DenDen Posted June 26, 2005 Share Posted June 26, 2005 I wonder if any of the "self serve" rides are cost effective enough for a back yard mini-park. The Naudic Jet would be a star attraction. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadowforce Posted June 26, 2005 Share Posted June 26, 2005 Owww, why did they have to remove those dueling Naudic Jets at Bonbon-Land? Ok, I guess a swinging ship is a fair trade-off, but anyway! Â Oh, this might be late, but sorry for not joining you at BonBon-Land as promised. What can I say? I can't chose when sickness strikes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
djrappa Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 The jumping boat ride is AWESOME!! Damn public liability... Â unlimited budget downunder Still trying to get over that from a few pages ago. Too funny for words!! Â Not quite We only wish. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rob562 Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 First post! (After being a long-time lurker...) Â Looks like the European parks are a ton of fun. I can't imagine what my hyperactive friends would do if they were let loose... My co-workers couldn't believe the "Bodily Functions" park... Â (And am I the only one that thinks Joey looks like he's having the s*** scared out of him on that boat jump? Â -Rob S. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted June 27, 2005 Author Share Posted June 27, 2005 1st post! lol. Anyhow, in day 10 you guys did that Survival Course at Toverland, and you said it would never be allowed in America? Well im here to prove you wrong. About 2 years back when I was still in High School, ROTC used to take a 1 week "Boot Camp" up in Lost Valley, Ca. Its about a 2 hour drive in bum frikken no where outside of Corona. Within the camp there is a course just like that but with a zip-line at the end going down a like 80 foot hill. Of course we had to do it Military style i.e cant use harness for support and push ups. It was really fun. Have a good time out there. Gee, thank you for "proving us wrong" Â Now let me explain what I meant since it wasn't obvious enough. This wouldn't be allowed in America IN A THEME PARK. Â Of course there are things like this in America, just NOT IN A THEME PARK! Â --Robb "Hates having to re-explain myself." Alvey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hattuchili Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 Ok, I just had to merge Soren's Photo DR into this thread! It was just too damn funny for it to be in the random thread especially with Dan & Joey and the German chicks! If you haven't seen it, scroll up and take a look! It's great!!!  --Robb "Thanks for trying to hook the boys up, Soren...too bad they didn't score!" Alvey  Thanks Robb, for merge my post in this thread! It was so much fun at that evening! It was great to see what Dan and Joey would do, or not would do with the girls! Joey was smiling the whole time, everyone can see that at the picture, with him and the chick! She looks a little bit like: "Grrr, I want you for tonight..."! However, all in all a great evening with you guys!  --Sören Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted June 27, 2005 Author Share Posted June 27, 2005 Yes! The photos of Dan, Joey and the girls are hilarious! I especially like this one of Joey being attacked by the cleavage! Â Â If you haven't seen the photos yet, they are a couple of pages back: Â --Robb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watson Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 Nautic Jets are popular attractions in Germany although you can also find them in France or the Netherlands. Try visiting Freizeit-Land Geiselwind in Germany. I believe they have 4 or even 6 of these alongside each other. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zilliboy Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 that boatjump is crazy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Real Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 I just wouldnt be able to classify it as a wooden coaster, it would still be steel to me (Balder that is). I never had any doubts it that it looked like a stellar ride, it just doesnt have enough wooden characteristics for me anyways to be a wooden coaster. But even classified as a steel I could see it being right up there with any great steel coaster you could find because of the insane layout. BEGIN RANT!  Ok Real, with all due respect, because I love your NL work, BUT...... I just have to comment about this. How could you NOT count a wooden coaster as a wooden coaster???   You guys missed my point. Its not the supports, as you know, that makes a wooden ride wooden. Its the planks its built on. Hence why rides such as Gemini are steel coasters, duh.  I started to really examine the Intamin Plug n Play prefabricated track and it doesnt have the 8 layered wood like all other woodies do. Its a trait that has been in almost every single wooden coaster to date.  When I look at this picture, I dont see the 8 layer wood. (in second photo that looks to be a bunch of laminated peices - like plywood just much stronger)  In respect to it actually still being made of wood, it should just be in its own class. Its hard for me to classify it as a true wooden coaster when the very essense of a wooden coaster, the rails on which its built, dont coincide with what makes a wooden coaster a wooden coaster.  Sure, its got more wood than the CCI Steel structure rides, but they still run on the 8 layer rails. Surely someone whos been into coasters as long as you knows that. They have built wooden coasters that way for almost a century (maybe longer)  Also, roughness has nothing to do with it at all. Heck, Thunderhead was and probably still is the most smooth wooden coaster I have ever been on. I never felt so much as a shimmy on the entire ride no matter where I sat. Their engineering is some of the best in the world when it comes to wooden coasters - mostly because they last a long time.   So I wasnt exactly kidding. However, Im not basing it on the feel of the ride but more the make up of the ride. I base it on the construction of the ride - just like you base the powered coaster stuff on the construction - what makes the ride what it is.     Does any of this negate the fact that Balder is probably one of the craziest rides in the world? NO. The very first time I ever saw the pictures on I was amazed at the compact layout and the first video I saw from its media day proved it hauled some serious butt.  I just have a hard time calling it a wooden coaster when the very essense of a wooden coaster, thaose hand laid 8 layer rails, are non-existant.   If you feel the need to continue to rant, go ahead. Obviously I cant stop you but I see no point in going any further. No more can be said than whats already been said. Plus it shouldnt matter what I classify it as, as long as the ride is good. Frankly I dont even get into the analysis anymore like I used too. I just ride it and enjoy it. I only analyze when provoked.   So see Robb, there was more to it than meets the eye. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bgwfreak Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 Wow again. Wow. I can't believe all the self-operated rides!!!  I guess that's how they can afford to run these smaller parks. No having to pay minimum wage to a teen that has a nasty attitude like at certain US parks. lol  Have fun and be safe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thuur Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 When it comes to Mystery Castle, I don`t quite agree. I really like it a lot, but it depends on some facts:1. The ride programm: There are actually three different programms. On busy days they use the fast up-down programm, which isn`t as good as the other two. 2. The "monsters": actually there is more theming to the ride than just the castle and the cue rooms. The actors where in the line later on the day. When we went to Mystery Castle when it opened early in the morning, they weren't there yet...  We had the "Programm drei". "Nür mut schwächt das Böze... seit stark! PSSSHHHHH" (The long one) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watson Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 Perhaps a bit early for the itinerary but a few remarkable features you should take note of when in France.  The braking of the Boomerang at Walibi Rhône-Alpes. No further comment; you'll see what I mean. If you have the time, do visit the Nigloshow at Nigloland. It is a show with animatronics in a theatre. The show is....quite hilarious. French language only. Beware of a brutal twist in the track of Spatiale Expérience at Nigloland in the first half of the ride. The ride is comparable to EuroSAT at EuropaPark but smaller and a bit more "intense". If you choose front seat, you can see a bit of the upcoming track, making it possible to aniticipate some rough twists. I hope you'll find the "Ronde des Rondins" at Astérix. It is a small Tivoli coaster which adults also may ride. It is tucked away pretty good in the park. Just look for "Fôret des druïdes". A credit is a credit, right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reality15 Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 Just a quick question for anyone that might know, who manufactures all of those self-operated rides? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watson Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 Just a quick question for anyone that might know, who manufactures all of those self-operated rides? Heege Freizeittechnik. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoasterFanatic Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 ^ Check back a couple pages in the thread. I posted the link. Â Now to this: Â When I look at this picture, I dont see the 8 layer wood. (in second photo that looks to be a bunch of laminated peices - like plywood just much stronger) Â Looks like wood to me. Would you also put the Jack Rabbit at Kennywood in it's own category? It also deviates from the standard "stacked" layer construction. It has sections (most notably the turns) where the boards are laid sideways. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Real Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 ^ Check back a couple pages in the thread. I posted the link. Now to this:  When I look at this picture, I dont see the 8 layer wood. (in second photo that looks to be a bunch of laminated peices - like plywood just much stronger)  Looks like wood to me. Would you also put the Jack Rabbit at Kennywood in it's own category? It also deviates from the standard "stacked" layer construction. It has sections (most notably the turns) where the boards are laid sideways.  You guys can be amazing sometimes...  I never said it wasnt made of wood. (for the billionth time)  As for Jack Rabbit - the whole track isnt made like that. That sounds like an interesting anomoly. It would be interesting to know why it was designed like that.  Theres going to be exceptions (I already said that as well) however the Intamin Plug n Plays are the only ones to deviate completely from the process. Doesnt make the ride bad. I dont see what the fuss is with not thinking its a wooden coaster in the sense of tradition. Its its own class of wooden coaster, just not traditional. (I also feel that the manufacturing process is closer to that of steel than wood too - same for assembly - but thats another story all together since I still wouldnt call it a steel ride but it shares a lot in common) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wes Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nemesis-storm Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 Robb, A great trip report as always - looking forward to the rest of reports from your trip. Â I'm glad you guys enjoyed Hansa Park & Klotten. Those 2 parks were a huge suprise to me - when I did my German trip last September. Â Did you try the other 'self operated' rides at Klotten ? One comes to mind is the Paraglide ride. Â Paul 'loves Bobbajaanland too' Chapman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
disneygurlz2s Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 Not sure which picture Joey looks more frightened in....the self operated boat of death or the blond boobs of death............... Â Â Shari "Sorry to be entertained at Joey's expense...well, not really" Shoufler Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coaster Palooza Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 ^It looked like Joey was giddy around the Blonde Boobs of Death, but definately scared on that boat. I believe I would have the same look on that boat ride. Â It looks like you guys are having a blast. I am just wondering how many views you think this topic will get. You're more than halfway there and you are nearing 60,000 views. I believe this will get over 120,000 views. Posts might get over 800 at this rate also. Â I know how much you like stats, Robb. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted June 27, 2005 Author Share Posted June 27, 2005 Ok, first of all, let's drop the whole "Is Balder wood or not" debate. It's not really important. Real said it himself that it looks like a crazy ride. He can call it it made out of puddy as far as I'm concerned because it still doesn't hide the fact that it could very well be the best damn coaster in the world!!!!  And speaking of best damn coasters in the world....  Day Twelve: Holiday Park  Yes, I am here to report that Expedition GeForce STILL ranks as #1 steel on my list! It's just the same as it was three years ago. Unbelievable amounts of airtime, no 'Intamin rattle' that some of the other hypers have gotten, and just an all around crazy ride!  I have to be honest, the first ride we took this morning worried me a little bit. It just didn't seem as crazy as it did in 2002, but then I remembered that due to the "Cathedral Expedition" we didn't get to Holiday Park until about 4pm.  And yeah, give it a couple of hours and EGF was back to it's old self!  One of the highlights of today was getting to walk up the lift hill of EGF to get photos. That was pretty crazy because as the train came by and went down the drop the whole structure shook like a 6.0 earthquake! It was pretty awesome! Got some good photos and video from up there and it will make for a GREAT video segment too!  This time around since we had more than two hours to see the park, we got to do everything. The Intamin drop tower (in both elevator mode for photos and normal mode for fun) and this is a REALLY good one! The brakes seem a bit further down on the ride and you really felt like you dropped for a while!  I had no idea that the reversing log flume had some really good effects including FIRE during the turning platform sections, and we finally got to do the dark ride complete with sex and boobs! I love Europe!  Of course most of the day was spent on EGF. We got some really amazing footage thanks to the parks 'helment camera' rig where we got to mount our camera into this crazy helment contraption. Wait until you see the pics!  Overall we got in about 20ish rides on EGF throughout the day and once again it was fun hanging out with all the guys from You'll all have to post pics of you with your screen names/real names because we really bad at remembering everyone's names.  At the moment we are at Europa Park in the Castle Castillo Alcazar. We took a walk around the resort complex and ate at one of the restaurants in the Colosso hotel. It's such an amazing place, near Disney quality.  Ok, so onto some pics!!! Expedition GeForce - Still the #1 coaster in the world! We got some very pretty picture from 200 feet up! Here we are on the lift hill for EGF! Check me out with my sexy Helmet Camera! "Bufffettttt!!!" This could very well be the best first drop on any coaster! Warning! Massive Airtime Ahead! The credit whores in this photo are the stupid people...the ones NOT in the photo are the smart ones! Bjoern and Peis show their true love for Vekoma! Got some nice pics from the Free Fall tower too! I'm still CRAZY German guy! Give me some candy! ...although I can't say the same about the other boat! Luckily our boat didn't get too wet... BEST. DARK RIDE. EVER!!! The hotels here are awesome! Almost on Disney level of quality. We can't wait to visit the park tomorrow! At the restaurant we got deadly meat skewers in wooden boats with real fire! Awesome!!! Here we are at Europa! The hotel Colosso is one of the nicest resort hotels! Here's one for the 'caption contest.' What's up with this? Some of our group from today. The rest of the group was off doing something silly like riding roller coasters or something... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BarryH Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 Robb, I love your updates! Â Those contraptions you use to film onride footage look pretty neat. I got to figure out how to get a helmet like that. I just hold onto my camera for dear life when I do POVs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hattuchili Posted June 27, 2005 Share Posted June 27, 2005 WOW, great pictures Robb. It looks like you had an awesome day! It makes me so sad, seeing the pictures! Because I could not stay there with you guys! ^Damn work on monday!  --Sören Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted June 27, 2005 Author Share Posted June 27, 2005 ^^ Thanks Barry! That contraption was Holiday Park's rig. Really cool stuff. I still think I get slightly better results with my lipstick camera mounted to the train, but the helmet did work really well! Â ^ Thanks Soren, we missed you today! Also, everyone, be sure to check out Soren's photo TR from Heide, it's GREAT! Here is the link: Â --Robb "Going to bed now!" Alvey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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