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1992 Arrow Promotional Video

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Recently, a group of us were cleaning out the office of Northeastern's student chapter of ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) and I came across a video labeled "Arrow Dynamics: The leader in design and manufacture of custom rollercoasters". Naturally, I took it home with me, where I was just able to watch it.


I found that it's from 1992 and profiles 12 Arrow rides. It is geared toward theme parks and tries to promote its products and innovations.


I enjoyed it, so I thought I'd share. It's about 16 minutes long and the quality isn't the greatest because I had to condense it for posting purposes. But I think it's still alright.


(Oh, and sorry it's in WMV... that was the simplest way to ensure file size limit.)


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Arrow promotional video

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Oh that is such a cool find. Thanks for posting, I loved watching all that great footage especially the two trains going through the interlocking loops of the Loch Ness Monster. I wish they would have included the Orient Express.


I loved that Kings Dominion logo too, wish they would bring that one back!

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Did they use to have the KD logo on the front of the Anaconda cars? I also noticed the trains were only 6 cars trains and not 7 like they are today. I heard when it opened it ran 3, 6 car trains, and for some reason they caused problems, so they took 2 cars off and added 1 to each other the other 2 trains, so now you have 2, 7 car trains.

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That was Awesome! Thank you so much for posting!


Yes Anaconda did have 3-6 car trains originally but KD determined it was impossible to run 3 so they made 2-7 car trains.


It never actually ran with 3 but on opening weekend (3-22-91) all 3 trains were there and then they made the switch the following weekend.



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Ok, so I may not be a math major, but I have to wonder about some of the claims in this video......On GASM, they say it has 3-28 passenger trains and an overall capacity of 1900 people per hour. Now, at that rate they would have to run 68 cycles to meet those numbers (1900 pph/28 people per train= 67.8 circuits). Does anyone else find that weird? Especially since each circuit is over 2 minutes long? Just mathematically doesn't add up. Plus, your always talking about maybe 10 second load/unload/dispatch times. Guess it's always fun to brag though.

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Ok, so I may not be a math major, but I have to wonder about some of the claims in this video......On GASM, they say it has 3-28 passenger trains and an overall capacity of 1900 people per hour. Now, at that rate they would have to run 68 cycles to meet those numbers (1900 pph/28 people per train= 67.8 circuits). Does anyone else find that weird? Especially since each circuit is over 2 minutes long? Just mathematically doesn't add up. Plus, your always talking about maybe 10 second load/unload/dispatch times. Guess it's always fun to brag though.


Meh, it's possible. Probably not what happens in reality, though.


Essentially, if they were to dispatch one train every minute (a little less), it works. That leaves a little less than a minute to unload/load, which is plenty under normal conditions. With three trains, the only other constraint is the timing of the blocks. But let's say it takes 40 seconds to get to the top of the lift. If a train were dispatched as soon as the other train clears the lift, the train ahead has <40 seconds to get to the mid-course. Follow that logic with the subsequent set of blocks, I think it's possible. If the circuit takes two minutes, the 40-second intervals work. So, as long as a train leaves between 40 and 53 seconds after the previous train on each cycle, you can reach 1900 per hour and not have the blocks stopping the ride.


Therefore, mechanically/electrically, it could work. The efficiency of the crew is another story.

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Great video. Thanks for posting. It has alot of Pov/video I haven't seen yet. Its also the first time I've seen video of Nesse interlocking at the same time.

^^^^^^^^^^ probably be the only time you see nesse interlocking . They don't usually do that 2 trains in the loops anymore . Why i have no idea but wish they go back to doing it..

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