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 Great picture, multimueller! It looks like you all have had a great day at Walibi World! --Sören "can´t wait to see Robb´s update" Schomburg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ddaver177 Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 Sounds like you guys are having a great trip. I enjoyed reading all the TR's so far. I just received my DVD's in the mail today and I really enjoy watching them. Hope you guys have some great weather in the upcoming days. Shoot the Mexicans is being built in my basement. I wish it was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zilliboy Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 it was the first time for me to meet you all and i hope to see you some day back in bobbejaanland or walibi world or in the usa. thx to all and special thx to Robb and Elisa ( i'm the one with the dueling dragons t'shirt ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Powerjump Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 Cooool, have you more pictures, of this Beatiful day ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wishmaster Posted June 18, 2005 Share Posted June 18, 2005 I wished more parks had better flat rides like Cyberspace! :love: Boring, isn't it. Sorry, I'm just used to the two Eclipses, Cyberspace's Belgian brothers. They do a few killer moves that Cyberspace doesn't do. EDIT: My mistake, it is as sick as the ones in Belgium. ( ) To bad it didn't do that when I rode it. I had a great day in WW today. Thanks to everyone who was there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nicolas -TRZ- Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 it was the first time for me to meet you all and i hope to see you some day back in bobbejaanland or walibi world or in the usa.thx to all and special thx to Robb and Elisa ( i'm the one with the dueling dragons t'shirt ) i have a dueling dragon T-shirt too you'r in the left on the picture and i'm in the right (with sun glasses for me ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterke Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 Well, since exams are almost finished, Wischmaster and I decided to meet up with you guys in Phantasialand. Any taught on what time you will be arriving there? Watch for black T-shirts and raincoats Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lilly Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 @Wishmaster I think the rides are completly the same, wether you get a thrill ride or something boring always depends on the operator. Next time you ride either one of them you should ask the operator to go for a full looping starting at the top; it's really sick to race through the station head first and then back up. Could do that all day long. I hope they offer day passes next year ^__^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted June 19, 2005 Author Share Posted June 19, 2005 Day Four: Walibi World Hey everyone! I'm going to have to make this Trip Report a little shorter than normal as I'm sitting in the Hirshtals Ferry Port and I'm not sure how long I can get a wi-fi connection for! Here are the highlights from our day at Walibi World: - Meeting up with at least 20 different people! Wow! We had no idea there were this many Europeans that were bored enough to read our site so much!!! It was really awesome meeting up with all of you and thanks for putting up with us and our American behavior! You guys showing us around and helping us out made a great day even better! - Goliath still kicks ass! In fact, I think it's actually better than I remembered it. When we were here in 2002, we remembered it being not so good in the back, but GREAT in the front. This trip is was GREAT in either the front or the back (allthough I think I still prefered the ejector air in the front) - Robin Hood ALSO still good! We really feared the Vekoma woodies wouldn't hold up. But both this and Loup Garou are holding up better than most CCI woodies. - Splash Battle - What a wacky looking ride! Imagine something like Roller Soaker, but not a coaster. Looked like a lot of fun. - First Ever SLC - Dan and Joey got to ride the first ever SLC and we still ask "They made MORE of them after this one?!?!" - Crowds, or lack thereof. We really feared that Saturday at this park would be PACKED. We were expecting hour long lines and Tom even quoted us from the day before "If we can get two rides on Goliath, we'll be happy." I'd like to report that we got something like 7 or 8, and we could have even gotten more! Lines were non-existant for the first two hours of the day, and no more than 15 minutes for the remainder. Overall, we really had a fantastic day at this park. Ok, now onto some photos!!! Joey was happy to see that "Wok", the non-politically correct, stereotypical, highly offensive chinese dragon character had his own coaster here at Walibi World! Dan & Joey pay homage to our first European Coaster Odyssey. Tom, one of the guys from who met up with us was smart! Why? Because he DIDN'T ride the first ever SLC! The park is nice enough to let you know how many trains they are was TWO! Robin Hood, the Vekoma woodie, still holding up better than most CCI woodies. At least 20 people showed up to meet us today! Here's our first group photo. Robb & Joachim have fun in the front seat. (woo-hoo!) Yeah, this ride still kicks a lot of ass! Elissa takes a ride with Tom, Eric, and Rainer! Ahh, the real reason we were here, Goliath! A mid-sized Intamin hyper coaster. The new entrance to Walibi World. Goodbye Six Flags and hello Kangaroos! As you can see...I was impressed with Wok's coaster also! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nicolas -TRZ- Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 Great TR Just 1 think to say The man who's sitting with you in the front seat is actually Joachim Greg is the man who's fall everywhere (you know..the magician ) Edit: Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zilliboy Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 nice TR , i'm happy you liked WW Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted June 19, 2005 Author Share Posted June 19, 2005 Crappy ferry port service died before I could finish the TR! Here's the rest of the photos: Splash Battle! This cool little ride, much like Roller Soaker where EVERYONE around the ride gets wet! In the petting zoo they had strange animals only found in Holland, like this "Poodle Llama!" Here is the human powered "Pull the non-attended raft across the lake using only a rope" ride! This was awesome! Never in American would you see this! Another group phgto! "Non-German Tom" wins the award for longest traveled as he flew from the UK for the meet! Thanks again to everyone who showed up. We finally found McDonalds! Just outside of Hamburg Germany and what does Elissa order? A Hamburger of course! Paying homage to Pulp Fiction, Dan orders a "Royale with Cheese!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hattuchili Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 And again, nice pictures from your trip! Thanks for posting! I am looking forward for the next updates! --Sören Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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