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Kemah Boardwalk and Bullet Discussion Thread

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kemah boardwalk already flooded. Expecting 15ft of water (meaning 13ft of water for the Bullet). This isn't just flood water, but moving, churning water with possible 20ft waves on top of the surge.


I'll be very surprised if the Bullet escapes major damage. I half expect it to be swept out to sea.

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The news also said that if Galveston Island get the 15 foot surge, most of the island will be under water.

Probably true, seeing as the sea wall isn't more than 10 feet or so tall, but at least they built the entire island to slope down after the major hurricane they were nailed by a century ago.. so it should run off easily (in theory!)


As for Kemah.. I liked the park itself but I'm certainly expecting to see it get really torn up. Hopefully Schlitterbahn isn't hurt too much either

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Tilman Ferrita was just on KHOU. He said that the park should be re-opened on Monday night, he expects most of the restaurants to be re-open then because they are extremely efficient in cleaning up after storm surge.


He said of course the rides will take some time, and he said that they are most worried about the Bullet because of the storm surge. While it was built to withstand winds up to 130mph, this surge pounding on it for hours will take its toll.


They were planning on shutting it down soon for major work, I think it was going to be down for several months, so this will make that a certainty. The coaster trains were already removed, they were already in the process of sending one train back to be worked on.


It will be interesting to see if they try to salvage it or just tear it down and start over.



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^Why would they tear it down. I mean sure, I don't like it. However, they did spend like 8 million on it. That just does not seem logical.


There have been so many issues with the reliability of the coaster, I am just assuming that adding wood on the lower 15 feet that has been submerged in salt water for almost a day, battered by waves, etc, might require them to tear it down and rebuild. They could fix the other problems with it in the process.


I did say tear it down and rebuild, not tear it down and forget about it.



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So are you saying that they should have GG build them another ride, but with a different design. I would say they should get Intamin to get build a ride for them. Have a steep lift and a 80 degree drop and a prefab track.


I'd go for the Bullet design with a properly installed prefab track.



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When I get home, I'm wearing my BB shirt. I think they should rebuild it, but put the lift hill facing the bay. I wonder where the trains are?




I believe one train was going to be shipped off for repair, I don't know if it made it that far. Either way the trains are most likely stored one one of the upper floors in the parking garage out of harms way.



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Parking garage? Where is that?






Parking garage is located south of the aquarium restaurant. Its a huge 5 story (I think) concrete garage. Its clearly visible on the satellite view, the corner of 2nd and Kemah Boardwalk street, the large building.


Kemah Boardwalk on Google Maps Satellite


The new google satellite view also includes the coaster, used to be just an empty parking lot until recently.



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^ There's another boardwalk? I'm confused? Parking garages? Huh?




There is another Aquarium restaurant and complex next to downtown. It is owned by the same person and shares the same style trains, among other things. Again, I have no idea if they actually took them there, I would just assume that would be a optional location. That location is subject to flooding as well since it is right next to Buffalo Bayou, but it isn't expected to flood this time around.



Downtown Aquarium, Kemah Boardwalk Sister site...

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