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S&S 4-D Coasters

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Is it true S&S sold a 4D coaster to a Japanese park? After S&S acquired the rights to this ride design, I'm surprised an ironed-out version of a 4D coaster hasn't sprung up at any parks.


A year ago I read a rumor that B&M were working on a 4D prototype. Any evidence of that?

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Sorry, its actually Intamin 4-D prototype.


Test plant ball of the Coaster with Luzern The current best seller with Intamin is the Hydraulic Launch Coaster. After Cedar POINT with new hydraulics propulsion technology could advance 2003 into new elevator dimensions, the Six flag group with Kingda Ka fetches itself the elevator record back this year. With an overall height of 139 the course in the Six flag Great Adventure the "competitor" Top Thrill Dragster in the Cedar POINT will over-bid meters by eleven meters. 206 kilometers per hour maximum speed are needed, in order to overcome the perpendicularly up-rising up rail thing. Follow the structure of tower a speed hill with magnetic brakes installed in the departure. The first distribution to Europe can not compete at height and speed, offer however more varied layouts. The building of cannons in the Swedish Liseberg with two inversions lies before the schedule, so that start-up could already take place. At the end of April is the course for the park visitors to be released. Far also the construction work in the English Alton Towers progressed, where Rita offers starting from at the beginning of of April a winding layout. Further plants for Europe are at present in the discussion. The newest development within the range of rail-bound attractions is the ball Coaster. Its rail runs completely in a vertical level, whereby the necessary surface area is very small. The smallest plant model needs only 36 front meters and 10 meters of depth. The single cars consist of four rows for two persons each, who are arranged beside the rail on the left and on the right. At each side are two rows backs at backs. The span of the vehicle amounts to four meters. Schwindererregende of estimates in the pendulum intoxication The cars become synchronous by means of LS one impulses, so-called linear engines, which are used with Katapultcoastern since 1997, in diagonally rising distance segments accelerated and reach after an increased height one lower, which serves as block partitioning and is out-accelerated from that the cars again by LSM. Since the passenger carriers are swivelling stored around a central axle, coincidental schaukelbewegungen arise up to the estimate as a result of accelerations. The car rotation can be affected by magnetic brakes in the distance process additionally. Momentarily Intamin presents three studies different size. They have all together that as conclusion element a kind turned omega is intended. The car falls first into a valley, ascends again, over-drives a crest and falls a further mark, this time back into the station. The largest study with six vehicles and a route distance of 211 meters offers a final head of 20 meters. The maximum speed is with 70 km/h. Depending upon arrangement pitch attitudes are intended of more than 90 degrees. As test track in Luzern a plant with an upward gradient was established, which offers according to driving reports already an extremely unusual and dynamic experience. In the case of the presented studies optical dynamics result, there itself at least three vehicles on the distance up swings also for the spectator.



No one loves me!


Scroll down for pix at Intamin http://coastersandmore.de/rides/eas05/eas1.shtml

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