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2007 Mitch's Wooden Poll Results Are In

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Why is there so much drama in the world of liking roller coasters?


This is why I hate the hardcore enthusiasts. Seriously, if you are creating DRAMA about a roller coaster poll, you need to step back and reevaluate your life. Your favorite coaster being #1 or #212 doesn't matter, because IT'S YOUR FAVORITE COASTER.


Sometimes I think people forget this hobby is supposed to be about having fun.


I think that perhaps people are just insecure and like to have their tastes validated. If the rest of the world agrees with them on something, then they feel better.


I'm sorta the other way around. I prefer to be unique in my opinions, and having Voyage come in at #1 is almost a disappointement. When folks ask what my favorite coaster is, and I say "Voyage", there's no surprise, no need to start a conversation around it...


For a few years, my #1 coaster was MegaZeph. I might've been the only one on the planet who put it at #1, but that was fine by me. I loved that ride and it offered everything I wanted in a wood coaster, all in one package.


It was replaced by Expedition GeForce. You wanna get some nasty looks from some enthusiasts? Tell them that a steelie is your #1 overall coaster. I'm a bigtime wood coaster lover, so nobody was more surprised than me when EGF took the #1 spot, but there it was. I didn't care what others thought.


Now, after riding Voyage this year, it's #1. Apparently, just like lots of others' lists. Darn. The only real controversial thing on my list now is Boardwalk Bullet at #2. There are those (especially amongst those on TPR with lesser intelligence) who would call that "local bias" but again, I don't care what they think. Well, as long as they wait until they ride it before passing judgement!


So: Congrats, Voyage. Better luck next year, El Toro. Looking forward to seeing Bullet break the top 10 after the trackwork is done. Until then, I'm hoping to find another coaster to replace my #1 spot. Not because of some poll... just because it's great to find a coaster that you love that much.

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The only real controversial thing on my list now is Boardwalk Bullet at #2. There are those (especially amongst those on TPR with lesser intelligence) who would call that "local bias" but again, I don't care what they think.


I'm sure you love Boardwalk Bullet, but local bias is real. Haven't you noticed that the most hardcore proponents of Boardwalk Bullet are from Houston? Nearly everyone proclaiming the superiority of Magic Mountain in the SFMM v. SFGAdv thread is from SoCal, and many of them apparently haven't even been to Great Adventure. There are many, many examples of local bias.


I think local bias is merely a matter of exposure. When you go on an out-of-town coaster trip, the exposure that you get to a certain ride is very limited in comparison to what's in your home park. You could get as few as one cycle on which to judge an out-of-town coaster. If you catch the coaster on a bad day or at a bad time, your opinion of it won't be high. Whereas if a local gets a bad cycle on a ride they like, they'd shrug it off as just a bad run.


If Kings Island, my crappy home park, does build a really good B&M in 2009, it will soar in my rankings. It would be refreshing to not have to drive 5 hours just to ride a decent coaster.


As for "lesser intelligence", that's just hubris.

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Personally I don't mind a little local bias, and it most certainly does exist. Does the fact that Mind Bender is a 25 minute drive from me help its position as my #1 steel coaster? Probably. Most folks would say its a solid ride, but few would call it the best.


However, being stubborn or naive because of the location of a ride isn't cool to me

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